Start Working


This has been the umpteenth time the alarm has sounded, but the girl, who is now named Gwen, still doesn't want to wake up from her deep sleep. At least now she has a little movement even though her eyes are still closed, until she doesn't realize that her bed is not as wide as the one she has in the real world.

And finally, Casey fell out of bed with her head first hitting the floor.

"Argh ... it hurts ..." Casey winced as she rubbed her head, which hit the floor. She wanted to go back to sleep again, but felt like something was off, to the point where she checked the time on her phone. Her eyes rounded after looking at the time listed there, at 04.30 a.m.

"Shit, only thirty minutes left!" Casey exclaimed as she ran to the bathroom.

Casey took a quick shower, the most important thing was that her body was exposed to the water. Because her first day on the job was the most important day of all. If she is late, how will she be in the future? Maybe the love level of the men dropped before she even tried to raise it, and finally she could not return to the real world.

Casey looked at herself in the mirror, clad in a maid's uniform complete with her hat and accessories around her neck. Very pretty. Really, Casey was fascinated by Gwen's physique. Because she wasn't sure, if her real body wearing a maid uniform like this would be as beautiful as Gwen's. If Eleana saw it, the cruel girl would laugh at her with satisfaction.

Ah, by the way, Eleana, Casey really misses that girl's sharp mouth....

Knock, Knock!

"Gwen? Are you awake?" Asylin's voice came from outside the room. Casey just walked a little too quickly to open the door to her room.

"Good morning, Asylin," Casey greeted her with a big smile.

"Good morning, Gwen. I thought you would be very beautiful in that outfit," Asylin praised, making Casey's cheeks blush.

"Thank you."

"Is it the right size?"

"It's a perfect fit! No problem at all!"

Asyl chuckled softly. "I'm grateful. Then let's just start. Don't forget to lock your door," Asylin reminded. Casey nodded and locked the door to her room. After that, she followed Asylin, who was already quite far from her.

Casey was not only with Asylin, but the other maids were also ready to start the day with burning enthusiasm.

"By the way, Gwen, you should meet the butler first," said one of the maids with short hair.

"Ah, I just remembered there's a butler," Casey thought.

"It was supposed to be yesterday, but because she was sick, Asylin represented her. Right, Asylin?"

Asylin just nodded with a faint smile.

"Oh ... then when did I meet her?" Casey asked.

"Now," replied Asylin as she pulled Casey's arm, making the victim gasp. "You guys just get to work, we'll catch up."


Honestly, Casey's heart was pounding a little bit because it would be met with the butler. When she played this game in the real world, the butler had a strict and fierce nature, according to Casey. Similar to her mother but on a higher level.

"Err ... Asylin, if I may ask, what's really wrong with the butler?" Casey asked to break the silence because all the way through the mansion it was just the two of them.

She was tired and often felt dizzy. So she had to rest a lot," replied Asylin. Her steps stopped in front of the room door marked 'butler'.

Asylin turned to Casey. "Ready?"

Casey swallowed hard and nodded hesitantly. Asylin knocked on the door first.

Knock, knock!

"Mrs. Belinda, it's me, Asylin."

"Come in." A fairly small sound from inside the room. Asylin finally opened the door and entered the room, with Casey following behind.

The room was full of family photo frames, which Casey believed were those of Mrs. Belinda. The room smells of flowers and mahogany. Plus, the concept of the room is more classic than other rooms. It looks very comfortable to live in.

Casey stopped admiring the rest of the room and turned to the middle-aged woman who was on the wooden bed. She ventured to smile at Mrs. Belinda.

"Mrs. Belinda, let me introduce you to the girl next to me. Her name is Gwen, and she will be the new maid in this mansion," explained Asylin.

"I-introduce My name is Gwen Valerian. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Belinda." Casey bowed like the Japanese she had seen in the animated film from the country of Sakura. Mrs. Belinda just looked at her with a flat expression, Casey's palms were sweating from being nervous.

"Are you good at household matters?" Mrs. Belinda asked the point. "Cleaning the room, to be precise," she continued.

"I feel like screaming. I can't, but I'm afraid I'll be kicked out of here." Gwen thought.

"I-I can...."

Mrs. Belinda averted her eyes and reached for her cup of warm tea. "Please work earnestly. Don't disappoint Master Noel, Luke, Eric, and Master Gabriel. Our priority is them."

"I understand, Mrs. Belinda ...."

"Please replace me first while I'm not around, Asylin. Don't get into trouble," said Mrs. Belinda.

Asylin nodded politely. "Understood, Mrs. Belinda. I promise."

The door is closed again.

Casey let out a sigh of relief after they came out of Mrs. Belinda's room. Seeing Casey's behavior, Asylin chuckled. "You look really nervous, Gwen."

"Of course, I'm a little scared to be honest ...."

"I know, haha. Then, let's get to work before the sun starts to show."

Asylin straightforwardly explained things to Casey while wiping the golden urn. It looks expensive. Don't ask how much it costs. Casey's self-respect can be bought like that. Casey could see how painstaking Asylin was in her work. All this time, she never cared about working as a maid. Her life is just eating, sleeping, bathing, and playing games. Casey tried to follow Asylin, she wiped a towering glass cupboard. She really had to focus, otherwise, she might have bumped into something that was definitely a fantastic price.

