Determine the future

"Are you all right?" asked Marie, worried about the maid with the ponytail and freckles on her cheeks.

"It's okay, Marie. Fortunately," Asylin replied calmly, so that all the maids and chefs who were there didn't have to worry about her and Casey.

"You okay, Gwen?"

"It's okay, even though I'm quite scared. I'm also sorry because of me, Asylin got into trouble too," Casey whispered. Asylin returned to her protege.

"Hey, never mind. It's also my fault, you heard that too, right? If I now have a big responsibility."

Casey nodded slowly, Asylin hugged her while rubbing Casey's back gently. "It's okay, Gwen. Furthermore, if there's anything you don't understand and hesitate about, just ask me and the others."

"Yes, that's right! You can ask me!" Olla exclaimed.

"If you're interested in cooking, you can learn from me too," Riley said, with a smile plastered on his face.

Asylin let go of his embrace and smiled sincerely at Casey.

"Thank you so much, everyone," Casey said with tears in her eyes. Feeling grateful to have been given good people around her. Who doesn't judge her if she makes a mistake, defend her or say that everything will be fine as long as she tries to get better.

Casey is happy to be in this game. Although the scene of Noel slipping exists, it doesn't exist in the game at all, because it was Casey's own fault. The real Gwen couldn't have been that careless, considering that the poor girl had been used to housework since she was little. Because of that, Casey was previously shaken and didn't know what the consequences would be because of her actions.

And this will continue to happen, with scenes that will not exist in the game but will happen naturally.

"Oh, and also, don't tell Mrs. Belinda about this matter. I don't want her health condition to get worse if she hears about it," Asylin ordered, and all the maids and chefs nodded in agreement with Asylin's orders.

The hands of the clock showed seven in the morning, meaning the four masters would have breakfast. The workers got ready for their respective positions.

Master Noel and Luke were the first to take their seats at the dining table. They did not immediately eat the delicious French-style food that was in front of them, still waiting for their two younger siblings, who had not yet shown their noses there.

"Eric and Gabriel are awake, right?" Noel asked as he looked at the clock perched on his left hand.

"Should have woken up, Master," replied Asylin, representing.

"The boys' habit," Luke grumbled.

"Never mind, maybe in a bit."

Not long after that, Eric and Gabriel came together and immediately took their seats.

"Good morning, Bro Noel, Bro Luke," said Gabriel, still with a sleepy look and even yawning.

"You guys are too late," Luke grumbled immediately.

"It's still early, Luke, don't nag like a witch," Eric said with a mischievous smile.

"You-" Luke stopped when Noel stuffed his mouth with a warm croissant.

"Then we can pray before eating," Noel said with a sweet smile. "Could you take the croissants off first, Luke? You're so impatient."

Luke glared in annoyance as he took the croissant out of his mouth roughly. "You put it yourself!"

After they prayed, they focused on their own food. To what extent did the sound of a knife being placed on a plate break the silence in the dining room. Noel wiped his mouth with a white napkin. The man was the first to have finished his breakfast.

"Gwen," Noel called. Casey, who had been daydreaming about imagining the food on the table could enter her stomach as well, jumped in surprise when Asylin's arm nudged her.

"Y-yes, Master?"

"Sit down next to Eric."


"Uhuk!" Eric choked while drinking his lemon water. Gabriel immediately patted Eric on the back hard, which made the man hurt.

"You must want to kill me, Gab! Confess!" Eric protested with watery eyes.

"I mean well to help you. You even suspect me, ungrateful!" Gabriel didn't accept it, instead, he patted Eric's back again, hard.

"Argh! You!"

"This time I agree to kill you!"

Luke was still busy eating his breakfast, while Noel massaged his forehead, tired from this morning's debate. Since morning it seems there have been a lot of small commotions that he has to deal with.

"Stop fighting, I want to focus on Gwen." Noel's serious tone managed to silence the two men.

Noel looked back at Casey. "Sit down anywhere you want."

Casey finally decided to sit a little away from the four men. Because if she was near Eric, she was afraid that the man would be uncomfortable. Seeing the previous reaction and what happened this morning was so embarrassing.

Noel took a deep breath. "So I told you to sit down because I wanted to talk about your education after this."

Casey still listened well.

"What major do you want to be in for yourself?" Noel asked. The four men were now looking at him seriously, waiting for the answer from the girl with the long hair. Casey gulped hard, their intense gazes on her of course made her nervous.

"I-I can choose freely?" Casey asked.

Noel nodded. "If you can and focus on your choice."

"Majoring in medical science only, to treat Luke!" As Eric suggested.

"Huh? What for? I'm not sick." Luke furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Mental illness!"

"Fuck you, Eric!" Luke kicked Eric's shin, who was sitting across from him.

"Argh! My back hurts and now my legs too! Noel, help me ...." Eric whispered, pretending to be unconscious. Noel didn't care, the man sipped his chamomile tea quietly.

Gabriel looked at Casey up and down, his gaze so serious. "Hey, Gwen. What if you majored in modeling? You must be really pretty if you polished it up!"

Hearing Gabriel's statement, the three men who had been busy themselves now turned to Gabriel and Gwen.

"M-models?" Casey asked reassuringly.

Gabriel nodded as he gave a thumbs up. "You're beautiful, Gwen."

Gwen's smooth cheeks flushed red as the praise for her came out of Gabriel's mouth. She turned his gaze away from the man's emerald green eyes.

"Wow, Gab. You've dared to seduce women," Eric teased.

"It's not like that, you idiot!"

"To be a model, you don't have to get into that major. You just have to pose and put on a serious face, and you're sure to get lots of offers right away," Luke argued.

"That's because you've won physically, Luke! Tch, even though you're only an amateur actor, but the offer of a model is more than Gabriel's," Eric sneered incessantly.

"Amateur you say?!"

"The model's bid exceeds me?!"

"C-calm down guys!" begged Eric after seeing the response of the two men in front of him as if to torture him again. After all, he had always been the one to make a fuss.

Casey couldn't help but smile awkwardly because she was in the middle of the commotion.

"So what major have you decided on?" Noel asked again. Attempt to return to the original topic.

"Do I have to decide right now, sir?" Casey asked back.

"Yes, the new semester will start soon. You only have a little time to prepare."

Casey thought hard, about what major he wanted. A major that will define and direct her in the world of A Mirror Family game. When in the real world, what major did she choose in Eric's route? Should she choose the same? Or is it better to choose differently?