A Fate Of Complete Tragedy.

Thirty minutes later...

Yang took a detour and finally reached the place where the intruder's spaceship had landed with vigilance.

Basing on the broken trees, it's a small spaceship that can be control by not more than twenty beings,,, or an A.I. ship.

Having a camera equipped on his Helm-Brain, Ning-ning and the others can see things and there's no need for him to relay.

Fortunately, saw a track to follow and as an experienced man of the forest, easily found an entrance covered with vines and weeds.

Unexpectedly, it's a spaceship entrance that made Yang want to enter,,, but was directly;

"Don't dare to go in there. Wait for us to arrive."

This wife went to warn with a little threat in the tone but Yang just;

"Don't worry Yin-yin, I can handle this. Also, I can test the suit and see my improvement. Alright, just watch me play with these fools."

No one knows why but Ning-ning didn't convince anymore and just;

"Then be careful. I will also send the army right away."

"Alright,,, thank you for the trust."

Finished saying the words and directly went to find the way how to open the door; but mysteriously opens after a light scanned him.

The man thought it's a sensory to detect intruders but unexpectedly, it's a scan using the bloodline as the key.

Not knowing what bloodline that let him pass through, Yang enter the ship still in alert from an ambush and traps.

The spaceship is meduim in size and it took some time to check every part,,, finally arrived at the main control deck.

The man become vigilant upon seeing someone sitting in the captain's seat.

Out of nowhere;

*Boy, I don't know how you get in but better get out of here and run as far as you can; but I'm sure you can't understand me so you will die young with me.

Yang heard the words and was surprised to hear a terran language.

Knowing how to speak for him to;

*This Elder terran, I have a terran blood and understood your words so can you please tell me what's going on in here.

Also was surprised to stand up from the seat, quickly turn around to see the speaker and shocked her on the spot.

Yang is the same and he unconsciously went to say;


And was immediately;

*It's impossible? How can this be? Are you sure I'm your mother?

The man is not sure and he just;

*You're an ancestor of the terran race who was exiled here named She'zhei. A terran princess saved me and took me to planet terra. Her scientist mother who has the same name as you told me that you're my creator,,, can be considered as my biological mother. Of course I know that I'm mixed so there are other mothers out there.

Hearing the words, she's in a hurry to work on something.

Yang saw it and knew on the spot that this mother is diffusing a bomb.

Was quick to succeed and quickly took out a device.

Went to draw a blood sample from Yang and directly let the device run a test.

Soon, the result appeared on the screen that proves the male being's identity in front of her and once again;

*No, it's impossible. How come you exist? My experiment in this universe failed and no one survived; but look at you,,, you're even a male terran. How happy your sisters are if they knew that there's a brother. Unfortunately, your mother can't stay and cope up with the times she was not with you; but at least let me give you my treasures as your inheritance.

About the treasures, Yang didn't care at all and was more concern about;

*Why mother, what's wrong with you? Why can't you stay?

The motherly love was already overflowing from this mother as she approach to hold her only son's cheeks saying;

*No being is immortal and will eventually die no matter what they do to live. You can't imagine my age and it's time to rest now. If I have known that there's a child of mine here, I would have come to visit a long time ago. There's no enough time so let me give you all I have; but remember, there are many forces out there who want it so be careful. If in the future you can't protect it, it's better to destroy it. Do you understand my son?

Yang was asked but didn't answer instead;

*If you know you're out of time, you should have left your treasures to my sisters but you didn't because you're still healthy on your way here. That only means that an enemy did this to you. Tell me mother who they are and I swear that I will kill them all.

This mother was so stupid to think that her son is stupid not to guess the truth.

She was able to produce only one son all her life and will never endanger his life so there's no choice but to;

*Promise me son,,, that you will never seek revenge. Outside this Universe, there are other uninverses for you to watch out. When your mother is gone, you should go to where your sisters are. You should focus in becoming stronger and never offend those beings.They still don't know this place so you might as well stay here and continue your mother's work. If I'm right, you're the last subject that I spent centuries to perfect and thought I had failed to leave you in a tube. At that time, I finally found a route to another universe and so, left in a hurry. I don't know what happen here and here you are, grown up to a find male being. Remember son, you may be a failure but the best among my children. So take your time and don't rush things. I leave everything to you and use it to be someone that can not be bullied by anyone.

Uttered the last word and went to give her son a hug.

Yang also went to hug back as he;

*Yes mother, I promise,,, but you should hold on and stay with me for at least a few days.

Waiting for a reply but,,, never get any...