Brenda or Vivian?

The debate went on with Winston's turn to speak.

But as expected, no matter what he said, he wasn't able to draw the crowd's excitement even after he revealed the somewhat famous band he would bring to the school autumn festival if he won the election. 

When he saw the crowd's lack of excitement, Winston sighed in defeat, he had to admit that his opponents' trump cards were too awesome.

He soon finished his speech and left the stage amidst sparse claps.

It was practically certain that the competition had only Bianca and Vivian's group running for the chance to assume the school student council.

A minute after Winston's speech, it was Bianca's turn to get up to the stage.

Brenda was a pretty girl with brown hair and hazel eyes, but her face always had a serious face that somewhat made people afraid of her.

"Good afternoon, mina-san. I'm Brenda Blackburn, and I'm running for student council president." She said with an even and calm voice.