I feel comfortable around him

Eric looked at Casey deeply, as if gazing into the girl, and then gave a faint smile. "Are you good at counting?"

"Ah, this is what he wanted to ask," thought Casey, feeling disappointed and embarrassed by the wild thoughts she had imagined earlier.

"Entering into architecture is not only about art, but arithmetic is definitely there. You also have to be creative and be able to solve various kinds of problems. So, I want to know what your weaknesses are and we can learn what they lack later," Eric continued. Who couldn't keep still by twirling himself who was sitting in the study chair.

"Um ... I don't know, Master. What are my strengths and weaknesses in terms of academics," Casey replied, a little scared.

Eric furrowed his brows in surprise. "Really?"

"I can draw a few buildings, but just a few simple ones,"

"Oh, that's fine. You don't have to have God-talent to major in architecture."

"To calculate, um... maybe I can, but I'm not very good at it." Casey bit her lower lip.

Eric leaned his face forward until he was only inches away from Casey's. Making the girl's eyes widen in surprise. The man chuckled softly.

"That's more than enough. What matters is that you understand the basics, Gwen."

Casey's heart was beating fast. She even held her breath because she was so nervous. The scent of Eric's body at this close distance completely filled Casey's senses. The girl could get drunk because of that guy. Her round cheeks blushed, even more, when Eric smiled sweetly at her.

Eric pulled his face back to its original position. Finally, Casey can breathe normally. She also patted her cheek to make the red blush disappear.

"Are you okay?" Eric asked, worried because he saw Casey's behavior.

"N-nothing, Master!"

"Oh, okay."

Eric then turned on his gray laptop with a pineapple brand, then handed Casey a sketchbook and a mechanical pencil.

"Make a building according to your mind."

"Right now?"

Eric chuckled softly at Casey's question. "Next week, Gwen."

"O-okay, fine."

"Eh? Of course right now!"

"Y-yes, I'll do it now, Master!" Casey replied, picking up a mechanical pencil.

Casey stared at the blank paper in front of her. Trying to think of what building she would draw there. She spent five minutes thinking then her fingers began to move actively drawing a simple house with a page with so many beautiful plants around it.

Twenty minutes Casey was busy with her drawing activities. Unknowingly Eric had been looking at her all this time, even smiling occasionally.

The last scribble has been completed. Casey smiled with relief seeing the work she had just made. The girl immediately handed her work to her master at the same time as the private teacher.

"Here, Master. Sorry for the long wait." Casey handed Eric her sketchbook.

"Not really." Eric immediately looked with focus on the image that Casey made. The girl was now nervously waiting for Eric's response after that. Occasionally, stealing glances.

Eric nodded his head. "Great, you're talented, Gwen. I admire you. In just twenty minutes you can draw a house with as much detail like this," said Eric, holding up his thumb.

Casey smiled, showing a row of neat teeth with pleasure. Even her legs can't stay still, which is typical of Casey when she's in joy mode.

"Hey, hey, don't be happy first. Your struggle is still far." Eric reminded while holding the top of Casey's head to stop swaying. Of course Eric's treatment instantly turned Casey into stone. Now his heart is swaying.

Eric showed a schedule on his laptop screen. That schedule would be a plan of activities Casey would have to follow if she was to make it into the architecture department. Casey was still trying to understand what this young master was up to. It was written there that for two months, her activities from morning to night would never end. Casey gaped at it without even blinking his eyes.

"You only have 2 months to prepare everything. From math tests, drawing, learning CAD software and preparing a portfolio. And- You should read these books too." Eric patted the books he had brought before. "Have you planned what college to choose?"

Casey shook her head. She actually wanted to go to the same campus as Eric. However, comparing the density of her learning to the brain of a Casey who can accommodate it appears to be one-sided.

"Then we decide to choose the same college as me. How about it?" Eric's suggestion made Casey cry inside.

"B-but, Master, I'm so doubtful whether I can get into the best college like-"

"You have to be confident! Eric cut in. "Because I will teach you. I'm the best student on campus, you know," said Eric proudly.

Casey nodded, smiling awkwardly. "Thank you very much, Master."

Eric chuckled softly. "It's too early to thank you. I'm also going to study just like you, to prepare for the next semester. So maybe I won't always be by your side, but if there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask me."

"That's more than enough, sir. You've helped a lot. I don't even know what to say in return," Casey said with a faint smile.

"Don't worry about that, Gwen. Ah, by the way, could it be just the two of us you can talk to me informally?"

"E-eh, but that's too impertinent, Master!"

"No problem! We're not that far apart in age, anyway. How old are you?" asked Eric.

"19 years old, Master."

"Well, just call my name."

"Er... Eric?"

"Yes, like that!" cried Eric with joy.

Casey laughed softly. "Okay, I'll just call you Eric."

"Oh, and also for the trouble this morning... I'm sorry, Gwen. I know it must have been me who pulled it," admitted Eric. A light blush appeared on both of his cheeks. "I haven't been delirious in a long time, last time I pulled Mrs. Belinda and some of the maids were there too. I was really embarrassed."

Casey pursed her lips inward, holding back a laugh. This young master does have a good sense of humor.

"Ah, why am I even venting, huh? Anyway, for today, it's enough just to come here," said Eric, while looking at the clock on the wall in the corner of the room. "It's ten o'clock at night. You should rest."

"Yes, Master. Thank you for tonight." Casey got up from her seat.

"Eric," corrected Eric.

"Oh, right. Eric, Please help and cooperate in the future." Casey bent down.

"Just leave it to me!"