22 "You Underestimate My Power!"

(A/N: You must've seen the new cover image by now. I'm performing an experiment.

Also, doesn't the image remind you of a fictional character? Eating an apple... looks really pretty... the apple is probably poisonous... guess who?)














One year is a long time. So many things can happen in one year.

Think about it.

In one year, babies can learn how to walk. (debatable)

In one year, multiple episodes of different, potentially good anime come out. (debatable)

In one year, this absolute masterpiece, Nobel prize-worthy, cure-all tonic of a fanfic got 100k views. (...shameless. Also, she's becoming self-aware!)

A lot can happen because one year is a long time.

And so is ten months! While an eensy bit shorter, it is still a pretty long time.

Ten months is enough for light to travel 5/6ths of a light year. (I'm not gonna search this up)

Ten months is long enough for one school year and some time on vacation.

Ten months is enough to, uhh...

I ran out of comparisons. Anyway, it's a pretty long time.

Doesn't that sound like a long time?

Do you know what else is a long time? One month!

I thought that it was short, but it really isn't.


Yeah, it isn't short at all. I discovered that it's even longer.

Normal people only use two-thirds of a normal day as they use the remaining eight hours to sleep. They never stay awake for twenty-four hours, mostly.

I don't need sleep and can't sleep inside this stupid barrier, so by doing the math, I technically get an extra ten days of the thirty I already have. (Assuming that a month is thirty days)

I just need to reach XX ranked stats within that time is all...













I'll be fine, right?

[Of course]


If you say so, then I'll be fine.














Sighing, I muttered, "Nine months is such a long time."

Using the logic of having an extra ten days every thirty days, I'd have to wait nine months and ninety days.

As a prisoner in this stupid barrier.

With nothing to do. With nothing but my thoughts.

Oh, and the System as well. Thank The Creator for the System.

Wait no—

You know what, screw that old man! I'll find him and beat the shiiieeet out of him one day. I just gotta get strong enough to hurt him first...

He'll regret this, that old bastard.














The air was turning crispy, paving the way for the colder seasons.

While resting beside a warm fire, the mortal woman talked to her partner.

I strained my ears, a habit from my mortal past.

"Dear, haven't you thought of a name for our child?" She said, gently rubbing her hand on her stomach.

Compared to the months before, it was bigger, bulging enough for the mortal couple to notice the developing life inside.

"Not yet. It's not as easy as I first thought." Her partner rubbed her belly in gentle, circular strokes, unaware of the entity inside.

I sighed.

Many eyes had set their sights on their "child."

They are already in too deep for any hope of salvation. Their mortal life will come to an end.

"Oh! Did you feel that?" she exclaimed. "Our child is so lively, kicking so early in the morning."

A smile adorned the couple's faces, making my pity for them grow.


"How much longer?"

[One more month, my dear host]

"Ugh!!!!" In frustration, I kicked the barrier with the short wind-up I could use. It didn't break, but the fact didn't stop me from venting on it.

[Would the host like to play another game of Pictionary?]

"Good grief. Fine, I'll bite." I replied, then closed my eyes.

In the darkness, I saw the same azure dot every time we played Pictionary.

The dot began to move, tracing an image in the darkness. However, it didn't leave behind a trail, like a pen that ran out of ink.

To the normal person, the dot simply whizzed about in the darkness aimlessly.


"John Cena with long hair, wearing a girl's dress with a large ribbon on his collar."


[Win Streak: 72846]

"Too easy." I sighed, finding the game more or less troublesome than fun.

Don't get me wrong, it was fun at first, but do anything enough times and it'll become tiring, no matter how good you are.

Apart from venting on the stupid barrier. That one's an exception. Doing that always manages to relieve some of my frustrations.

[Would the host like to play another game of Chess?]

"...fine. But only if you lay off parts of my army. Otherwise, it's too easy." Sighing, I soon agreed.


A similarly azure chessboard complete with the pieces replaced the azure dot. However, some chess pieces were missing on one side.

Looks like I'm playing white.

"Pawn to E4," I commanded.

The pawn stopped after moving forward, marking the end of my turn. The System followed suit with a move of its own.

I can already see it, the end of the game.

"Sigh... King to E2."

