Before The Misery...

Science and Technology Building...

When Yang arrived at the place, coincidentally met Felifina who also going in the building.

*Well, Ning-ning finally let you out. It's good you're here for you to take the serum perfected specially for you. It's similar to the first serum you took but these are mainly to enhance your physical strength. Your body was modified multiple times and regenerate so it can ignore the side effects. I know you're here for the new suit that continuously improved by sister Yannie and won't take much of your time because I just need to inject some injections. After that, we can go and see sister Yannie together.

The man didn't even think about it to;

*Alright, thank you for the gifts.

And so, the two head to Felifina's own laboratory.

Really took several glass tubes and directly went to inject to Yang's body.

Feeling nothing had changed;

*Why,,, there no change at all?

And was immediately;

*Fool, it's because your body is strong enough. If taken by a normal person, it can kill him on the spot so those stuffs are especially made for you. Let's go, I'm sure sister Yannie is there in their laboratory, busy doing her thing.

Said this and pull to lead her man.

In a laboratory;

*Everyone,,, look who's here.

Successfully attracted the attention of everyone for them to look and immediately there's a smile on their faces.

Yhanniefaith is an exception but welcomed the man warmly as she;

*Ning-ning sent me a message so I already prepared it for you. I still adopted the old design of your first suit and just improve the other aspects.This time, it's easier and faster to equip and you don't need the help from another machine anymore.

Took out a skeletal looking machine to stand in front of everyone as she;

*Go on, it's like you're wearing your clothes.

Was not stupid not to see how to do it and went to put in on.

Recognizing the rightful host, the suit made some adjustment to fit perfectly to Yang's ripped body.

Despite lacking a lot of metal, the overall look is still cool; especially those two pairs of weapons that are almost perfected to be ranked on the list of most powerful weapons.

It's all thanks to the tyrantian scientist who specialize in building weapons in a high level.

Right now, Yang is nodding to show his approval and went to;

*There's no need to test it because I'm sure there's no problem after years of improvement. I just need to read the manual for me not to miss something. Well, thank you everyone for your hardwork. Without you, Ifugao will never have such powerful weapons like this suit. I understand that it's your passion to make great things but I hope for everyone to find time to rest.

Got out from his suit to approach Yhanniefaith, hold her cheeks and continue to;

*Did you hear that? After my mission, why don't we and your team go to a picnic. Just one day,,, one day to have fun. That's it, when I come back here, everyone should come out with me.

Even an aloof woman like Yhannie, was happy to hear such words for her face to have a smile.

Yang also went to express his thanks to the team and spend some time,,, until Yhannie got a call from Ning-ning asking this husband to go to the Ifugao Military base.

And so, the man left after saying goodbye to everyone; with the new suit and a lot of energy core in his ring.

Quick on his feet, arrived at the base and immediately saw Ning-ning with her eight daughters entourage.

As he went to approach;

*Are you ready for a mission? Remember that you will only go there to scout and never engage. Do you understand?

And was;

*Well, I promise to retreat when there's danger.

Now that this husband promised, Ning-ning finally went to;

*The place you will scout is a mountian near the Banaue rice terraces. A spaceship was able to passed through our patrols with its speed and fortunately, we're able to determine where it landed but can't pinpoint the location. There's a hunch that they're here to look for something,,, similar to the tyrantian race. These intruders are not simple so you must be more careful.

Yang with confidence in his tone, he said;

*With your arrangement for the past years, I have reached such level. Couple with the mastered battle suit made by Yannie specially for me, I'm sure it's hard to find an opponent even if outnumbered. Don't worry. Yin-yin, I will never be careless and commit the same mistake I made more than eight years ago. What's more, I'm not the old me and have improved a lot so there's a small chance to meet an accident.

As he said the last sentence, approaches Ning-ning to be affectionate.

He was about to give her a wet kiss when;

*Not in front of the children.

Reminded to look at those eight daughters and sure enough, are all curious watching them act like in a Kay-romance movie.

To hide his embarrassement, said in a smile;

*Well, I think a warm hug is okay.

And went to hug this wife affectionately.

It took several minutes to express the husband's love before finally listening to the briefing.

Ning-ning said a few words and let Yang-yang brief himself through a tablet; only gain information about the topography of the area.

With this, the man was able to study it in just ten minutes and directly;

*Wife, I want to go right now.

With a straight face;

*Are you sure? Because it's only a few hours before dark.

And was just;

*Well, there's no difference between night and day in my current state. What's more, it's better to move as soon as possible before the intruder find its purpose. I don't want to be late and only to see the remnants of the enemy's success. You know, it's a big gain to us if we will able to acquire the thing they came for.

Getting the point, this wife agreed and immediately went to arrange everything; let Yang leave to do his things ahead before the army follows...