A sister who doesn't want for her brother to choose the wrong path, want to say some good words when saw someone coming.
Ning-ning in a suspicious look, she said;
*Yang-yang, someone was able to enter Earth undetected and was only found out just now. I wonder if she is the one. You know, she has a similar aura of the ones who just attacked us.
Yang felt even more better to see his beloved woman for the mood to settle.
Went to hold her hand as he;
*Don't worry Yin-yin because she's my sister who came from the same place as them to have similar smell.
Switching to terran words before;
*Sister, this is my wife. Why don't we find a place to sit and talk?
Now that this brother suggested, she has no reason to disagree.
Didn't forget about the others to;
*Well, there are still eleven sisters waiting so let them join us. By the way, there's another ship so expect two ships to enter your planet.
Happy to hear that there are other sisters, was excited to explain to Ning-ning the matter.
As the person in command, went to inform the right people.
Later,,, in the Ifugao Military Base...
Two light-speed spaceships got the permission and landed at a specific area.
Yang with She'mei and Ning-ning are there to welcome.
The first ship's door opens and twelve beauties came out.
She'mei was the one who went to speak saying;
*Don't say anything or ask any questions and just follow this male being to find a place to talk.
Said the words to her little youngers before letting Yang lead the way.
Already prepared a place and was about to take the lead when suddenly saw someone who came out from the other ship fired a tech-gun aiming at one of the beauties with white eyes who has no idea of the incoming energy projectile.
The speed and distance, the only way to save is for Yang to block the attack with his own body; didn't chose to tackle and dodge the blow because there are other sisters behind her.
Crossing his arms as a shield, the concentrated enery hits to explode.
The villain still want to fire a second shot but quickly subdued by the soldiers who came out with him from the ship.
Ning-ning who saw her husband took a direct blow from a tech-gun with his flesh, she went to scream as she approach to check.
But before she lose her composer again just like what happen more that eight years ago, Yang was in a hurry to;
*I'm alive Ning-ning so you should calm down.
The words really calmed the panicking wife for her to see clearly and saw that he only got some small wounds on his body and broken clothes.
On the other hand, twelve sisters and this ice princess named Lsha on the other hand were shock to witness such a scene where a being was able to withstand a direct blow. from a tech-gun.
She'mei as the only one who can communicate, was worried to;
*Little brother, are you okay?
Went to put a set of new clothes before;
*I'm find. The question you should be asking is who's the one ordered the assasination which is only meant to this sister with white eyes.
Lsha who can tell that they're talking about her, she can't help to say her gratitude saying;
*Sister She'mei, please thank this male being for saving me. This is definitely an assasination plotted by one of my brother; but thanks to him, I still have my life. It seems that I finally found someone worthy of me.
Despite knowing the news that their mother is dead, She'mei is still happy to hear such a confession.
With a faint smile on her face, looked at Yang and said;
*The one you saved is Lsha and want to thank you. Your heroic action that might killed you, won her heart and she's willing become one of your wife.
Upon hearing this, the man was in a hurry to;
*But you said she's my sister.
And was directly;
*I said there are eleven other sisters and she is the twelfth. Come on, tell me how did you manage to survive the attack just now.
Was relieved to know that it's not a sister in blood for Yang to sigh before;
*We better check first if there are other assasins remaining in your crew member. I'm sure you know about the truth serum. Let them have an injection and their purpose will be expose.
Also think that it should be the first thing to do for this eldest sister to agree.
The crew is not more than fifty and were able to finish the interrogation in less than an hour.
Fortunately, no suspect was found for the group to finally find a suitable place to talk.
Wigan Restaurant private room...
Because the translating device is not helpful this time, She'mei will act as one.
Yang was the first to;
*There are many things to talk about including a bad news. Sister She'mei, I think it's better for you to tell them about mother. As for the details, we will talk about it later.
As the man said the words, his mood changed for him to find comfort from Ning-ning by holding her hand.
She'mei's expression also changed as she look at her sisters.
Took a deep breath before;
*I have something to tell you but no one should show their emotions in front of our little brother because he already suffered too much. Do you understand?
Seeing that everyone nods;
*I don't know the details but mother died here while in the arms of our little brother. It's obvious that the salamander race has something to do with it but never mention to him because I'm sure he will act recklessly. Mother left us but found our little brother so we should try to be happy and not sad. You know, he grew up alone without the love and guidance of a mother. As his elder sisters, it's not too late to show some love and let him feel the state of having a family. What's more, we also longed for a little brother but never had one. Come on, let's give him a hug,,, all together.
Unexpectedly, no one really went to get emotional after knowing the death of their mother instead, gave this brother a warm hug...