Almost caught

It's been a month since Casey spent his days in the game. She had memorized all the rooms in the mansion. Casey's struggle is still very long if according to what she played before. Eric's love level is still at number two out of five love. Moreover, the other three men were still zero. Casey sighed heavily, looking at the profiles of all four men, she had even forgotten a lot of the scenes she played. The girl really walked by herself.

Fortunately, during this month, no one suspected her attitude. Yes, even though in the early days of work, she made a lot of mistakes, considering that Gwen should have been proficient at doing household chores. At least Casey can handle this quickly. Now the girl is as skilled as the heroine, Gwen.

Her mother should be proud in the real world.

Ah, Casey misses the witch so much. Especially her ravings.

Tonight, Casey was studying in the library as usual. This time, it was alone because Eric was out to finish his business. Casey turned on the light in the room. Now it's clear as never before. The room was so quiet that only the ticking of the clock could be heard. The girl grabbed some books that she had marked and then put them on the table, which is now her favorite place. Read the pages of the book with focus.


The door opened.

"Already done, Eric?" Casey asked. Her eyes were still on the thick red book.

No answer.

Casey turned around. "E-"


Casey's eyes widened when the man in front of her was not a man with light brown hair with her trademark cheerful smile. But a grown man with a cold gaze.

That's Luke.

Casey immediately rose from his seat and bowed his body. "I-im so sorry, M-master Luke," Casey begged in a trembling voice. Her mind was a mess because before she only mentioned Eric's name without the word 'master'. Afraid that Luke would scold him because he was presumptuous of thinking that Eric was on the same level as Casey.

The man's footsteps drew closer and closer until were right in front of Casey.

"You think I'm Eric?" Luke asked coldly.

"P-pardon me, Master. I was wrong."

"Then what is Eric? Do you call him just 'Eric'? Or did I hear it wrong?"

"Shit, what excuse should I make?!" Casey thought.

Casey was still racking her brains for a logical reason. However, the man had left before her. Walk over to the row of tall cabinets.

"Never mind, you don't need to answer. I don't care about your relationship either."

"S-sorry, Master ...." Casey whispered.

Luke grabbed the thin book of his choice, walked over to the sofa not far from Casey, and sat there nicely.

"Just keep studying," Luke said, putting on his reading glasses.

Casey nodded even though the man didn't see her. The girl again tried to focus on studying. Although her focus was slightly split in two because she felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere in the room. She just remembered that Luke does occasionally come to the library to read books, especially novels that he can use as a reference to deepen his acting skills. Because not only watching movies, Luke really likes to read novels.

But it's been a month since Casey's been there, and it's the first time she's seen Luke. Because of that, she couldn't guess who was coming besides Eric.

Oh, she must also remember that Noel also likes to read books. She couldn't be wrong again for the second time.

Casey had read five pages of a book, but nothing had stuck in her mind. She only reads but is not absorbed. This is because it is difficult for her to focus on the existence of her ideal man in the same room as her at this time.

"Hold on, Casey. You choose the Eric route, not Luke," Casey thought.

It's nine o'clock at night. Casey decided to stop studying an hour early. Instead of spending it in the library with an empty mind. Casey tidied up the books. Before she stepped into the bookcase, someone opened the door slightly loudly.

This time it's really Eric.

"You! Can't you come without causing a ruckus?!" mumbled Luke.

Eric did not reply to the scolding of the man who was older than him. His gaze focused on the same Casey staring at him. Eric's now slightly disheveled appearance and gasping for breath seemed like he had just been chased by an invisible creature.

"Luke? You're here?" Eric asked as he walked over to the man sitting nicely on the velvet sofa, not moving anywhere.

"Who do you think was talking before??"


"Don't make me emotional."

"Why do you always think bad about me anyway," Eric pouted with a sad tone.

"Stay away from me, you reek of sweat," said Luke while covering his nose, which made Eric even closer to the actor and even hugged him.

Casey just laughed softly at the closeness of the two of them.

After being satisfied with teasing his first brother, Eric walked closer to Casey.

"You weren't bothered by him, were you?" Eric asked, pointing at Luke with his thumb.

