The beginning of campus life

A gentle breeze blew through the black hair of the girl who had finally been accepted into one of the best colleges in America. Her eyes cannot be separated from looking at the magnificent campus building and cannot escape the history of the building's formation. Still don't think her feet can step on that place. The corners of her lips pulled up even more with pleasure. She never imagined this would actually happen in her life.

She still remembers the euphoria of the moment, waiting for the announcement of whether she graduated or not at the same campus as Eric. Even Eric and Gabriel accompanied her to stare at the screen of the laptop that Noel had bought for her. When the screen changed to reveal her escaped name and status, Casey couldn't help but scream, as did the two men.

"I got accepted!" Casey exclaimed, who immediately got a hug from Gabriel.

"Huaa... Gwen, you did great!" Gabriel couldn't hold back his sobs.

Eric, who didn't want to lose the moment, bravely separated Gabriel from Casey, then pulled Casey's arm to spin together like a child.

"I know you can! Because I taught you," said Eric while praising himself. Gabriel wiped his tears roughly and then let go of Eric and Casey's grip, so he could join in the circle. They laughed together, celebrating Casey's acceptance into the campus.


Casey tightened her backpack, stepping forward for the first day of college introductions. To be honest, she was very nervous, no one she knew. Except for the young master, she couldn't possibly be so friendly on campus with Eric. Casey has the principle of looking like a stranger with Eric, and she is also sure that Eric will do the same.

But maybe if she accidentally crossed paths with him, she could smile and greet him a little, just a little.

The first day's introduction went smoothly, and the seniors treated their juniors well. There is no seniority at all, really limited to introducing the campus and its contents.

Casey eyes continued to look for the figure of the man she knew, the young master should have shown the bridge of his nose here, in front of all the new college students.

"Hey, isn't that senior so handsome?!"

"Oh my god. My eyes won't even turn anywhere ...."

"What's his name?"

"Shh, shut up! Let him talk!"

"Looks like he's going to be my crush."

"Oh, my God! Haha!"

"Hello guys, I'm Eric Wilson, one of your seniors. Congratulations on being selected for this campus. You guys are great. And I can guarantee that you won't regret your decision to seek knowledge here. If there's something you don't know, feel free to ask me, or other seniors. Nice to meet you all!" Eric introduced himself casually. The smile never left his handsome face. Some of the new college students kept whispering to their new friends, talking about the handsome senior.

Yep, right. Eric is a member of the student organization on campus. Of course, Casey wasn't surprised anymore. Even so, she was still enthusiastic because this time she could see it directly, not only on a computer screen.

Casey held her breath for a moment as Eric's eyes met hers. The young master smiled briefly before getting off the stage.

"Didn't you see Eric smile at me?"

"Don't dream! That's for me!"

Meanwhile, the girls around Casey kept fighting over Eric's smile. Casey smiled and shook her head.She couldn't deny that his heart was beating fast.


Casey looked at the cafeteria menu displayed above her. Honestly, if she keeps looking at it, her head gets dizzy due to the price of these foods, which are quite expensive for her. Yes, even though Casey got extra pocket money from her masters, she still felt affectionate towards spending it. It's just that, her stomach was already roaring for food. There were still about three hours until the event was over, she couldn't possibly hold back that long in order to save expenses. Casey finally ordered the cheapest menu, it didn't take long for her to find an empty seat among the crowd. One chair is more than enough. because she doesn't have any friends yet.

Let's say Casey is not good at socializing. In the real world, the only close friend she has is Eleana.

After looking for an empty chair for some time, Casey heaved a sigh of relief when she finally found it in the corner of the room near the window. It was a very comfortable position for her. Before she ate her food, Casey looked at the cafeteria room, which was full of various college students. She reached into her pocket for her phone to capture the moment. She must not forget the heroine's hobby as a photographer. After that, Casey prayed first before eating the delicious food.

She's focused on eating food while playing on her phone. The chair opposite Casey was pulled by someone.

"I found you!"

Casey looked up at the figure in front of her, her expression of surprise something she couldn't hide. Casey immediately lowered her face again, better looking at the food that had only a few mouthfuls left.

The man sat in front of Casey casually, as if ignoring the many eyes that kept stealing glances at him.

"I've been looking for you, it turns out you're here eating alone. You don't have friends yet?"

Casey bit her lower lip as she shook her head slowly. "Master ... sorry if I'm being rude, but why did Master approach me?" Casey whispered, still looking down.

Eris raised an eyebrow, confused. "What's wrong? Are you bothered?" the man asked, offended.

"It's not like that. People are looking at us ..." Casey whispered.

Eric looked back, it turned out that many students were watching the two of them. He forgot that his presence always attracted a lot of attention. The man looked back at Casey while scratching his cheek, which didn't itch. "Sorry, hehe."

Casey couldn't help but smile. She should have made a deal with Eric from the start.

"What's the matter, anyway? Don't worry about what people say later," said Eric casually, as he took a sip of the coffee he had brought.

Casey did not pay attention to Eric's words, she continued to eat until there was not a bit left. She wanted to be annoyed but had no right to be. Her young master just wanted to talk to her, even though he didn't realize his existence was always noticed by many people. It can't be helped, Eric is the best student on campus. A handsome face, smart, a good personality, and always helping people. He made absolutely no difference who asked for help. Always smiling, never looking annoyed or angry. Eric is even considered an angel by his college because there is absolutely no bad side to him.

"So what was your first impression? Was it fun?"

Casey finally looked at the figure of a handsome man who was completely insensitive to his current surroundings. "We can talk about this later, Master," Casey whispered, not wanting anyone to hear them.

"Huh? Why is that? You've been calling me 'master' from the start, I told you—"

"Eric! I found you! We've been looking for you. It turns out you're here." The man with the mullet hair style wrapped his arm around Eric's neck. Two men and a woman also came over.

"It's time to get together. You're together instead— who is this?" asked the fat man, pointing at Casey.

"Eric's girlfriend?"

"W—what?! Eric, you have a girlfriend?!" asked the petite woman in the short skirt as if she did not accept it.

Eric let go of his friend's arms in disgust, annoyed at having disturbed his company with Casey. Even though he was upset inside, Eric still smiled in response to his friends. "It's not like that-"

"Sorry senior, I'm not Eric's girlfriend. I'll go first," Casey said, cutting Eric's words first. The girl smiled as she bowed slightly before leaving the place.

Eric looked at the back of the black-haired girl who was getting further away. His gaze was sad, perhaps disappointed by Gwen's attitude. Not long after that, Eric was pulled back by his friends because the break was over.

Unbeknownst to them, there was a girl not far from their table staring at Eric and Casey together from the start.


After feeling quite far from the cafeteria, Casey stopped her steps and leaned her head against the corridor wall. It doesn't matter what people think of her right now. The girl closed her eyes.

"I could die if the plot continues like this ...."