Spoiled Casey vs Independent Gwen

"You will be a housemaid here? Welcome to our mansion!"

At the same time, Casey hesitantly shook Noel's hand, she wondered if when she touched Noel and the others, they were just holograms? But this is too real!

Oh, Casey could feel the warmth of Noel's palm.

Really, his heart almost burst out of joy.

On the other hand, Noel was still smiling even though he was a little confused because he saw this girl in front of him like she was holding something back. Their handshake has not gone away. "Are you okay?"

Casey immediately let go of the handshake, and her face blushed with embarrassment. "I-it's okay! Um... introduce my name, Cas- G-Gwen Valerian.... uh... I...."

"Wait a minute, isn't there dialogue in this section?" Casey thought, as she sensed something was off.

"Hey, maid. Properly introduce yourself." Now Luke spoke. Feeling angry with the behavior of the girl with the long black hair.

"Is she sick?" Gabriel asked worriedly.

"This must be because Luke's gaze is like a ferocious lion, Gwen is scared," said Eric, who immediately got a scornful look from Luke.

"What the fuck are you!"

"Come on, you guys don't fight," Noel interrupted.

Casey was so scared, what she does in the future without a choice of dialogue will actually make the story journey worse. While they were busy arguing, Casey just got a notification message that she had to walk alone without the help of the dialogue choice.

"God, save me," Casey whispered in her heart.

Noel sat back down between Luke and Gabriel. Legs crossed with both hands resting on his feet, his gaze was never separated from Casey. "Sit down, Gwen. You don't need to be afraid."

Casey obeyed Noel's words, now the atmosphere was even more tense. All eyes focused on her.

"We already knew your profile before. You registered yourself as a maid here, didn't you?" asked Noel casually.

"Y-yes, Sir."

"I'm Noel, one of whom will be your master. On my right is Luke, on my left is Gabriel, and after that is Eric. You have to memorize their habits and characteristics. Oh, the man who took you there was Mr. Rolan. He has served here for a long time. Then, for your jobs like an assistant or housemaid, you can ask the maid here. However, you're not going to always work at home."

Casey was silent, she knew what it was going to be.

"You didn't ask?" Noel asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise because he didn't get the response he expected.

"E-eh? Oh, yeah! Why am I different?" Casey wanted to curse herself, don't let her look like she knows the storyline.

"Because you could have helped me, Luke, or the others outside of the house. We really need an assistant who can work anywhere," Noel explained at length. "Even though your job will be harder, your salary will definitely be higher. I also offer to pay for your college. You haven't been to college yet, have you?"

Casey shook her head.

"Okay. Then today's conversation ends here. You will be working from tomorrow. About the rooms and others, you can ask them." Noel glanced at the housemaid who was standing not far from Noel and the others' conversation.

Casey stood, following the four men who started to get up from their seats. She still did not expect that in front of him were the men he had always imagined.

"Happy working, Gwen!" Eric said with a smile, showing off his neat teeth.

"Bye-bye! See you later!" Gabriel waved his hand, looking adorable. While Casey just replied with a smile that she made as sweet as possible.

After the men left, Casey immediately let out a sigh of relief. She had even been holding her breath too much because she was so nervous.

A maid approached Casey. "Miss Gwen, let me take you to your room, do you want me to carry the bag?"

"E-eh! There's no need to call me that, we're of the same profession, right? And the bag isn't heavy either, so it's okay," Casey said, feeling bad.

The maid stared at Casey for a long moment, then smiled faintly. "Fine. Then, Gwen. Let's go to the room."

Casey immediately smiled. "Please help in the future! What's your name, by the way?" Casey asked, following the tiny maid's path.

"My name is Asylin."

Casey nodded her head. Actually, she already knew the maid's name. Only for pleasantries, of course

"How long have you worked here?"

"I've worked for about 3 years here."

Casey rubbed the back of her neck a little uncomfortably. "So, Asylin. You can be unformal with me, it seems we're not that far apart in age."

Hearing that, Aslyin, who had been focused on looking ahead, now turned to Casey, looking her up and down. "I am 22 years old."

