Eric Is Sick

"Gwen, can you wake up Master Eric?" Asylin asked while they were preparing breakfast. As Casey placed the plate on the table, her eyebrows raised.

"Master Eric hasn't woken up yet?" Casey asked a little disbelievingly.

"Not yet. Please wake him up, okay?"

Casey nodded and immediately walked toward Eric's room. She thought he was ready because Eric had been getting up very early lately. Casey knocked on the door and called for her master but there was no answer, and she finally entered the room.

"Eric?" Casey called, but she couldn't see anything because the room was still very dark. And when she turned on the room, Eric was still asleep in his bed. Casey panicked because if Eric wasn't ready, he would be late for college. Casey approached her boyfriend. "Eric, wake up. You're going to be late," Casey said, shaking the man's shoulder.