"Nonsense, Eric! For what was I bothering her?" Luke snarled.

Casey chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm fine, sir."

"Have you finished studying? Anything you want to ask?" Eric asked, attentively, as he saw that Casey's desk was cleared of books.

"Maybe tomorrow, Master. It's getting late. Master also just got home."

Eric sighed in disappointment, his gaze slightly irritated. "Hey, I told you don't need to hesitate to me."

"I'm really all right, Master. You'd better rest."

"It must be because Luke is here," Eric quipped half-jokingly.

"You want to fight, Eric?"

"Tsk, how can you still hear it? Your ears use ultrasonic sound, huh?" Eric chirps. Until a book flew out and fell right on Eric's head.

The culprit was none other than Luke.

Eric groaned in pain as he picked up the book. "You did it on purpose!"

"Sorry, slipped." Luke shrugged nonchalantly and went back to reading the book.

Eric was about to throw the book back to the owner, but Casey rubbed Eric's shoulder gently. Intending to appease the man's anger. "Master, it's not good to always fight with your own brother."

Instantly, Eric's annoyance disappeared. "Okay, I do. Do you want to go back to your room now?"

"Yes, Master."


Eric helps Casey put the books back where they belong. Luke, who had seen the closeness between the two of them, felt strange, but his unconcerned attitude dominated. He let the two people out of the library, leaving himself alone.


On Sundays, only Luke is still working. Considering the man was busy with his latest shoot. Noel, Eric, and Gabriel are currently busy in the basement, busy with their respective activities.

"You're not coming out, Noel?" Eric asked, breaking the silence between the three of them. He was still engrossed in the arrows he would throw on a fifteen-inch dartboard. The man squinted his eyes to focus his gaze. After feeling the target would be right, he threw the arrow, and as expected, the arrow did not miss at all.

"No, I want to spend time with my dear brothers," Noel replied, making Eric and Gabriel shudder in horror. The man with the jet black mane was enjoying playing the foosball table alone, while Gabriel was playing the Playstation Five.

"Eric, how's Gwen's study progressing?" Noel asked.

"There's progress. I admit she's good at adapting and is quick to learn new things."

"Hmm, she's really good at adapting."

"She's also polite and cute"

Noel stopped his playing movements. Surprised by his brother's words.

"Do you like it?"

"Huh?" Eric turned his head to look at his brother. "H-huh? I said that doesn't mean I like it, Bro!" Eric replied after realizing his words earlier.

Noel raised his eyebrows in disbelief at Eric's words. "Do you trust Eric, Gab?" Noel asked.

"Of course!" Gabriel answered carelessly. The man with the blonde mane is still engrossed in games and is not interested in the conversations of his two brothers.

"Really?" Noel still couldn't believe it. He thought Gabriel would be just like him.

"Eric is used to praising women, he even describes all the female students in detail! So I'm used to hearing his ramblings."

"Why do I sound like a pervert?!"

"Yeah, just like you, Bro Noel. Always complimenting women."

"Since when did I praise women with the word 'cute'," protested Noel, who didn't accept being equated.

"Yes, not cute, but with the words 'sensual' and 'sexy'," added Eric.

Noel rolled his eyes in exasperation. He refrained from replying to his two brothers' words. "Back to the main topic. Gabriel, come with me to play billiards."

"Not me, just Eric!"

"Gabriel," Noel called again.

"Come on, Bro! I'm busy, the enemy is very strong!," he reasoned. Finally, it was Eric who became a partner in playing billiards.

Noel smoothed the balls into the center of the table using a triangle. The first person to come forward was Eric. The man rubbed the billiard stick with special chalk. After knowing which direction the ball will go, Eric pushes the white ball, which is usually called the clue ball, into a bunch of balls. Instantly, the balls spread in all directions. Three balls passed into the hole, so Eric returned to playing until he couldn't get a single ball into the hole on the billiard table.

Eric is an expert at playing billiards.

"I hope Gwen succeeds in the entrance test to your campus," Noel said again. He rested his chin on the billiard stick, tired of waiting for Eric to finish playing.

"I hope so too, Bro."

"I'm sure you like her."

"That's not what I mean!"