Doctor James

Casey was thoroughly examined by the Wilson family doctor. She could see the man in a white uniform, and his stature looked like he was only about thirty years old, as he continued to check her condition with a confused face.

Casey knew what confused the doctor.

Doctor James finally ended his examination by putting the stethoscope back in his bag. "Her body is fine. There's nothing to worry about. But if your dizziness persists, drink this." James gave Casey two strips of capsule medicine.

"T—thank you."

"Is she really all right?" asked Eric. The man was hugging a stuffed dolphin belonging to Casey.

"Yes. As usual, you worry too much," answered James with a faint smile. "Don't you know that my patients at the hospital are waiting in line? But for your sake, I rushed here immediately."

"Hey, don't take it easy! What kind of doctor are you! I was just afraid that something dangerous might happen! But thank goodness it's just a headache. Thanks, Jamie!" Eric said, smiling cheerfully. Eric is now like a dog wagging its tail in joy. James gently stroked Eric's head. Feeling embarrassed, Eric immediately pushed the hand away.

"I-I'm not a kid anymore, you know."

James who was originally surprised, his expression changed. The grown man laughed heartily. "To me, you are still a child, Eric. The little boy who used to cry because Noel always beat you."

"Oh come on! S—since when did Noel hit me anyway, huh?" Eric was in denial. He didn't want the facts to be revealed because Casey was there.

"Didn't you always tease him until Noel got mad and hit you? Have you lost your memory? Want me to check?" James asked mockingly as he pulled out his medical kit again. "Or don't you want to look embarrassing in front of a girl?"

"I—it's not like that!"

James continued to tease Eric, who was now blushing even more. Watching their interactions, made Casey's heart feel at ease. Just by looking at Eric alone, his positive aura spread to everyone. Eric is indeed different at home and on campus. The man did look very perfect on campus, always smiling and spreading a positive aura. However, Eric's ignorant or angry side still makes him a man who always makes everyone feel comfortable around him.

Deep down, she was also very happy that Eric was so worried about her condition, but she also realized that not only Eric, but the other three masters, really cared for all of her maids. The Wilson family does have a noble heart.

However, Casey's mission is not to be someone who is only cared for as a maid. It has to be more than that. Eric's love level only rose slightly. It can be said that Casey, in Eric's eyes, is still only a close friend.

"Are Noel and the others at work? I don't think I saw them earlier," James asked as he tidied up his tools because he had to get back to work soon.

"Do you see the sky is still not dark? That's a sign that they're still working hard," Eric replied, making James laugh again.

"You're right, you're the only one who's unemployed."

"Watch your filthy mouth!"

Casey unconsciously let out a laugh that she had been holding in for a long time until the two men turned around. She immediately covered her mouth, feeling guilty and afraid. "S—sorry."

The mature man smiled sweetly at Casey. Casey's heart almost jumped because of the sudden attack.

"No need to hold back, Gwen. You look cuter when you laugh."

It felt like a love arrow had pierced Casey's heart.

Casey didn't expect the doctor's words at all! Her face immediately flushed with shame. It is undeniable, even though James's age is far from her, that the man's handsome face is still clearly visible. The man didn't even look old at all. Casey couldn't imagine what would happen if she met a younger version of James. Surely his good looks were on par with the four Wilsons. Oh, God. Why were the Wilsons never far from being charming men and captivating all women?! Casey was so grateful to have entered this world.

"You! Remember your age, Jamie. You shouldn't flirt with a woman even younger than me!" scolded Eric did not like it. His eyes are fiery.

"Eh? I'm just telling the truth?" James looked back at Eric with an innocent face. This made four right angles appear on Eric's forehead.

"G—get away! Your patient is waiting!" Eric pulled James' coat very quickly out of Casey's room.

"Ahaha, are you jealous because I flirted with the girl you like? Do you like her? Am I right?" James' teasing wouldn't stop at all. He really liked to tease the four men who had been in the Wilson family since they were little.

"W-what? Like?" Eric's cheeks reddened. The corner of his eye suddenly glanced at Casey. And his face was even redder. "Nonsense! Go away, and thank you!"

"Then give my regards to your three brothers! I miss them!"

"Yes, yes! Leave it to me!" Eric replied before slamming the bedroom door.

James was finally expelled.

