The best choice

The girl took a deep breath and then looked at the four men seriously.

She had already established her heart's desire to take on a major.

"I chose to major in architecture."

There was no change in their facial expressions except for Eric.

"Why did you choose to major in architecture?" Noel asked.

"Because I like to draw, especially buildings. I can turn ideas into works of art, and I also want the objects I make to be useful for many people," Casey answered firmly.

This is what Casey really said from the bottom of her heart. Like the one, she got from her father when he was alive.

"Listen, my daughter who I love very much. If you want to be like me, build a building that is useful for many people, especially the less fortunate. You will reap it once you achieve it, a feeling of happiness that will always well up in your heart. Remember that, Casey."

Casey smiled faintly when she remembered her father's words. Her eyes were already teary, but she tried not to shed a tear right then and there.

Noel nodded with a meaningful smile, while Eric just looked at him with an indescribable look.

Honestly, Eric did not expect the answer that came out of the girl's lips. Unknowingly, he smiled and even chuckled softly making Casey look at him questioningly.

"Then you'll be in the same department as Eric, won't you?" Noel concluded.

Casey nodded, a little scared. Actually, the other reason was that he chose Eric's route, so it was obvious that Casey had to find a lot of ways to get close to that guy. At the same time, at least Casey can feel that she is in the architecture department even though she is not in the real world, and it just so happens that Eric is in that major.

So Casey could be said to be "Killing two birds with one stone".

"Then this can be easier. You can study with Eric after the homework is done. While Eric has no work because it's still semester break. Can you?" Noel asked Eric.

"W-what? Me?"

"Yes, of course, you are. Because if I did it would be impossible," said Gabriel. "Moreover, Luke."

"Just keep bringing my name," Luke snorted.

Noel got up from his chair, unable to stay long because a lot of work was waiting for him.

"W-where are you going, Bro?" Eric asked frantically.

Noel took a deep breath, then approached one of his younger siblings. "I entrust Gwen to you. While you're not working, there's nothing wrong with teaching Gwen, right? I expect a lot from you." Noel patted Eric's shoulder and smiled sweetly. But to Eric, it was a smile with a terrifying meaning.

Noel turned to look at Gwen. "Oh, and I hope you can go to the same campus as Eric. Eric's campus is the best, so study hard, Gwen," Noel said equally sweetly. But it made Casey shudder in horror. After that, Noel walked out of the dining room followed by Rolan.

Really, Noel is a scary man.

"B-bro but I- Noel!" Eric shouted but Noel had walked a long way and had no interest in listening to her little brother's excuses. While Eric sat back in his chair while ruffling his brown hair roughly.

"Have a good study, Gwen! You can do it!" Gabriel cheered before he also said goodbye to go to school. The youngest member of the Wilson family, who is in the 12th grade of high school with an interlude working as a magazine model.

"Finally, you're not unemployed, Eric. I support you," Luke teased, the famous actor who patted the top of Eric's head.

Eric immediately brushed off the actor's hand in a huff. "Support my ass! Don't be nice to me, amateur actor!"

"You really can't be treated sweetly!" Luke smacked Eric's head. Before Eric replied, Gabriel immediately dragged Luke out of the room. Maybe until the sun went down, they just finished fighting.

Now there was only Eric there. Casey stole a glance at the man, Eric's face looked sour, as if he still hadn't accepted his brother's orders. This made Casey's heart throb in pain, Eric shouldn't have helped her, and she didn't want to force it.

"M-master Eric, I'm fine. I can learn on my own. You don't have to think about that," Casey said, forcing a smile.

"No, it's okay, Gwen. It's not your fault. I don't mind." Eric smiled sweetly, not wanting to make Gwen feel guilty. He realized that his current actions offended his new servant.

"Master, you don't have to lie."

"Hey, I'm not lying!" Eric said, with pouting lips. Casey couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"Honestly, I'm glad to hear why you chose to major in architecture. In my opinion, it's the noblest reason I've ever heard. So I'll help you get into the same major as me," Eric continued, with a sincere look. Casey was speechless, her heart happy with the compliment that this handsome man had just given her.

Eric got up from his chair and looked at the Rolex watch that was wrapped around his wrist. "Maybe we can start today. What time did you finish?"

Casey looked at Asylin, who was not far from her. Asylin gave a signal by pulling out five fingers indicating their work would be finished at five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Five o'clock, Master," Casey replied.

Eric nodded and pursed his lips in understanding. "Then tonight, huh. Welcome back to work, you guys too!" Eric shouted to all the workers there before leaving the dining room.

"Thank you very much, Master. Have a good day!"

After Eric left, all the maids rushed to Casey with hundreds of questions.

"How does it feel in the middle of their conversation, Gwen?"

"Wow, I'm so jealous!"

"It feels like being fought over by the four princes!"

"But I can sense how nervous Gwen is when they're fighting."

"Master Noel is really dignified, my type!"

"Master Eric's mischievous attitude also always makes me want to laugh."

"You're right, especially if Mr. Luke or Mr. Gabriel reacted with rage!"

"So you're going to spend time with Mr. Eric, Gwen? Won't your heart always beat fast?"

"Hey, hey, stop that wild imagination. You guys confused Gwen," Asylin said, making the other maids sigh in disappointment.

"Asylin's heart is like a stone, she's never felt what it's like to be in love," Marie sneered, which immediately got a backlash. The whole room laughed, and Casey was no exception.

"Your food is ready~. You must be tired from working with a hungry stomach, right?" Riley and the chefs set out plates filled with a special hot soup for the workers. The smell of soup immediately permeated the entire room, Casey's stomach had even been screaming for food. She immediately rushed to the delicious soup, just like the others.

Before work, they usually have instant food stock in their respective rooms. So their stomach is not completely empty while working.