Well, not really. I'm not THAT good. Or am I?

'One more month... just one more month... and don't forget the ten days.....'














The days were much colder. The gentle breeze that freshened the body during hot days became a source of prickly chills.

Today was exceptionally colder, marked by the blimps of fluffy powder pouring from the clouds overhead. It was the first of the season.

Today, was the day of the first snow.

"PUSH! HARDER! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!" The mortal couple's house was clamorous, brimming with activity.


I watched a man get kicked out of the house, taking the brunt of the cool winter. His teeth immediately chattered, and his body shivered. However, the man didn't try to return inside, instead opting to look through an open window.

"Please be safe... please let the baby be safe..." The man, the mortal's partner undergoing childbirth, prayed while peering in.

I watched as he waited outside. Not only him but I felt the presence of many figures grow restless while watching the scene as well.

The time of 'its' arrival drew near. Today's the day that everything becomes clear.

I planned to merely sit on the side, relaxing on the 36th-grade Reincarnation World Destruction Black Lotus and observe. However, if need be, I will interfere.

It all depends on what happens next.













|SS- —> XX|

Game Mastery Skill |Rank: E| --> Hax Skill |Rank: XX|


This is the only good thing about being stuck for NINE MONTHS AND NINETY DAYS WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO MOVE. At least I can play games and whatnot, courtesy of the System replicating the ones in my memories.

Before I knew it, my Game Mastery skill got pretty high. "Hax," huh.

Games are so easy and boring now, but they were my only source of entertainment.

It's also kind of entertaining when something is really easy to do, so it's not all bad.

But I wouldn't have been able to play games without the System.

"Oh, what would I do without you? My precious..."

[The System is flattered]

"But now, onto the next good thing." I smiled, watching the countdown go, well, down.

[Estimated Gestational Period]: 47 seconds.

Today's the day I get out of this place!

Freeeeedom! And finally, deal with that stupid quest! Somehow!

"Good grief, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it." I tried to massage my head, but this stupid barrier squeezing me didn't even let me do that.




"But this barrier will be gone soon, so who cares!" I cheered.




"I certainly do not!"




Ol' Creator, I'm coming for your ass.



No homo.














"She's a beautiful girl, and a quiet one too. She didn't cry at all! You've done well, Mira. Has Marcus thought of a name for a baby girl yet?"

"...he hasn't, even for a boy. He found it too difficult. He said that there were so many names in the world... and that they were all beautiful."

"Eh? Well, we can't have that. She just needs one."


"If Marcus can't decide, then surely, you can."


"...you don't need to push yourself by thinking about that right now. Just rest."



"It means..." Mira, The mortal woman, gave a fleeting glance out the window, and a world of white entered her eyes.

"...Snow." Fatigued, Mira drifted to sleep.






The door to the humble abode violently burst open, surprising the people inside.

"What in the world...!"

An old man with a beard that reached down to his chest sauntered in. "That accursed child... give her to me." He demanded, pointing to the sleeping newborn.

The midwife present instinctively wanted to curse the old stranger out but halted.

She took in the old man's exquisite robes; her eyes gravitated to the lavish trinkets on his person. A token hung from his waist, one that made the midwife's eyes shrink.

"Give her to me, or forfeit your life for nothing." He asserted.

The midwife started to sweat. She recognized this person.

He was one of the famed elders of the Concealed Sect, the most powerful sect under the heavens. As for which elder, she didn't know, nor did it matter.

Cultivators were beyond mortals like herself, capable of godly deeds like splitting the heavens and scorching the earth. An elder of such an organization had come bursting through the door!

Intense pressure descended upon her chest, making it hard to breathe. The house groaned as the walls creaked, with the smaller types of furniture directly splintering into pieces.

The midwife looked at the sleeping Mira, the baby's mother, and felt helpless.

Unwillingly, she gritted her teeth and approached the elder with little Eira in her arms.

"You made the right choice." The elder took Eira off her trembling hands, gazing coldly upon the sleeping child. The house creaked its last as gloomy silence remained.

"Now that I'm closer, your potential really is mysterious, just like they said..." He turned his back and left through the broken doorway, stepping over the body of an unconscious man on the way.

