Eric calls the doctor

Finally, Casey can reach the mansion safely. With sweat dripping from having to walk from the gate, which is quite far away. Her throat was so dry, he wanted to rush to the kitchen to ask Riley or whoever was there for water. Weakly, Casey tried to open the door but was preceded by the person inside.


Casey immediately looked up at the owner of the voice. Her eyes widened because there were two men in front of her at this time. She wiped his sweat frantically and bowed respectfully.

Though her heart was pounding, she greeted, "Good afternoon, Master Gabriel and Master Luke," she smiled.

"Good afternoon~ You look really tired. Did you just walk from outside?" Gabriel asked, pointing to the gate, which looked small because it was so far away. Casey just nodded and smiled shyly.

"Wow, are you working out?" Luke asked innocently.


Gabriel slapped Luke's arm lightly, annoyed at his brother's stupid question. "Gwen, I heard you went with Eric. But why did you just go home alone?"

Gabriel's question made Casey hot and cold. "Th-that, suddenly I have some urgent business, so I went home early," Casey replied awkwardly.

"Hmm... didn't you bring anything from the start? Ah! Don't tell me your things were stolen?!"

"N—no! That, because it was too sudden, I left it with my friend there ...." Casey still reasoned. Her palms were starting to get wet with sweat. She's always had a hard time lying.

"Do you have a stomach ache and it's unbearable? That's why you went home first?"

"Not like that, Master Gabriel!"

Gabriel's face contorted even more as he tried to think hard. Luke's gaze is also very sharp and piercing, even though Luke's expression is actually like that without being made up. Casey just wanted to get away from them, it was like being caught stealing and being suspected.

"Then what is the sudden business?" Gabriel asked again and again. His eyes looked at Casey curiously.

"Th-that ...."

Luke took a deep breath, then patted Gabriel's head lightly to stop asking what he thought was so unimportant. "What this woman is doing has absolutely nothing to do with you, Gabriel. You really are too curious," he rebuked.

Casey could breathe a little easier knowing that Luke distracted Gabriel.

"But I'm just curious!" Gabriel protested.

"You're making her uncomfortable!" Luke grumbled along.

"I—I'm fine..." Casey squeaked too quietly because the two masters were busy arguing without caring about her.

"Then, Gwen! You come with us!" Gabriel held Casey's hands, making the girl widen in surprise.

"Huh? What? Where are you going?"

"To my photo shoot! You must be bored at home!"

Casey blinked. While Gabriel is still holding her hand, the man's gaze looks like a very cute chihuahua dog, and it's hard to resist, while Luke just massages his temples. Casey slowly let go of his young master's grip.

"It seems that the master is very busy. It is better to leave immediately so as not to be late." Casey ignored Gabriel's earlier invitation.

"Yes! and you must come with us!!"

"M-master! I have no right to come with you guys. And I still have a lot of work to do here," Casey refused as gently as possible.

Luke grabbed Gabriel's shoulder a little hard until his little brother groaned in pain. "You're crazy! My shoulder hurts!" Gabriel protested.

"Let's go, you'll be late."

"I want Gwen to come with me!"

"Don't be silly! This is no time for you to be playing around!"

"Huh? What's the matter? Isn't Gwen there to cheer us up? Is it always there when we need it?"


"Entertain?" Casey looked at his two masters in surprise. Because Gabriel's words were so ambiguous.

"I mean, we cheer each other on," Gabriel corrected, but still confused Casey.

A Rolls Royce stopped not far from them. Luke pulled Gabriel by the back collar to get into the car even though his brother kept struggling. After that, he immediately closed the car door a little tighter so that Gabriel would not come out again.

"What Gabriel said you don't need to think about. He just said stupid things," said Luke a little curtly. Casey just smiled awkwardly, her mouth unable to answer because she was too scared.

"Gwen! Next time you have to accompany me to a photo shoot, okay?" Gabriel shouted through the car window as he started walking out of the courtyard of the mansion.

Casey just watched them leave with a lot of oxygen. For some reason, dealing with all of her masters always makes her unable to breathe properly.


[I'm on my way home, are you still sick?]

Casey's eyes rounded wide and then entered the mansion with frantic steps. No one knew what Eric was going to do next, but she should be in her room by now. She acted like she was really sick in front of that guy.

Thirty minutes later, Casey heard footsteps coming closer to her room.

"Gwen!" Eric exclaimed after slamming the door open. Casey didn't respond, she remained lying on the bed with the blanket covering almost her entire body.

"Are you really still sick?" Eric put the back of his hand on Casey's forehead to check the girl's temperature. "Not hot. Are you all right?"

"I—I'm just a little dizzy, Eric. No fever." Casey replied lying.

"That's all? Is there anything else in your body that hurts?" asked Eric. The man was really worried by the look on his face.

Casey shook her head weakly. Her eyes glanced at the two shopping bags Eric was carrying.

The man sat on the floor and took out all the contents of his shopping casually.

"W-what's that, Eric?" Casey asked, even though she could see them clearly. Various kinds of fruit, bread, snacks, and vitamins.

"For you. I don't know what sick people need, so I bought them all," the man replied innocently. Eric handed Casey some white bread. "Eat this."

"This is too much. I'm just dizzy anyway ...." Casey felt guilty for toying with Eric's feelings. Even though she lied, she didn't expect Eric to do something this troublesome.

"Sutt, never mind. Now get up." Eric helped Casey to get up, he arranged a pillow behind the girl so Casey could lean back comfortably. Then Eric gave Casey an energy drink.

Now Casey really looks like a sick person.

"Soon my family's personal doctor will come. Be patient."

Eric's words made Casey spit her drink right in Eric's handsome face.

"W—what? Doctor? Did you call the doctor here?" Casey asked, looking at Eric in horror.

Eric steadfastly wiped his face, which had been hit by Casey's mouth. He nodded, smiling sweetly without a burden.

"I don't want your illness to be prolonged, so I immediately called the doctor so that he could be followed up quickly."

Casey wanted to cry now.

"I'm really just dizzy, for the sake of gods and goddesses and the like! Eric, you're exaggerating," Casey whimperd. She was completely limp because of her young master's behavior.

"No one knows! Don't worry, our doctor is very reliable. You don't need to be afraid! You won't get an injection, after all, if you get an injection, it hurts like being bitten by an ant. Trust me!"

Casey wanted to scream as loud as she could because now Eric was giving her a real headache. She could never guess what this man with an innocent look in front of her would do. Casey bent her knees and hid her face there.

"Don't cry, Gwen! I'm always by your side." Eric stroked Casey's head gently, his gaze saddened by the pain he was in seeing Casey's condition now.

I weep for your stupidity, Eric.