"Wow, I'm 19 years old. You're even older than me. I should be the one being polite." Casey was getting more and more uncomfortable and that made Asylin chuckle softly.

"Then we don't need to hesitate," Asylin said with a faint smile. Of course, this made Casey nod happily.

They were now in a corridor with either side full of rooms for housemaids. The door had the numbers on it and the door with the number 15 would be Casey's room here. Asylin took out a key from his uniform pocket and opened the door to the room.

"This is your room."

Casey slowly entered the room, she did not expect to see a room with a monochrome nuance and a simple interior that would make anyone feel comfortable in it.

"It really is like a dream," Casey thought.

Casey turned around, smiling at Asylin. "I like this room, Asylin."

"Thank goodness, and here's your uniform for work." Asylin opened the wardrobe, there was a black and white uniform full of ruffles, complete with a hat, just like the one Asylin was currently wearing. Casey's eyes sparkled as she looked at the clothes in front of her.

"So pretty," said Casey.

"Hopefully it's the right size, otherwise I'll swap it for another one."

"I'll try it later, but it looks like it'll fit."


"Thank you very much, Asylin," Casey said sincerely.

Asylin nodded her head politely. "Don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else. And don't forget to wake up at 5 am. For now, I will be your mentor, and the part where you will clean the room, what you should avoid, and so on." Asylin said at length.

Casey gulped her saliva, retracting the previous words she said would be easy. It looks like it's going to be a tough journey for her. Remembering herself who is difficult to wake up in the morning, and don't forget that she has never in her entire life done such thing as cleaning the house. Casey nodded doubtfully. "It's safe, take it easy, Asylin."

"I know you can do it. Just looking at you from the start, you look very cool."

Casey's eyes widened at the compliment. It's even more uncomfortable if she later undermines the expectations of her new friend. "Please don't be like that...."

Asyln chuckled softly. "Then rest, you must be tired. I'm in room 6, if you need anything, come to my room," Asylin said as she stepped out of the room.

"Okay, thank you!"


Immediately, Casey lay down on the soft bed, even though it was not as soft as his in the real world. Remember, she is now just a housemaid.

Not long after she closed her eyes, Casey glared, and then woke up from her sleep. "This is no time to relax!"

"I think Gwen has a phone here." Casey rummaged through her pockets and bag, trying to find the flat object. "I found it!" Casey exclaimed in relief after finding the pink phone in between the clothes in her bag.

Her slender fingers are now dancing on the screen of the cellphone, looking for something that could be a clue for her. However, they are only photos that Gwen always takes, because the heroine really loves photography. There are also several messages of apology from Gwen's adoptive parents, who couldn't support her life anymore, and Gwen was forced to leave the family to find work to support her own life.

"It must have been so hard being Gwen, and now I'm in her position ...." Casey muttered under her breath.

Casey stepped back so she could lean against the wall. Her eyes were still focused on the phone until her hand touched a book. Of course, Casey's focus was diverted, he reached for a fairly thick book filled with stickers in a camera shape.

"This book ... Gwen's diary ...." Casey began to open the pages of the diary, reading it with so much emotion that she didn't realize that tears were falling down the pages of the book.

Casey immediately wiped her cheek, intending not to read it again. Because the longer she reads the writing, the more her heart hurts to imagine being in that girl's position. "I have to continue this diary. Maybe it will be a help in the future."

Although she never wrote a diary at all, to maintain her life, she will try to do whatever it takes. After feeling that she had spilled today's into Gwen's diary, Casey also took the initiative to set an alarm on her cellphone.

Hopefully, the alarm will wake her up. In fact, the only powerful alarm for Casey is the queen, aka her fierce mother, who is in the real world.

"Shit! I forgot to never touch a broom and all!" Casey screamed frantically. She continued with a monologue, "What should I do tomorrow? It feels like Casey and Gwen are complete opposites,"

Of course, Gwen's character in the game is depicted as a girl who always does everything herself and is smart at housework, in contrast to Casey, who is helped by her housemaid.

Casey grabbed her phone again, intending to open a search engine on the internet about 'how to clean the house fast.' After finding it, she looked at it with focus. At least she understood the theory, which was more than enough.

Good luck, Casey.