The snow fell on his shoulders and onto the sleeping baby as well. The cold didn't bother him, but he made no effort to protect the child.

He handled her like baggage.

"Why did the Grandmaster want me to grab this baby when he can do it himself? Alas, it must be because of a deeper reason, one that I am oblivious to." he quietly muttered.

Then, as if remembering something important, he stopped his lackadaisical steps and looked back.

"Oh, right. Sever the karma."

His eyes gained a fierce and destructive light. They glanced upon the humble home of the mortal couple, and in the next moment, it burst into demonic, crimson flames that swallowed it whole.

"You belong to us now, little Eira."

He paused before shaking his head. "No, you can no longer keep that name."


Just then, the sleeping baby woke up, seeing the world for the first time.

As the world's curious and cautious gazes stared into her eyes, her eyes stared back.

The world underwent a change. The longer the world stared into those rich, honey-golden eyes, the more it became apparent.

The anomaly named Eira, an innocent newborn who knew nothing, terrified them to the very core.

From the lowest of insects to the god-like figures who had been watching from their domains, they found themselves frozen in place, caught in her gaze.

Inexplicable, yet undeniable.

And with those unquestionable feelings, the world and those beyond it reached a consensus.

The girl has to die.













'Man, why am I so weak?'

I tried to move my limbs, and they did, but it felt as if I was lifting a planet or two. I tried to lift my eyelids but they were welded shut.

'This isn't normal.'

I tried to move again, but it remained the same. No, it was easier to move this time.



|Rank: G --> F|

*...babble* (What?)

'My strength is at F?'


[The Status Screen has been updated]

'System! Show me my status!'

I have a really bad feeling about this...


[Elias Williams] |

[Age]: 0

[Level]: <4> |

[Race]: |Human| --> |*^&*!/^@#! (Infancy)|

[Titles]: Otaku, Otherworldly Traveller --> (NEW!) Omniversal Traveller, The Mistress Of Space And Time, (NEW!) Truckinator, (NEW!) Luck Be A Lady







SS- --> XX


SS --> XVI



Protogenoi-K |Rank: XX|

Hax |Rank: XX|

(NEW!) Magicule Breeder Reactor |Rank: XVII| --> √Root |Rank: XX|


'No way.'

So many things were missing from my status screen.

My P.S.I. was gone. My Voice Mastery was gone. A lot of things were gone.

'Damn old man!!!' I cursed The Creator, the only possible culprit.

A lot of things were gone! My physical stats were so low ranked that I basically had the strength of a baby!

And what happened to my race? Why's it all weird and unreadable?!

"Eira" and my age too, though I don't mind it that much, but still...

Sigh, at least my other stats stayed the same. My Magicule Breeder Reactor even got maxed out somehow. But in this state, I can die from a gun or a simple smack from an adult.

My is pretty high now too. If I had P.S.I. still, it would've been more powerful despite the lower skill rank.

'I have to grind it up from the beginning...'

'Whatever. I just need to do my best from today onwards!' I thought, trying to cheer myself up by thinking up ways to screw the Ol' Creator over.

With my newfound strength, I finally managed to open my eyes.

*Babble* (Uhh... who are you?)

I asked the old man with a lengthy beard, but instead of words, only weird noises came out of my mouth.

He looked at me and only looked at me as if he saw something scary. But I'm not scary looking, so it can't possibly be me. My high Charm stat says so.

'Hmm, maybe he's been mesmerized by my beauty? '

'When people saw my face with a limited Charm stat, their minds would short-circuit. Now that it's released at full power...'

'Don't die of a heart attack, old man!' I anxiously hoped.

*Babble* (Old man, you alright?! Stop looking at me!)

It was doubtful whether or not the old man could understand my words, but he finally reacted and dropped me.

'Dropped me?'

I fell to the ground.



|Rank: G --> E|


'That actually hurt!' Pain visited my backside, a feeling that felt so alien.

I hatefully glared at the old man who was much bigger than I thought.


No, that wasn't right.

I was the small one.

'What the hell happened to me?'

I tried to stand but only managed to flail my arms around. My small, fragile, and plump arms.

'I'm fat?'

I looked at my sausage fingers.

