First Night Together

Saturday, December 26th.

The morning after Christmas was a typical winter morning, although the Azure Star Planet didn't commemorate the holiday, there was one person who commemorated it.

At the house in the middle of the Pedrarruna Forest, two people were sleeping together while cuddling each other.

His arms embraced her slender frame and gave her warmth on that wintry morning. 

It was as if their bodies were meant to cuddle each other.

His silver hair and her purple hair were entangled and their chests moved as if they were in sync.

Suddenly, his eyelids trembled as he woke up, his nostrils were assaulted with the most amazing smell he ever felt.

He felt her small body on his arms giving warmth.

With his eyes still closed, Theo started smiling.

His smile was subconscious as he felt genuine happiness of waking up together with Ayia in his arms.