Different understanding

"I really don't understand! Why in college I have to pretend I didn't recognize you even though we lived together? You know, I sleep, wake up, shower and everything."

"Master … your words …."

"I don't understand either. I thought that if you went to the same school as me, maybe I'd keep coming to your class. Then I can ask you to do my homework, and then-"

"Master Gabriel, you can be scolded if you really don't do the work yourself."

"You agree, right, Gab?! You don't understand Gwen's mindset either, do you?"


"I'm the one who shouldn't understand your mindset!" Casey screamed in her head. She was starting to get depressed facing these two men in front of her. In which world would a master want to be close friends with her maid when outside the home? Why can't Eric and Gabriel understand that they are so famous and loved by all the women on earth? The women will surely berate her, because they feel jealous. Casey simply requires some peace and quiet. Actually, she wants to complain to the creators of this game. Can she avoid one of the plots of the story that she thinks doesn't really suit her personality? Although the plot is quite important, if she jumps directly into it, it's certainly not comfortable for her. Casey couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling sorry for himself.

Eric pursed his lips, putting on a sad expression. "I'm very disappointed. Even though I helped you get into that best university." Fake tears are issued. Even Gabriel immediately understood his brother's actions, the man immediately embraced Eric while looking at Gwen with a sad look.

"Turns out, Gwen doesn't want to admit us on the outside, Eric. We have to understand."

"Crazy boy, why are they so good at acting! They should be actors like luke!" Casey thought.

"I—it's not like that, Master! You've misunderstood," Casey said. She glanced at the clock; it was seven o'clock. In about an hour or so, Noel will be home. While Luke was never sure when he would be home. She had been facing these two young masters for an hour and a half.

The beginning of the incident was when she had just returned from an introduction to campus using a public bus. Having just cleaned her body, which felt a little sticky while relaxing her body and mind, the young master knocked on the bedroom door.

Because Casey thought the person was Asylin or another maid, she opened the bedroom door with only a towel covering his naked body. You can still imagine how embarrassed she was, moreover, the man's face, which was previously innocent, was immediately replaced by his cheeks, which were getting redder when he learned about the conditions at that time, the same as Casey's face. The girl immediately slammed the door, ignoring her impolite attitude in front of her employer.

Shame number one, she said.

After that, Eric pulled Casey into the family room. There was already Gabriel, who was busy looking at magazines with the front cover of his own face. Casey really protested by Eric. Gabriel, of course, joined in on the conversation, he didn't want to be missed.

"So? We can just act normal, can't we?"

"Actually, I could, Master. But I'm scared of what people out there say. They're going to . . . um, talk nonsense, maybe?"

Eric furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly. "Huh? All this time I've been friends with anyone, there's never been anything like that."

"Gwen is the type to think too much about what people say, huh," Gabriel said.

"Ahaha … yes, like that …."

"Besides, why are you so sure it will happen as you say? Did you come from the future?" Eric chattered non-stop.

"Yes, I know! Say I'm from the future!" Casey thought.

"Just a hunch ...." Casey said, without looking at the two men. She was starting to feel uncomfortable in this position. She was also afraid that Noel would suddenly come home. It's bound to get more complicated.

She wanted to immediately return to the room to think about the steps she should take in the future.

"Still, I don't want to." Eric remained adamant. Casey felt like screaming aloud. She thought that Eric would understand.

Gabriel took a deep breath. Getting tired of endless fights. "Never mind, Eric. You won't understand Gwen's position. Maybe later, people will attack Gwen because they don't like your closeness."

Casey looked at Gabriel with a twinkle in her eye. It was touching that the youngest man in the Wilson family had a better understanding of what she meant. Casey wanted to kneel down in front of the man.

"But until now, nothing like that, Gab???"

"I told you you weren't in the victim's position! So you wouldn't know!" Gabriel hit Eric on the head casually.

"How dare you!" Eric protested. Holding his head, he glared at Gabriel in annoyance.

"You're too stupid, you just don't understand! You bribed the campus with Noel's money, right?!"

"You jerk! You didn't see the proof, huh? Gwen even got away with it thanks to me!"

"That's because Gwen was already smart from the start!"

"Master, please, stop fighting ...." Casey's brows were already twitching. These two men fought more often than they got along. Like cats and dogs. The percentage is bigger if Noel is not there, especially if the fight is coupled with Luke's presence. Even though the cold man was the eldest brother here, his emotions were always irresistible. Therefore, if they fight, it is truly a triple combo that can break up the life of the homeland and the nation. Only Noel can stop them.

"What's wrong?"


Just talked about!

Casey glanced back frantically. A little reluctant to know who the owner of the voice is. The deep and firm voice of a grown man seemed to be able to bring anyone to their knees in front of him. Eleven and twelve with his eldest brother, Luke.

And this is a charming type of man, now he's back.

"Brother Noel! Welcome! You must be really tired, huh?" Gabriel stopped his fighting first. He put on a smile as sweet as sugar for his second brother.

Noel just cleared his throat in response as he plopped down on the sofa. He loosened his tie so he could breathe easier. Casey held her breath as she turned her gaze to the jar in the corner of the room as Noel stared at her. It's as if the jar is more pleasing to the eye than a man like Noel.

"What are you guys discussing? How was your day, Gwen?" Noel asked.

"V-very pleasant, Master," Casey replied with a smile.

"Eric guided you well?"

Casey nodded. While Eric seemed uninterested in the direction of the conversation. His lips continued to move forward as if he was sulking. The man was still annoyed that he was forbidden to say hello to Gwen while on campus. He thought it was too much. After all, if it happened, Eric was ready to be a shield and even a hero for the girl. But he was absolutely 100 percent sure it wouldn't happen. After all, everyone knew who he was, surely no one would dare be mean to him. Eric is well-known in his college for being an angel.Everyone respects him.

It should be like that.

Noel was aware of Eric's silent attitude. He glanced at his younger brother, then grabbed Eric's thigh, making the victim a little shocked.

"W—why? asked Eric.

"What's wrong with you? You just had a normal fight with Gabriel, right? Not with Gwen?"

"We're not fighting, Master! No way!" Gwen spoke first.

Eric's face which was originally flat now lifted the corners of his lips. He smiled so sweetly that his eyes were in a straight line. "I can't have a fight with Gwen, Bro. Then, I'm going back to the room. Tomorrow I have to leave early. See you," said Eric as he got up from his seat and left the family room.

"You guys better go back to your rooms too. Get some rest."

Gwen nodded. "Good night, Master. Have a good rest."

Gwen walked away with a chaotic mind. Either way, Eric was mad at her. Casey again asked herself if she was overreacting. She still doesn't even know if she will deviate from the previous storyline or not. But if this really worked, she could at least avoid the problem with that one person, maybe.

Casey really wanted to get away from that person.

For now, she'd better write a diary and go to sleep.