Attack each other

Casey cupped one cheek while looking at Erica, who was now in front of the class, presenting her work. It's not a group task, but an individual one. Honestly, Erica's presentation was pretty good, even after the lecturer praised her and all the children in the class applauded because they were amazed by the faculty flower girl. Casey snorted.

"Sigh ... Why does she become a burden when she has group work, it's and individual turn of duty alone that she did very well," Casey muttered quietly. During the last group assignment, Erica actually did it that very night. And since it was Erica's first time seriously doing her own part of the task, Casey smiled with satisfaction that her bluff yielded a rather satisfactory result. After getting the score, Erica sat down next to Casey again. The girl leaned her head on Casey's shoulder, felt that all the tension from before the presentation had now dissipated and was replaced with a feeling of relief.

"Fuah ... what a relief. Gwen, how was my presentation? Not weird, right?" he asked.

Casey shook her head and smiled. "Very good," said Casey. "I hope when there is another group assignment, you can do it the same as individual work," she continued.

Erica, who was initially smiling with satisfaction, immediately turned clumsy, feeling offended. "Ahaha... yes, of course."

All the children had their turn to present, signaling the end of the class. The lecturer again gave assignments for the next week before leaving the class. Casey was starting to feel tired of the tasks that kept coming at her, she had to continue to defend her fort so that it wouldn't get wobbly. After all, from the start, no one told her to really focus on her studies. This is just a game world, all she has to focus on is her mission in order to return to the real world. Her mission is to get closer to the man she previously chose until she gets a happy ending.

Erica took Casey to the cafeteria, where her stomach was growling for food. Casey is the same. Mora and Hanna were already in the cafeteria because their class had just started this afternoon. Today, Casey still chooses the cheapest menu with only different variants. She drinks only water, because she doesn't get dehydrated. Meanwhile, Erica had chosen an expensive and tantalizing menu, and Casey could barely hold back her salivating. The first time she saw the cafeteria menu, the menu Erica ordered was what she had been dreaming of. Casey was very jealous, Erica was definitely the daughter of a rich person, just like Eric and the rest of them. Oh, she just realized. From the appearance alone, it is very far from her. Erica is like an angel, and Casey doesn't need to be compared. She's a real maid.

After the food was ready, they approached Mora and Hanna, who had been joking all along. I don't know why Casey really got into their circle. It looks like Casey will have to find another friend who is a little sane and of the same type as him. Like Eleana, it's okay, she needs someone who has a sadistic mouth.

Just about to eat food, she was again surprised by a group of men who approached their table.

"Can we eat here?"

"Ah, seniors Zayn, Harry, and Eric! Of course you can!" said Hanna happily.

Casey and Eric looked at each other. The man smiled faintly at her. Casey noticed Eric was circling the table, then stopped and sat next to Casey. The girl chewed her food slowly. Of all the chairs, why was Eric sitting next to her? Even though the seat closest to her was the one next to Erica. While the person sitting next to Erica was Zayn.

"Gwen as usual ate heartily, huh?" Eric observed Casey eating her lunch. Casey could only force a smile with her mouth full of rice. This made Eric even more excited. Meanwhile, Erica looked at them with an indescribable look. Before long, a smile graced Erica's beautiful face.

"You really like that menu, Gwen. Every day you always eat salad and burgers, I've memorized them," said Erica.

"Oh! Or apple risotto! Gwen, don't you get tired of eating that all the time? Try the menu Erica ordered once in a while, it's really good. I guarantee it," added Mora.

"It appears that Gwen lives a healthy lifestyle, as she only drinks water."Now Hanna spoke.

"Haha! Which part of a healthy lifestyle? After eating this, she will eat a lot of snacks in class, Erica told me!" Mora remarked, and Erica burst out laughing. Casey still let them talk as they pleased until the food was completely swallowed.

"Isn't that right, senior? Gwen's behavior is always funny!"

Zayn and Harry couldn't help but laugh at them.

Erica handed Casey her menu item. "You want it?" he bargained.

Casey smiled faintly. She could still be patient with their treatment of her. "It's okay. This is indeed my favorite menu, you guys eat it heartily. The food will cry if you don't eat it." Casey said, with a sad look. Then go back to eating. Not caring about Erica and the others' reactions afterward.

"This dish is delicious. I've eaten it before, so it's only natural that Gwen likes it." Unexpectedly, Eric defended. "You can try it if you're curious," he continued.

"I-is that so? Maybe I'll try it later," said Hanna, while Mora rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed.

While they were focused on their respective meals, sometimes Zayn and Harry would talk to the three girls. Eric, who never touched his lunch, now brought his face closer to Casey. Something was bothering him. "Isn't your pocket money enough to choose even the most expensive menu?" he whispered softly.

Casey's eyes were rounded, not expecting Eric to ask that. It's not that she can't afford it, she feels unworthy of spending money, it's better to save it. Even though he doesn't know what to save money for in this world. After all, the food made by Riley and the other chefs is more delicious.

"It's okay, I really like this menu," Casey answered just as quietly. She looked at Eric's plate, which was still full of food. Unknowingly, she took a tomato from her young master's plate. "Why haven't you eaten yet? Ah, you don't like this. Why don't you tell me? Here, let me eat it."

Eric was surprised by Casey's behavior, everyone at the table was just as shocked. Wondering how Casey could act like that to someone like Eric.

"Gwen..." Eric called.

"Hmm?" Casey said as she chewed the tomato. Still not aware.

"Senior doesn't like tomatoes?" asked Mora. Mora's question brought Casey to her senses. She had forgotten what she had done earlier, which must have caused everyone to be confused! What an idiot, Casey! Her legs were shaking because she didn't know what to do.

"Ah, yes. I don't like it a bit. Gwen knows it because during the exchange of messages, we talked about many things. Thank you, Gwen. You already ate my tomatoes," Eric said, turning to Casey with a sweet smile. Casey could only reply with a clumsy laugh.

"You guys have been friends for a long time?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, we were originally online friends."

"Wow! How can that be?" Harry asked.

"It's a long story, if I tell it, it can be as long as the Chinese wall," Eric replied, as long as he makes the others laugh. Casey could breathe a sigh of relief. Eric was able to turn the situation back to normal, covering up her silly mistake. Casey turned to look at Erica, who didn't speak much now, just continued to stir the expensive and tantalizing food. Either Casey should be happy or worried at this point. But seeing Erica's reaction, of course, Casey was satisfied.