Cheated by erica

"Hi, Gwen! This is for you." Eric gave Casey a variety of snacks.

"Why?" Casey asked, confused by Eric's sudden action.

"So that you focus on studying," added Eric with a big smile. "Then, bye! You can share it with Erica and the others!"

Because of the caring attitude of her young master, Casey couldn't help but shake her head with a smile. Erica, who is always attached to Casey, of course, automatically sees Eric and Casey's interactions. And only the fake smile that she always shows.


"Gwen! Where are you going?"

"The library, there's a book I want to borrow," Casey replied. When Casey was about to leave class, Erica came with her because the girl said she was interested in a book in the faculty library. Unexpectedly, they will meet Eric.

The guy nodded. "You too, Erica?"

"Yes! I do go to the library quite often, it's a quiet place where I can focus on doing something. I really like a quiet place!" Erica replied, which Casey thought was too much. No one asked what place she liked. Casey was itching to roll her eyes.

'She likes a quiet place, she said, so why not just a cemetery,' Casey thought. Either way, Erica is really looking for attention.

"Ah, I see. It seems like you are very close. I always see you everywhere together, like twins," said Eric jokingly. Casey just shuddered in horror, not wanting to be compared to Erica.

"Huh? No way! Isn't it too one-sided? Gwen is so beautiful compared to me who is nothing," Erica replied modestly as she waved her hand. "I'm like a lowly maid to a queen, aren't I?" she asked Casey with a sweet smile. Casey replied with a faint smile. "Isn't it upside down?"

"Huh! Gwen is too humble!" Erica puffed out her cheeks.

'You're being humble bragging, damn it! I want to grab her hair right now!' Casey cursed in her mind.

"Hmm, you two are so beautiful, really. There's no one-sidedness. After all, as long as you're happy and can accept yourself, I think it's very beautiful," said Eric, making the two girls look straight at him. "Then I'll go first, bye-bye!" said Eric, not forgetting the smile that always adorned his face, and immediately made an imprint on the hearts of both Casey and Erica.


Casey is very aware of Eric's behavior towards her lately, which makes Erica's heart hot. Maybe people don't pay much attention, or just think it's natural considering how kind and friendly the guy is. However, with everything Eric did to her, Casey could see signs of dislike from Erica. The woman always clings to her just to steal the interaction with Eric.

Casey has prepared tools and assignments to bring to campus today. After finishing work in the morning, she said goodbye to Asylin and the other workers. She was a little late because she had helped other workers take things to the warehouse.

"Guys, I'm leaving now! Sorry, I have to go to college first. Bye! " Casey said goodbye with a cheerful smile. She has adapted well and blends in very well with the others. The joys and sorrows they went through together in the mansion.

"Be careful on the road, Gwen! Good luck!" said Asylin.

"Gwen, let me know if there's a good-looking guy there," Olla replied coquettishly. Another waiter pinched Olla's cheek, exasperated by her joke.

"Remember your age, Olla! You're old."

"Talk carelessly! I'm still quite compatible with a young guy, huh!" replied Olla did not accept. Casey only responded with a chuckle. Before she left the mansion, a phone call rang from her phone. Casey swiped the screen to see who had called her this morning. She raised an eyebrow because it turned out to be Erica. Why did the woman contact her? Not usually. Finally, Casey tried to pick it up.

"What's the matter, Erica?"

[You finally picked up! Are you on your way yet?] Erica asked from the other side of the phone.

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

[Fortunately! Mr. Dean can't come today, so you don't have to bring his assignments]

Casey glanced at the tube bag containing the drawing assignments for today's class. Still suspicious about whether Erica's words were true or just to set her up. "Seriously? Why can't he come?"

[I don't know for sure, Laura said he had urgent business to attend to. The assignments will be collected the day after tomorrow, so you better not have to bring them, Gwen]

"I see, okay."

[It's a good thing you're still at home. I'll be waiting in class. See you later!]

"Yeah, yeah. I'm closing. Thanks for telling me."

Without waiting for Erica's answer, Casey immediately hung up. She turned back to the room to put down her tube bag. There wasn't much time to think about Erica anymore.

While walking through the corridor, Asylin had just exited one of the rooms, and they finally passed each other.

"Gwen? Why come back again? Did you miss something?" asked Asylin.

"No, I just wanted to put this in my room because I didn't need to bring it today," Casey replied, showing the bag.

"Then let me carry the bag. It'll take longer to get back to the room. You're already late." Asylin volunteered.

"Really? Thank you very much, Asylin!"

Casey gave the tube bag to Asylin. Felt helped because there was no need to go all the way to the room. After thanking her, she immediately rushed out as she jogged towards the bus stop. Hope she doesn't miss her last bus, or else Casey will curse her bad luck even more.

After about an hour, she finally arrived at the campus. Her first class would start in 15 minutes, and Casey could breathe a sigh of relief. At least there is still a little time to go to the faculty building considering the campus is so big and wide. When Casey opened the classroom door, her eyes widened when she saw that one of her classmates had brought an assignment that Erica said didn't need to be brought today. His forehead is getting more and more wrinkled because it's not just one. Almost all classes carry their assignments. This is not right. Casey walked over to the narrow-eyed man, a student from Japan, who was sitting in the front seat.

"Nakamura," Casey called. The man named Nakamura, who had been listening to music on his cellphone, now looked up at Casey as he took off his airpods.

"Yes? What's wrong, Gwen?"

"Isn't the class Mr. Dean won't be around this afternoon?"

Nakamura frowned, confused. "What do you mean? The deadline is today, right? He must be attending class," he replied. Casey started clenching her fists.

"Doesn't he have urgent business? That's why the assignment is due the day after tomorrow?" Casey kept asking. Matching the words of what Erica said. Nakamura chuckled softly, feeling like Gwen was in a daze this morning.

"Are you still sleepy, Gwen? I can tell you clearly, Mr. Dean's afternoon class is coming. There was no notification that he had urgent business or anything like that. You can ask Laura because she is the person in charge of this class," said Nakamura in detail. Casey lowered her head, hiding her smile. Her fists grew stronger. She felt stupid for believing in the snake girl's cheap tricks.

"Are you all right? Don't tell me you didn't bring the assignment?" Nakamura asked because he didn't see the tube bag each child was supposed to carry. Casey looked back at the man in front of her with a sweet smile, as if there was nothing to worry about.

"Thanks for the info, Nakamura," she said, then walked to the back seat. Morning classes will start soon. Casey hasn't seen Erica yet, it looks like she's out of nowhere, Casey doesn't want to care. Her mind was racing about how to bring the assignment here before the afternoon class started. She was also still annoyed and kept cursing in her heart because Erica managed to trick her.

The back door shifted, her eyes glanced at the group of girls who had just entered the class. It turned out that Erica was there. Laughing carelessly, without feeling guilty about tricking someone. As soon as their gazes met, Erica smiled broadly as she walked closer to him.

Casey wondered, how many masks did Erica use?

Of course, Casey will continue to follow the woman's fake attitude. The limit of her patience is still far away. She still wanted to see what Erica would do to her.

Casey smiled sweetly at Erica, who sat next to her. So sweet that people wouldn't notice the dark aura that was emanating from her.