Plan B

"Gwen... I'm still waiting for you to help me, you know," Erica snarled, her cheeks puffing out cutely. Because Casey never showed any signs of making her closer to the man she liked. Casey couldn't help but smile like a horse, she had almost forgotten about it.

"Ah, okay. I'll help you."

"Did you fight with Eric before? I haven't seen you talking to him since yesterday," Erica inquired. This woman even quickly realized it.

"No, no! I've just been busy lately," she reasoned, but still sounded reasonable. Erica simply rounded her mouth into an "O" shape and nodded. "By the way, what kind of help do you want, Erica?"

"Hmm, how about starting by studying together?" As Erica suggested.

"Good idea, I'll try to invite him later." Erica smiled and immediately hugged Casey as usual. Really, why does this girl love to be in physical contact with someone, especially with people she herself hates? Isn't it a little strange, if it's Casey, she doesn't even want to touch the slightest thing. Even now, she could only let Erica act like that to her, even though her heart was screaming in annoyance.

"Thanks, Gwen! I'm counting on you!"

"Ahaha, okay...."


Before that, Casey wouldn't let Erica jump into action. She would also try to talk to Alan, the man she had collided with before. According to the information she knew from each character's manual, Alan spent most of his time in the faculty library. Casey plans to borrow a book that Alan will later fight over. She even sacrificed her lunch with just a piece of bread so she could linger in the library.

Casey scanned every corner of the library looking for the man. The girl immediately got into position so that the next scene would look natural. Because of her height, Casey tried to reach for the thick black book that was on the second high shelf, but she couldn't reach it. She had cursed in his heart, because if she used her real body, the book would be easier for her to reach. Considering the heroine's body is indeed quite small. Casey was still trying to tiptoe, but Alan had already taken the book. Casey cheered inwardly, her plan having worked.

"That book ..." pointed out Casey, acting a little.

"You want to borrow this too?" he asked. The man was slightly surprised to find out that the girl in front of him was the one he had collided with. "Ah, you're the one that time!."

"You remember it?" Casey asked enthusiastically.

Alan nodded. "Of course, you said we'd meet again."

Casey had even forgotten to talk like that. Because already panicked and talked without thinking. "Ahaha, that… yes, but we did meet again, right?"

"Yeah, then I'll go first," said Alan flatly. Casey blinked, she immediately tugged at the back of Alan's sweater to stop him. "W—wait! I want to borrow that book too!"

The man looked back as he adjusted his glasses. "But I took it first," he said, not wanting to lose.

Actually, I found it first, but I couldn't reach it."

"So who's at fault?"

"Huh? You must be saying who told you to be short, right?" For some reason, Casey groaned in annoyance. Alan raised an eyebrow in surprise, but he didn't think so at all.

"I didn't say that."

"Up to you. How about this, I'll be waiting for you to finish reading that book," Casey finished.

"That's the rule. Have to queue for the first book borrower," said Alan making Casey gasp. She felt stupid because that was the rule.

"Then where do you want to sit?" Casey asked, diverting the previously embarrassing topic. Although the question was only a formality, for she herself already knew Alan's favorite seat was at the end by the window.

Alan furrowed his brows, the more confused. "Huh? What's wrong? I won't finish today, you better come back the day after tomorrow."

"What? That's too long!" Casey protested.

"Hey, you see how thick this book is?" Alan showed them the book they were fighting for. Casey swallowed hard. "Come back later, I'll tell the librarian so that after I'm done, you can immediately borrow it," Alan finished without waiting for Casey's response, and left the girl right away.

Alan sat in the corner of the library by the window. It is a quiet place because not so many other students study there. In this place, he could see people passing by and also occasionally look at the girl he had liked for a long time. While he was reading a book, the chair opposite him was pulled by someone. Alan looked at him flatly.

"Why are you here?"

"So what? Is this your secret place so I can't?" Casey replied as she put down some of the books she had chosen at random. She didn't really want to invite Alan into a debate, but for some reason, the man keep on pissing her off.

Alan shrugged, unconcerned. "Up to you."

They spent a few minutes focusing on reading. Every now and then, Casey glanced at Alan. She wanted to catch the man while he was looking at someone outside the window. Until Casey had finished half the book, Alan was still focused on his book. Casey was bored and hungry again. But she couldn't get out of here until she negotiated with Alan.

In the midst of holding her stomach that kept wanting to growl, Casey could finally see Alan, who was now looking at someone from outside the window. The man even smiled faintly. Casey followed the direction of Alan's gaze, and caught the figure who became the object of the bespectacled man's eye. Casey smiled lopsidedly.

It was Erica.

"You like Erica?" Casey asked bluntly. Of course, this made Alan's eyes round perfectly. He never thought that someone would catch him red-handed. Even her guess was right.

Alan put on a straight face again. "What do you mean?"

"You've been staring at her the whole time."

"I looked at the people passing by." Alan was still making excuses. Casey smirked as he rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you, if you really like it, you better try to get closer. Then to like in silence."

Alan looked at Casey scornfully. "What's your business? No need to say such nonsense."

Casey ignored Alan's cold words. She looked at Erica, who was still busy talking to her other friends. "Are you all right if she's with another guy? Erica is very pretty and easy to get along with other people."

"What do you really want, Gwen?" Alan asked, still cynical. He doesn't like someone who suddenly comes to judge and seems to know his feelings very well. Casey turned to look at Alan with pleasure.

"You know my name! Ahaha, of course you know because I'm close to Erica," she said with a sweet yet sly smile. "There's no need to insist on hiding it because I already know. "If you want, I can help you get closer to her," Casey offered.

Alan adjusted his lowered glasses. "There's no need to interfere."

"Tch, what a cold-hearted man! Even though there are kind-hearted people who want to help," Casey sneered, and Alan didn't respond, instead focusing on his book again. Even though his mind was racing because he suspected the woman in front of him right now, how could she easily find out his feelings for Erica so easily and precisely. Alan turned to look at Casey. Is... there... a guy... Erica likes?

"Now you want to know? What's that got to do with you?" Casey twisted what Alan had said earlier.

"Forget it."

Actually, I feel like you fit in with her. So I think instead of just observing from afar, why not venture a little closer? No need to deny it, I can help. After all, don't you guys often get matched? I think it would be easier." Casey was still trying to keep Alan interested. The man seemed to be thinking about what Casey said. Actually, it wasn't that he didn't dare approach Erica, it was just that he felt he had seen enough of her smile from afar. He didn't expect too much. But after thinking about it, if Erica was with another man, for some reason, his heart wasn't willing.

On the other hand, Casey wondered why a man in Alan's class who was not much different from Eric, a handsome, smart, cool-faced man, how could he fall in love with a snake girl like Erica? Did Alan not know the girl's true personality at all? Actually, Casey was not willing to match them because Alan was too good for the girl. However, only Alan could be a plan B for her.

"Why did you go to the trouble of telling me?" Alan asked, wanting to know why.

"It's not hard, really. I'm really happy to help," answered Casey imaging. Of course, what she said was the exact opposite of reality.

"To be more precise, you like to meddle in other people's business," Alan replied, making Casey feel like she had been hit by an arrow from the sky. Very shaken.

When Casey's cell phone turned on, there was an incoming message from Erica asking where she was. Casey smiled crookedly, her finger actively replying to the message. "Erica will be here. Maybe you can start now?"

"What?" Alan looked out the window, Erica wasn't there anymore.

"Fighting~" Casey teased, with a sweet smile.