Fantasy In Reality...

While the countdown is still counting, Yang was already scouting the surroundings.

To his left not far away, saw a wooden big box.

To his right, more than one hundred meters away is a dirt bike.

There are other things around but as soon as the countdown ended, didn't hesitate to go for the bike.

The man went on a sprint without moving but his character was fast to reach the bike.

There's another one minute countdown before the first wave comes out.

Riding the bike, Yang went to check every box to choose the best weapon, because he can only hold one weapon; not like those PvP games that can store more than one weapon.

But soon, noticed a hill not far away and thought of an idea.

For the remaining forty seconds, went to gather all the weapons nearby on top of the hill, made it possible because of the dirt bike couple with his driving skills.

The man is like a fool in person but looks cool on the screen.

On top of the hill, Yang is standing, waiting for the countdown to end with a classic automatic AK-47 in his hands while ten other weapons are on stand by.

As soon the countdown hit zero, a sound of roars not far away sounded and immediately followed by the sound of the ground being stamp by thousands of heavy feet.

In a distance of more than one kilometer, saw a tide of different kinds of monsters, like a typical survival game.

Knowing the enemy, the man quickly switched his weapon into a mortar.

Quickly adjusted the angle and went to fire continuously.

Just one explosion instantly killed fifty monsters.

When all thirty shells were fired, a notification appeared on the screen indicating that the first wave has been cleared.

There's still four minutes left before the next wave appear so the man took advantage of this and went to gather more weapons, managed to get two more.

As soon as the time passed ten minutes, the second wave immediately appeared at the opposite direction which is a horde of walking zombies, not even a mutated one is among them.

Seeing this, Yang can't help to look at the aloof and cold female scientist saying;

*Really,,, walking zombies? Did your son gave you the idea?

Upon hearing the words, coupled with the fact that the man has no urgency at all;

*Basturd,,, don't understimate your enemy because the number is their strength! And if you want for me to have a son, then better complete the test first.

Hearing the words, went to shake his head before going back in the game.

Holding a minigun with both hands, went to point the muzzle to the direction of the zombies and pull the trigger.

The six-barrel rotary machine gun suddenly roars, spitting more than six bullets per second.

In just one minute, already killed five thousand zombies without getting close.

In just two minutes, ten thousand zombies were killed.

For the remaining eight minutes, Yang went to collect weapons again after giving the aloof and cold female scientist a wink.

This time, the man got three additional weapons and have more choices to use against what comes next.

*Hey Smug, better admit defeat because you won't survive this one. Seeing that there's still a few seconds, went to look at the aloof and cold female scientist to reply saying;

*Thank you for the encouragement. I will do my best.

As soon as he's finished talking, the third wave appeared.

Although the number is not high, the speed is fast and coming from different directions.

With these enemies, Yang choose a sniper rifle and directly made his first shot as soon as he aimed.

Despite being a moving target in a fast speed, was hit in the head and died on the spot.

The man can only take down ten mutated lion-like beasts and need to switch to an automatic rifle which is an AK-47 because they were already one hundred meters away.

Seeing the target on sight, five remaining beasts suddenly became agile and rushed wildly towards Yang; but the AK-47 is too fierce to put holes on their bodies before reaching the prey.

The remaining five minutes, didn't go and collect weapons instead, went to scout the whole map using a binocular.

*What are you doing Smug,,, looking for your lost confidence?

In the past, Yang won't usually talk back and waste time but with the changing personality, went too far to say;

*No, i'm looking for the place where your breasts are hiding,,, because they are not on your chest.

As soon as the words sounded, this aloof and cold female scientist can't help to look at her chest and immediately undertood what the Smug basturd meant. She was angry and want to hit someone but a fellow female scientist was quick to stop her.

She was stopped and want to scold when;

*But I prefer the medium ones like yours with big brain so don't be angry.

Treating the words as a complinent, the mood become better and doesn't want to become violent anymore.

What's more, the fourth wave is about to appear so she just;

*Either win the game and become the father of my children or lose and be killed by me.

Yang heard the words but ignored it because he saw four giants with heights similar to a ten story building running towards him.

With an RPG in his hand that is loaded with an anti-tank warhead, went to fire a shot to see if it can inflict damage but to his surprise, only cause a small wound.

This fact already shows how tough these giants are.

Now that the powerful weapon he has can't harm th enemies, the man was in a hurry to think; was really in a hurry when he saw four giants who are only one hundred meters away from him...