'No, I'm a baby! No wonder my age was at 0!' I screamed internally.



|Rank: F --> E|

|Rank: G --> D|


Despite being a baby, I was able to turn to my side. With a bit of effort, I stood tall with my undeveloped legs. As tall as a baby was anyway.

I took in my new surroundings.

It was snowing. Not like a snowstorm, but more like a gentle drizzle. The snow embraced the flatland, turning it into a glistening, white field.

It was a lovely sight to behold, made better by the cold feeling that makes you drowsy.

And it was ruined by a nearby house on fire.

[Watch out!]

A notification flashed, and I felt TheRefuge automatically activate around me.

The crimson flames ravaging the house jumped into the air before descending just as quickly.

A stream of fire shaped like an army of devilish birds crashed against TheRefuge with harsh and crackling thuds.



[Vermillion Fire Swarm |Rank: SS| Skill Successfully Obtained]


Unable to reach me, I watched the fiery birds soar and burn the sky into a blazing crimson hue.

"### ### #######!"

The elder barked in an unknown language. The flames collected to form a gigantic, mythical bird of prey.

*Babble!* (Damn, that's bigger than the Murder Dragoram Snake!)

It released a piercing screech that turned my sensitive ears deaf.

Each flap of its burning wings obscured the cloudy, still-snowing sky and charred the snowy landscape black.

"#### ## #### ###!" The old man roared.

'Shut up, man. I can't even understand you.'

'Why are you even attacking me, I didn't do anything!'

With another ear-splitting screech, the fiery bird dive-bombed straight for me.

*Babble* (Go away.)

I met its burning eyes and prepared to Annihilate it.

Then it stopped.

It turned in the opposite direction and flapped away at a higher speed than before.



[Judgement Phoenix Fall |Rank: SSS| Skill Successfully Obtained]


*...* (...)

Is it just me, or has this happened before.

'Uhh... anyway.'

The elder with his long beard stood there gawking at his fleeing firebird.

*Babble* (You'll do.)

I Annihilated him instead of the bird. He started this after all.


*Phew* (That was... kind of... tiring.)

My baby legs gave way. The warmth of the ashen ground reached me. It wasn't comfy in the slightest, but it felt better than standing at the moment.

I breathed in and out, feeling a foreign heaviness in my chest.

I'm tired.

Somehow, I'm tired.

I don't even remember getting tired after Truck-Sama hit me.

Stupid baby body. That must be it.

[Watch out!]

Another warning notification flickered into view, followed by TheRefuge activating once more.

This time, I felt it, my energy slowly being drained while making use of my skills.

Usually, I had a lot that I wouldn't even notice the decrease, but right now...

'I'm just a poor little baby. It's already a miracle that I could even use my skills as a baby.' I thought incredulously.

With the reappearance of TheRefuge, all my baby eyes could catch was a flash of silver.

*...babble* (...Damn.)

A straight and silver trail marked the end of the world.

The world split apart, and in the ruined remains of the world split into two, a young man in extravagant robes wielding a sheathed sword appeared.

'One guy after another...'

"Primordial Fiendcelestial... you must be the Primordial Fiendcelestial... who else but the Primordial Fiendcelestial can stir such madness in the Chaos." the young man appraised, and somehow, I understood it. His words, I mean, not the whole Primordial Fiendcelestial thing.

The extravagant young man wasn't speaking English or Japanese, but strangely, I understood his words.

Somehow I can still understand Japanese despite the Language Mastery Skill's disappearance.

The extravagant young man continued.

"You... do not deserve such potential. In fact, no one else but I, the only one that dares to grasp it, unlike you cowards hiding in the dark, am the only one worthy!

"I'll make good use of it."

He pointed two fingers and slashed, sending a boundless wave of silver energy from the tips.



[Unstoppable Supreme Flying Finger |Rank: XI| Skill Successfully Obtained]


It didn't leave a scratch against TheRefuge, fortunately enough. Can't say the same about the two halves of the world though.

"So powerful! That barrier is incredibly durable. I must go serious."

*Babble* (Uhh, please don't.)

The man used me as a punching bag, sending innumerable finger slashes within the blink of an eye.



