The Final Test...

The truth is, Yang was not a fan of video game and only played a few with her little sister Tala; yet how come on his first try of the game, he already cleared one level.

When the scientist supervisor saw this, there's no reason to be impress because it's an easy level.

Went to see the time to record and when he look back, the man was already in level three.

Yang was killing the game despite the changes in every level. Level five is a mind game and was easily completed by him.

The man is still expecting the next level to appear but saw the word "Congratulation" on the screen.

Without any celebration, stood up and directly ask the supervisor the next instruction.

Awaken by the words, suddenly remembered something and quickly went to look at the timer in his hand, saw that there's still seven minutes.

Calculating the time he's on a daze, estimated that the testee has completed all the levels in just twelve minutes.

It took a few moment to recover before putting his remarks on Yang's form.

Handed the papers saying;

*Go to the second floor and give your form to table one.

Yang took the paper, didn't forget to say thank you and head to the second floor.

When he came to the second floor, really saw a table marked with the number one which is vacant while the other ten tables have many people in queue.

On table one, a man in white coat was dozing off when Yang went to approach.

*Excuse me, i'm here to pass my papers.

Immediately awaken by the words and quickly reach out to take the forms.

When he saw the remarks, he can't help to;

*What,,, twelve minutes!? Are falking kidding me?

Attracted the attention of his fellow scientist and a few came to check.

One of them is an aloof woman who directly said;

*Come with me to try the number one Tester Machine and see if you really completed all the levels in just twelve minutes.

A woman who's even colder than a sister he knew named Anna, Yang didn't dare to rebut and followed her obediently.

Although the person is aloof and cold, still has the professsionalism to help the man put on the equipments while;

*To give you an idea, this helmet-like thing on your head is a device created to safely connects to your brain and become a medium to transmit what your mind is thinking. The character you're seeing on the big screen is you and will act to what your brain want do. The main point of this test is to see if you're compatible or should I say you have the brain to control the what so called Neuro Skeletal Enhancement Battle Armor which is an advance technology that can make you many times capable in battle. Just think the action in your mind and your character will be the one to act. The rule in this game is to kill anything that moves on the screen without dying. And to make it more challenging, I will let you know that only a few was able to try this device and no one succeeded. The best one only were able to survive more than twenty minutes because of running the whole time. Alright, be ready and we will start after five minutes.

Being to close to a woman when she put on those equiments, Yang is like a Satyr who gets horny anywhere for him to pop a boner again.

This woman scientist noticed it and unexpectedly, went to flick it with her middle finger.

*Take that as your light punishment for me to take it as a compliment. Remember, clear your mind from other thoughts or you will fail this test.

Still kind to remind before giving the man a space to prepare his mind,,, and body.

Embarrassed,,, but still managed to say thank you.

Right now, Yang is in front of a big curved monitor while wearing something on his head that is really like a half face helmet, which they called the "Helm-Brain".

After calming his other head below, went to take a deep breath and let it out together with all the negative energy in his body.

Sure enough, you can see the character on the screen did the same.

While there's still time before the test begin, the man decided to make an experiment.

First, the mind thought of a punch and his character made a quick punch.

This time, made a punch himself and unexpectedly, the character's punch became faster.

Getting a conclusion, the man did some cool moves and so as his character.

This scene, these scientists were dumbfounded because with those big brain of theirs, no one thought that the Helm-Brain can perform better like this.

The cold and aloof female scientist was the first to recover and directly;

*Stop showing off and be prepared. This is like a game where you can pick up weapons in certain areas. The map size has a two miles diameter with different terrain so you can use it as your advantage or become a disadvantage. The test will last for an hour and different kinds of enemies keeps appearing every ten minutes. If you can't kill the first wave before the next wave appears, you will surely be outnumbered. To give you an idea how hard this test is, among the people who tried it, the best one only managed to. survive for twenty two minutes, failed miserably when the third wave appeared. Seeing that you're different so let me give you a reward to motivate you. If you managed to win the game, I will be your woman; but don't expect to much because it's like getting through hell just to reach heaven where I will be waiting. As a consolation: if you can at least survive for fifty minutes, you will have the honor to be my seed donor and I will make sure to bear a healthy baby.

Yang waited for this talented woman to finish before rejecting the proposal politely, when suddenly saw a ten seconds countdown on the screen and have no choice but to let it go,,, went to focus on the screen...