The result of casey's actions

"U-ugh... Master...."

Casey was still trying to wake her young master. Although it can't be denied that she is comfortable, this can't be allowed, especially if someone sees her current condition. Other people might think badly of her at that time. Casey didn't want that to happen the first day she set foot in the mansion.

With the strength she had, Casey tried to escape from Eric's arms, until Eric started to wake up and opened his eyes, even though his consciousness was still not fully back. And when his eyes caught the faint sight of a woman in her mansion's typical maid uniform, which was now above him, the man suddenly widened his eyes and started to wake up from his sleep. Casey was just as shocked. She got up and immediately bowed deeply because she felt guilty. Even if it's not entirely her fault.

"G-gwen?! W-why are you in here?!" Eric asked frantically, his face flushed at the memory of what had happened earlier.

"S-sorry, Master. I just wanted to wake you up because it's almost time for breakfast." Still with a bent posture and the same red face as Eric. Casey was afraid the man in front of her would scold her and think she was being presumptuous.

"O-oh ... Okay, I'll be there ....."

"Apologize once again, sir."

"N-not your fault! Usually, I'm not like this, just once. I'm the one apologizing." Eric covered his face in shame, Casey wanted to scream with joy because the man in front of her was so adorable.

Casey smiled and shook her head. "No problem, Master. Then I'll excuse myself to go back to the kitchen," she said politely.


Casey turned towards the voice that had called out to her, and it was Asylin. The look on the woman's face was hard to describe it was as if she was worried about something. Asylin walked up to her, but before that, she greeted Eric politely.

"Good morning, Master Eric. Did you sleep well?"

"N-not bad," Eric replied with a clumsy smile as he rubbed his neck.

"Master, what water do you want to bathe in? Let me prepare it."

"Oh, no need! I can do it myself. You guys must be late because of me. So please get back to work."

"No, Master, no problem. I will prepare."

"It's okay, Asylin. I can do it myself," Eric refused again. Now the man's warm smile was etched on his face. Casey who saw it, also felt her heart beating fast.

"Then let me and Gwen go back to work." Asylin relented, she lowered her head for a moment before leaving Eric's room and grabbing Casey's arm in a hurry.

The bedroom door has been closed. Casey continued to follow Asylin, who continued to drag her down the road. She was surprised by Asylin's attitude and couldn't just keep following the fast pace of the woman in front of her.

"Asyline, what's wrong?"

"Master Noel almost fell in the living room because of the wet floor," Asylin replied without looking back.

Casey's eyes widen. Dropped from the wet floor? Is this her fault?

"We have to get there soon."

"I-I'm sorry..." Casey whispered, biting her lower lip.

They were now in the family room. Some maids were there, Mr. Rolan, and, of course, Noel were victims of Casey's actions.

"God, of all the humans, why must this man fall?" Casey screamed in her head.

From the moment Casey arrived in the room, Noel continued to stare at her without any interest in turning in another direction. His gaze wasn't as cold as Luke's, but still terrifying because of his strong, intimidating aura. No one made a sound, it was so tense it made Casey break out in a cold sweat.

It was her fault, and she had to speak, but her tongue was so tied.

"So... Gwen mopped this room?" Noel asked, breaking the silence.

Casey looked up and worked up the courage to nod. "I-"

"I'm sorry, Master. I also took part in this room. I didn't even re-check his work and almost made Master fall over." Asylin took over, bowing deeply. Casey looked at her friend with a sad look. This wasn't Asylin's fault at all. It was her fault for not being able to work.

"I-I'm really sorry, Master Noel. I didn't know the floor was too wet." Casey bowed deeply. She closed her eyes, afraid of the consequences of her actions.

Noel briefly turned his gaze towards the maids, smiling faintly. "The other maids can get back to work, this is not a big problem."

The maids obeyed their master's orders, and now only Asylin and Casey remained there.

"And you guys...."

Casey gulped her saliva, ready for what was to happen.

"I hope there won't be anything like this again. I'll take it easy because this is Gwen's first day working here. But you should still check the work of the new maid, Asylin," Noel said at length. "Considering that you've been Belinda's replacement for a while." Noel's flat gaze on Asylin made Casey feel even more guilty.


"I'm really sorry, Master!" Asylin still bowed deeply.

Noel's gaze shifted to Casey, and Casey's heart almost stopped. "Anything you want to say, Gwen?"

"Th-that... it's not entirely Asylin's fault, Master. I was at fault because my mopping method wasn't right and Asylin really helped me with my work." With a feeling of fear, Casey said what she wanted to say.

Noel chuckled softly. "I'm not saying it's entirely Asylin's fault, you're also wrong. But the responsibility that Asylin now bears is indeed a big one."

Casey looked down again. What Noel said was true.

"But I'm impressed that you're trying to defend your new friend. In the future, please don't have anything like this again. Please continue to learn from the mistakes you've made," said Noel with a sweet smile. Casey and Asylin looked up at their master, a sense of relief welling up within them.

"Yes, Master. Thank you very much!" Casey and Asylin exclaimed at the same time.

"Then you can get back to work."

"B-but, Master, are you really okay?" asked Asylin, worried.

"It's okay. Rolan has been holding me, so I don't fall."

"I'm sorry, Master ...." Casey whispered with a sad look.

Noel chuckled softly, placing the newspaper he had been holding but not reading on the round table. "Never mind, I'm fine anyway. Fortunately, I experienced this. If Luke is definitely-"

"What if I?" A baritone voice was heard from the stairs leading to where Noel and the others were. A tall man in casual clothes appeared, a short-sleeved shirt in soft cream color with an unbuttoned top button, showing a slightly visible broad chest and matching colored trousers, not to mention the smell of his perfume permeating the entire room. This man could really charm all the women in the world.

"Do you take a perfume bath, Luke?" Noel said.

"Of course not!"

Noel just laughed loudly in response to Luke's answer.

"Don't change the subject. What if I?" Luke asked as he sat down next to Noel. His gaze was straight on the two maids. Casey shuddered at Luke's cold stare.

Noel sighed. "Because if you were, you'd be furious and fire the maids as you please.

Luke's brows furrowed in surprise. He turned to Noel. "Huh? What's the matter? Is this new maid doing something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. The problem is solved, so Gwen and Asylin can go to the kitchen now, please." Noel invited the two maids to leave the family room. Asylin quickly grabbed Casey's arm, knowing what Luke's behavior was when he was angry.

"Hey, explain it to me first!" Luke hissed, annoyed.