Unstoppable Supreme Flying Finger Skill |Rank: XI --> XIII|


I saw him frown when I appeared unfazed amidst the attacks, finally drawing his sword.



[Unstoppable Supreme Flying Swordsmanship |Rank: XII| Skill Successfully Obtained] (A/N: Yeah, I'm not xianxia enough to make up another ridiculous name.)


He failed to break through TheRefuge, of course, much to his dissatisfaction.

'Hoh, is that a vein about to burst?' I mentally made fun of him.

*Coo* (This guy has pretty strong skills. I want to use them on The Creator...)

I drooled at the thought of using such flashy moves.

'But damn. I'm getting sleepy from using my skills... hungry too... I haven't eaten coffee jelly in nine months...' I yawned.

"You... this insolence!" Fuming, the young man berated.

With a burst of speed, his figure disappeared, replaced by sharp, silver energy running amok outside the barrier.



Unstoppable Supreme Flying Swordsmanship Skill |Rank: XII--> XIV|


Each sword strike, I think, because it may have been a thousand strokes left behind deep gashes in the surrounding space.

I could feel the destruction through my Space and Time authority, TheFabric, and felt regretful that I couldn't fix them.

Because they felt hurtful. Not physically, but sensing the orderly space come undone brought about the kinds of feelings a person would feel when visiting a deforested area on Earth.

"This isn't possible! Even the Primordial Fiendcelestial needs time to develop! Born to a mortal couple yet capable of this!


The man's body grew to an unnatural degree—towering over the world he split, still growing, until he became as big as the sun.

His presence alone made me feel claustrophobic.

*Babble* (Hehe... sleepy people see weird things. There's no way he's that big.)

"Die!" I heard a deep bellow that rattled the void from the giant before me.

My eyes were drooping. I couldn't see or react to the attack at all. But it did nothing.

'I'm still alive. Sleepy, but alive.'

'I'm hungry too. So, so hungry.'

'Since I'm a baby, do I need to be spoonfed by adults?'

'I'd rather not, thank you very much.'

My surroundings became dark all of a sudden. I couldn't see anything until my eyes adjusted, revealing a person's palm...?

I was caught inside the giant's hand.

My enemy had seized me in his grasp.

"I don't believe that a newborn can keep using such mystical powers." he squeezed with tremendous force to crush TheRefuge. His attempt was unsuccessful, but I was still in his grasp.

I didn't see a way to escape from this predicament. I was trapped, and any attempts to flee with my baby energy reserves were not viable.

The sleepiness only got worse, and so did the hunger.

The hunger got to the point where I even thought of the giant as a massive piece of meat.

I'm not eating that. He is human.


Is he though?

Humans can't get that big.

Hmm. Maybe I can eat it.

But he's raw. Ew.


*Babble!* (What else can I do?)

I looked through my status screen. It was pitiful how only five skills remained, four of which were completely useless.

'...or were they?' An idea popped into my head. It wasn't a good idea, but I couldn't think of anything else.

'System. Stop absorbing my Magicules.'

There was that feeling of fullness inside my body, more pronounced than when I last released it. I didn't feel less sleepy or less hungry, but simply... complete.

I released my Magicules into the air. The method to control them...

I couldn't recall it. Releasing the Magicules was the least I could do.



[Magicule Manipulation |Rank: G| Skill Successfully Obtained]


'Maybe not.' I blurted in my head. 'Damn, I'm incredible.'

They rushed out of my pores and seeped into the giant's clenched fist. The results were immediate as the gigantic hand promptly released me.



Magicule Manipulation |Rank: G --> B|


The giant held both of his hands to his throat, choking as he struggled to breathe.

The magicules invaded his systems and tainted them a familiar azure. From his heart to his veins, and another beating heart somehow. Must be something related to this new Omniverse.

...that means he's not human, right? I can eat him—


Bad thinking!

I manipulated the Magicules to forage for a meal, not a human-looking one, but more like cattle, if they even had cattle in this Omniverse in the first place.

A patch of fur appeared in front of me, brought by the Magicules. Before I could question what it was for, the Magicules moved independently.



Magicule Manipulation |Rank: B --> SS|


The piece of fur became two pieces, three pieces, four thousand pieces; then there was meat all of a sudden, and voila.