Eric sighed in relief and then turned back to Casey. The man sat beside Casey's bed and rested his head on the side of the bed. He looked up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. As Casey watched Eric's face return to its normal state, the blush of embarrassment and annoyance had disappeared. She could clearly see Eric's curly eyelashes, and firm jaw. She did not want to continue to attend to all the parts of the body that were in this man. She might go crazy and imagine something too far away.

"Eric," she called.


"Thanks for going to the trouble of calling the doctor here," Casey said sincerely.

"I told you it's fine. James is used to being bothered." Eric opened his eyes and looked at Casey seriously. "As for what the old man is talking about, don't take it seriously, okay?"

"W—which words?"

"Which ... what do you think?"

Casey blinked innocently. "... do you like me?"

Eric snapped his fingers. "Right! Don't take it seriously! Ah, but I do like you."

"Eh?! So which one?" Casey's heart was beating fast. She knew Eric was always saying something ridiculous and unexpected. In her little heart, she was convinced that what Eric said after this must be bullshit.

"Like you as a very close friend," said Eric casually. His trademark smile graced his handsome face.

Ah, it turned out that her guess was right. She is in Eric's eyes now only as a close friend. It's okay, you still have a long way to go, Casey. Even though it still hurts.

Casey smiled bitterly, then nodded. "Okay."

The girl grabbed the energy drink that was sitting on the table and took a sip to divert her disappointment.

"Eat and then take the medicine, Gwen. After that, take a break," Eric said concernedly. "If you don't feel strong, you can get permission the day after tomorrow so you don't go to college."

Casey scowled in annoyance, Eric had really gone too far. "I told you I was fine."

"Okay-okay, I give in."

Casey was reminded of Erica. She had to ask this man how they continued after she left. "By the way, Eric. How was your meeting with Erica? Did it go well?"

Eric raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You mean the lesson? It's pretty smooth, but it turns out she's asking too many questions, huh."

Casey wanted to laugh out loud.

"But it's okay, that's the goal. I feel reliable," Eric continued, laughing. Suddenly, Casey's face turned silent. She didn't know how to respond, seeing that her young master looked fine after meeting her fake friend. She thought Eric would feel uncomfortable and wouldn't want to get closer to Erica.

"Then how about after that? Did you take her home?" Casey asked, trying to shake off the confusion she had just felt.

"Yes, she asked me to take her. But for some reason, on the way home, she was more silent."

Casey frowned. "What did you do to her?"

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything. She could be holding her stomach in pain and she wanted to go to the toilet!" Eric's chirps made Casey slap her forehead resignedly.

"Do you always think about stomachaches and toilets? You think women are like that?!" Casey's wrath. Today she had heard too many stomach and toilet pains from Eric and Gabriel's mouths. She had been tired of it for a long time.

"Huh? Women and men are the same! We need to excrete waste from the body so that our digestive system stays smooth and good!"

"But that's not what it means!"

"Huh ...." Eric looked at Casey with a look as if he thought the girl was stupid and that annoyed Casey. "I don't understand your mindset."

"I should have said that!"

Eric blinked, slightly startled. He didn't expect Casey to take his words seriously. But he was just joking as usual. Casey did look really annoyed, her eyebrows even dipped sharply. "Hey, hey, don't be angry. You'll get dizzy later. I'm sorry, okay?" Eric relented, his fingers stroking the back of Casey's hand gently. Slowly, the girl's emotions subsided and she realized what she was doing was too much.

"S—sorry, Eric. I shouldn't be like that."

The man smiled gently. "I should be the one apologizing. Then I'm out, so you can rest. If you need help, call me." Eric patted the top of Casey's head before exiting the room.

Casey sighed. She reached for her phone, typing a message to Erica. What Eric said earlier still made her curious.

[Erica, don't forget to bring my things tomorrow]

Ten minutes later, Erica replied. Casey furrowed her brows. She didn't expect that Erica's reply was just a thumb emoji. So short, concise, and clear. This girl doesn't usually act. Usually, even though Casey knows Erica doesn't like her and sometimes shows it clearly, Erica always sends messages to her in a frenzy and makes people who see it get dizzy because it's so crowded.

And now just one more no-frills emoji? Really, Casey wondered what Eric was doing at the cafe earlier.