Now that they feel that they have finished cleaning the dust that has stuck to an object, they have to sweep the dust and dirt away.

"Gwen, you can sweep from the other end," Asylin said.


"Then I'll go first, I have to clean another room."

"E-eh? I'm here alone?" Casey asked, her face slightly pale.

"Yes, you can do it, right? I won't be long, really."

"O-okay ...."

Seeing the look on Casey's face that was a little hesitant, Asylin smiled slightly while patting Casey's shoulder gently. "Spirit! The most important thing is to be careful when doing something. Everything will be fine," she said, intending to calm her down.

"I understand." Casey smiled, feeling grateful to have met Asylin, who was so kind and patient in teaching her.

After Asylin left, Casey was left alone in the room. She grabbed the broom and dustpan. She was sure she could do it after 3 hours of watching all the videos on how to sweep properly. Carefully and carefully, Casey swept, not allowing the slightest amount of dust to accumulate between the cupboards and the sofa.

Mission Complete.

Casey smiled with satisfaction as she wiped the sweat from her forehead after successfully sweeping the entire floor in the family room. It turned out to be really tiring, especially since the room was very spacious. Not long after that, Asylin returned from another room to Casey.

"Are you done, Gwen?"

"W-wa! You startled me! I've finished sweeping it. Are you done?"

"Yeah, we'll just have to mop, I guess. Then move into the kitchen to help the chefs prepare breakfast."

Casey gaped at Asylin who didn't look tired, she even cleaned another room very quickly.

It's a completely different level.

Because they didn't have much time left, they immediately mopped the floor in a different area. She actually had a little doubt, if she mopped in a forward position, the floor that had been mopped would even be dirty again because she had been stepped on by him.

"Gwen!" Asylin's call took Casey by surprise. Her gaze couldn't believe the way Casey was mopping.


"You're in the wrong position ... that's not the way, you have to walk backwards so that you don't step on the clean floor again," Asylin corrected. Casey's face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

It turns out she was right!

"S-sorry! I'm really sorry!" Casey looked down deeply, causing Asylin to chuckle softly.

"It's okay. Go ahead, Gwen."

This time, Casey fixed the mop, and when they were all done, they moved back into the kitchen. The other maids were already there. Because there's one hour left for the gentlemen to have breakfast.

The smell of food wafted into Casey's nostrils as soon as she reached the kitchen. It felt like Casey's stomach wanted to scream for food, but she realized her position. Because it's not time for the workers to eat.

Casey started helping put the plate filled with delicious food on the table. She also helps a bit on how to put the fork, spoon, and knife according to their use. Because she is used to table manners.

"Gwen, can you wake up Young Master Eric? asked Olla, one of the maids.

Casey's eyes widen. She had to wake Eric? Alone?

"M-me?" Casey made sure to return.

"Yeah, I'm a little sick to my stomach. Help me, please," she asked again.

"Go Olla, let Gwen do it." Asylin took over. Olla was happy and immediately went to the restroom to finish her business.

"Can you do it, Gwen?" asked Asylin. "Young Master Eric is a little relaxed, unlike Master Luke or Master Noel. Also, if young master Eric is not called, you may go into his room. That is his order too."

Casey nodded hesitantly, smiling awkwardly. "A-alright."

Not waiting long, Casey immediately rushed to Eric's room. She tried to remember where the four men's rooms were. Until she stopped at a white door. She looked left and right to confirm the benchmark of the area, and was convinced that the door in front of her was indeed the men's room of her choice.

Casey took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm her nerves. After feeling her heart was ready, she knocked on the door.

Knock, knock!

"Master Eric? I'm Gwen. I'd like to inform you that breakfast will be ready soon."

No answer.

Knock, knock!

"Master Eric?" called Casey again.

Casey had strained her ears to pick up the sound, but there really was no answer from inside the room. Casey gulped. This means she has to go into the room if it's like this.

Having no more time to think, Casey turned the doorknob slowly.

That's where Eric was. The man was still in his bed, asleep as if he was reluctant to wake up because he was comfortable in dreamland. Casey looked at the man with the light brown hair, his curly eyelashes, and everything that stuck to the man really made such a beautiful masterpiece of God's creation. Casey's heart skipped a beat at being able to see Eric from this close.

It seemed that Casey couldn't bear to wake Eric, but the man in front of her needed nutrition, and Casey might get angry if she didn't manage to wake Eric.

"M-master Eric, it's time to wake up." Casey tried to wake him up again.

Casey was relieved after Eric started moaning, uncomfortable with his sleep, but Casey was immediately disappointed that Eric had just changed his position.

Yes, this is how Casey's mother gets annoyed when she wakes her daughter.

Casey worked up the courage to pat Eric's arm and say, "Master, come on, wake up ...."

"Hm... in a minute...."

"But breakfast is already-"

Casey's arm was gently pulled by a strong arm and carried her into her master's warm embrace. Casey's eyes widen, her heart beating fast again.While the handsome man was still asleep while hugging Casey. She wanted to let go, but Eric's arms were too strong. Casey didn't want Eric to feel her heart beating fast.

"Go to sleep ...," said Eric, who was still delirious without even realizing he was gently caressing Casey's back.

Casey's face was getting redder, her body seemed to be electrocuted as the hand caressed her.

God, What should Casey do?!