A cow. A living, breathing—


—mooing cow.

I just watched the Magicules reverse time on a piece of fur, and a cow appeared.

'I should've known they could do that from all the weird skills in the anime, but wow.' I looked at the cow in amazement.

I didn't need to do anything but watch, after all. I just told the Magicules what to do.

Just then, an innumerable number of attacks clashed against TheRefuge.

The giant was still choking, so it wasn't him. Instead, a sea of giants, either humanoid, Cthulhu-looking, or in-between, surrounded me in the vast void of outer space.

And they were attacking for no reason, just like the people before them.



[Ancestral Strike Of The Eastern Death Dreamer |Rank: XII| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[Supreme Silent Dark Sun |Rank: XII| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[1080 Ghastly Palms Of Profane Madness |Rank: XIII| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[Ever-Changing Demonic Sage Cyclone |Rank: XIII| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[Extreme Dharmic... Skill Successfully Obtained]

[...Successfully Obtained x613,246,821,685,041]


My eyes widened at the sheer madness outside TheRefuge.

'What is wrong with this Omniverse?! Attacking a baby out of nowhere?! How are so many people capable of doing op shit anyway?!'

'Thanks for the skills though.'

I glared at them, and the attacks paused, only for them to resume with greater ferocity.



[...Successfully Obtained x35,642,516,541]


*Babble* (Screw all of you!)

I focused on the cow—eating is the priority at the moment.

It might have just been me or because it's a different Omniverse, but it looked bigger than a normal one.

I gave it a quick death by Magicules, and with my lacking cooking skills, simply tore off a leg and covered it in magical flames.

It instantly burned into ashes.




[Cooking |Rank: F| Skill Successfully Obtained]


'To think that I've gotten this skill only now... wait, wasn't the quest reward the Cooking Skill? That's so crap.'

I tore off another leg and cooked it, and this time, I was more successful.

Once it looked cooked enough, I chomped on it with my baby teeth.



Cooking |Rank: F--> D|

Magicule Manipulation |Rank: SS --> SSS|


*...babble?!* (Why is it so hard?!)

But I did manage to swallow a tiny piece.


That was enough, apparently.

Warmth spread throughout my body. Strength filled my bones and my non-existent muscles.

A sharp ding accompanied a distinct virtual screen.



|Rank: E --> B|

|Rank: D --> C|

|Rank: E --> B|

|Rank: G --> C|


*Babble?* (The heck?)

My hunger instantly disappeared. The drowsiness weakened enough to be ignored. My energy was still continually being sapped, but my reserves were much bigger, big enough to last me a few good hours.

But most surprisingly...

I can get stronger by eating.

How cliche. I'm becoming more like Rimuru.

'Let me guess... is it TheSoul? From Protogenoi-K?' Only one thing came to mind when it came to consumption. I have never used the skill, but it's not like I know anything about P.S.I. letting me do that or any of my other skills.

Protogenoi-K was based off of Azathoth after all.

[Affirmative] The System confirmed it.

*Babble* (Eating makes me stronger... then let's eat.)

I stared at the corpse of the cattle. I wanted to eat the rest of it, unwilling to waste food and curious about the benefits of doing so.

Before the Magicules could grill it, an illusory aura consumed it without warning. I instinctively recognized it.


The cow was gone, and I felt energy course through my body.



[Moo |Rank: E| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[Tough Hide |Rank: B| Skill Successfully Obtained]

[Charge |Rank: B Skill Successfully Obtained]


'...did the skills come from the cow?'


'That's not a normal cow at all.' Bro, that cow has an attack skill and at such a high rank for a cow. Even the cows in this place are dangerous.

But deep down inside, I was happy.

'TheSoul... I can milk you.' There was finally some hope that I could complete The Creator's stupid quest, despite the less than a month deadline.

I just need to eat and eat and eat—way better than training.

I set my sights on my new meal: The choking giant. This time, my previous inhibitions were gone.

*Blows raspberries* (What kind of dick targets a newborn anyway? You deserve to be eaten!)

With the help of my neverending Magicules, I dragged the giant into TheRefuge, restraining his resisting body with incorporeal, Magicule chains.



