Close Call

Yukihime High School, Elffire City.

After the debate ended, the Principal announced that the election would start shortly after. So, for the next hour, each one of the hundreds of students of the Yukihime High School voted for the group each one wanted to assume the school student council.

Because of the quantity of students to vote, it took a while for everyone to be able to vote. 

30 minutes after the voting ended, the results of election would be announced. The students were already free to leave after voting, but due to everyone's apprehension to know who would win, the majority of the crowd stayed back to receive the results.

While the school employees quickly counted the votes, the auditorium was steaming with tension.

Who would win?

"I'm so nervous!" Umaru exclaimed, "My heart is beating so fast!"

"Mine as well!" Carolla exclaimed back.