On Yang side, was confused to get so much hug and doubt if this eldest sister really said the bad news; but still went to welcome all the hug including the ice princess with white eyes.
Ning-ning also was not left alone and got the same love of her sisters-in-law.
As beings who lived a long time, these sisters handled the death of their mother as matured ones and never showed any sadness in front of Yang for him to lead the conversation.
With teary eyes, went to narrate how he met their mother and her death.
With the comfort of everyone especially Ning-ning, the man was able to tell the story without breaking.
After calming himself, went to change the subject and finally told the reason why he can withstand a blast from a tech-gun.
She'mei heard it and didn't translate right away instead;
*Little brother, what do you mean by saying that you reached that kind of physical strength from continuous mating? Are you taking about the male and female stuff?
Yang has doubts when he heard this and said;
*Why sister, you don't have that ability? Maybe it's related to where we came from? You know, we can't produce fire from our body like the salamander race. I'm sure you have your own ability that I don't. After all, we are not from the same universe.
Getting the point, this eldest sister went to nod as she look at Lsha with something in her mind.
This ice princess was curious to;
*Sister She'mei, why are you looking at me like that?
*Well, I just wondering if you're ready to have a child.
And was simply;
*With him?
*Why, do you have any other candidate?
*No one,,, it's just to sudden.
*Too sudden? How old are you to wait any longer? You know, this is also for your own good that's why I'm letting my little brother become your husband. With his bloodline with yours, the child will surely a very rare highbred. Don't forget that he's very rare himself to be the only male among our mother's creations. Well, it's settled. Get pregnant as soon as possible. Let me arrange it for you.
Didn't wait this ice princess to speak and immediately;
*Well little brother, Lsha want to have a child with you. Fill her up later. You can also keep her to be more safe while bearing your child.
There's no way Yang can turn down this offer and directly;
*Then it is my luck to have such a blessing. I promise to treat her well.
*Well, she doesn't need to be spoiled, just treat her like the others. With her character, I'm sure she will just snub you. Alright, let them serve the food for us to taste something different. You know, your sister She'wei's craftmanship is not that good.
This joke, only the two laugh about it because the others couldn't understand.
After laughing out the joke, Yang let Ning-ning make a call.
When all the dishes were served, there's no much nonsense for the group to begin the big meal.
The food of the two universes have similarities and the difference is how they were cooked.
Soon, more than ten dishes were eaten and without even waiting for the food to settle down, this eldest sister can't wait to say;
*Alright little brother, let's find a room for you and Lsha to mate. What kind of existence the two of you will create, I can't wait to see.
Yang want to say something but She'mei once again speak in another language.
Seeing this white-eyed beauty nodding, Yang didn't voice out his thoughts anymore instead, told Ning-ning the matter.
Of course this legal wife has no problem about it, even show her support by preparing the room for the two,,, will always be in room Q006.
It so happened that it's already getting dark for Ning-ning to show the room of her sisters-in-law; ask She'tari for help to communicate with She'mei.
As for Yang and Lsha, head directly to the forbidden place for children.
Upon entering the room, Yang was surprised to see this white-eyed beauty taking off her clothes: direct and straightforward.
Didn't let her do it alone and went to strip too.
When both are naked, Yang can't help to react and was already hard and throbbing; but didn't start the war right away and gently pulled the ice princess to the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, the two came out with a fresh feeling.
Knowing the purpose, there's no need to say anything for Yang to carry Lsha to the bed: so willing and obedient.
The man always start with a wet kiss and took the ice princess's first. Unexpectedly, she knows how to cooperate for the bodies to become hot in no time.
The man didn't spare the well developed breasts and went to suck and fondle.
Going down to the center of pleasure, become a tongue master to make the virgin ice princess to come for him to drink everything.
Lsha was curious of this action but couldn't ask and just enjoy the feeling.
Feeling the man's thing touching hers, she knew it's finally time for her other first to be given away.
As usual, the man gave his partner a kiss before penetrating.
The inside is so wet for the thick meat stick to enter smoothly.
After a few more wet kisses, the hips slowly moves making the ice beauty to produce female sweet sounds.
Soon, the pace quickens for the two to come together.
One creampie is not enough for Yang to continue as a missionary.
Position after position, the two never get bored to make love all night long.
As a royal blood herself, Lsha can accompany Yang for many days; with other fellow princess to take turns.
For this, the man once again embark in his close door training and only bangs princesses; focusing to Lsha because he gains the most from her.
With this, those sisters decided to return home with the purpose to recruit other princesses to become their sister-in-law...