Magicule Manipulation |Rank: SSS --> X|


I had to drag him into TheRefuge, and with his big body, the energy consumption increased to a ridiculous level.

The guy was fucking massive!

Before I passed out from the ridiculous energy consumption, the illusory aura consumed a piece of the struggling giant.

Just about as small as my chubby finger was all I could manage.

That was enough.


[Quest Time Remaining]: 13 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes, 31 seconds.



















[Are you even mad?]

"Of course I am. Imagine trucking someone with the highest-ranked Authorities you can carry, but all they wish for is a little island only they can enter that has a house, inside it has a computer with the best specs, the fastest wifi speed, an AI that listens to them and robots that the AI can control for cleaning, cooking, whatever they need, a self-automated farm that grows their food, and finally, a pet cat.

"Isn't that a fat waste?!"

[That felt way too specific to be made up.]

"Because it wasn't." The Creator shoved another mouthful of rice into his face. "That's why I had to intervene."

In the nine months that Elias Williams/Snow White/Eira spent integrating with the new Omniverse she was sent to, The Creator had consistently visited the Yukihira restaurant and emptied their freezers.

Today was no exception.

[I cannot understand you at all.]

"That isn't your job, 'Truck-Sama.'"

Hearing his reply, Truck-Sama complained in their mechanical, yet crystal clear voice.

[Then let me do what I was made for. I need to truck people! Nearly a year has passed without my trucking!]

"Just chillax, alright? I'm still in a celebratory mood. Don't ruin it." The Creator waved his creation off.


Truck-Sama went silent for a while, allowing The Creator to relish in his meal.

[You are cruel.]

"Am I really? Well, I made the concept of cruelty, so I know for a fact that I very much am not."

[You are cruel.] Truck-Sama repeated.

"Okay, maybe I am. But still, elaborate."

[You are cruel for denying me my purpose...]

"Sure, sure."

[...and you are cruel to that person from a few months ago.] Truck-Sama recalled one of The Creator's chosen.

"Bullshit. That guy is the luckiest little shit I've ever created." The Creator retorted, recalling the face—well, the mask covering his—her face. It irked him, even after nine months, that no one could fully appreciate her beauty—his masterpiece!

[He might be dead by now.]

"You underestimate her." The Creator said. He turned his head to look to particularly nowhere, but his gaze was fixated on a small baby an immeasurable distance away.

No, The Creator knew exactly how far away she was.

He sees all.

He knows all.

Because he created everything.

Even the limiters he placed on himself.

But it's what made his creations so dear; The important ones, anyway, like Truck-Sama and the trucked. Not everything in existence felt particularly sentimental to The Creator.

In conclusion, fuck Boku no Pico—

(A/N: Hey, third-person narrator, just do your job. Don't make it personal.)

Fine, mom.


The Creator spoke slowly, careful not to spit the food in his mouth.

"That kid, Elias Williams, or Snow White, or Eira, or whatever her name will be in the future, is extremely lucky," he said. "Half of five wishes and another five—complete, I must say—more. That kid is a monster, all thanks to me. So I'm not cruel to her. Him. Whatever."

He smirked, "I'm cruel only to you."

Suddenly, a truck fell through the roof of the Yukihira restaurant and crushed The Creator.

The world of food and wars crystallized into a red shard that flew further and further away.

The Creator cackled, expecting such a reaction.

"This is exactly why! But it's alright! I made you this way! KUAHAHAHAHAA!!!"

[Damned old geezer. I'll remember this.]

The Creator whizzed through the chaotic kaleidoscope full of glimmering shards, dragging with him his rebellious creation.


Meanwhile, the young Yukihira Soma peeked from the countertop he hid behind, a little more than dumbfounded.

The tables and chairs have turned to unusable scraps, turned into smithereens by what he thought was a truck.

He gawked at the crater right in the middle where the truck fell to. However, when he looked up, the roof was still intact, as if the truck simply materialized out of thin air inside the restaurant before disappearing just as quickly.

"What in the..." Yukihira Soma, totally perplexed, didn't know what he'd say to his dad.


(A/N: Just one chapter since this has a pretty high word count. I didn't really find a good point to slice it into two. My bad habits are returning...)