Almost Fell

"The speech will start soon. Are you ready, Eric?" Matthew asked for sure. His brow furrowed when he saw that Eric wasn't his usual self. Matthew sat down next to Eric. "Are you okay?!"

Eric opened his eyes, and blinked a few times because his vision wasn't very clear. He smiled languidly at his deputy. "I'm fine. Oh, it's already started, huh," asked Eric as he tried to get up from his seat. Matthew was still looking at him worriedly.

"Are you sick?"

"No. Don't worry," Eric said, patting Matthew lightly on the shoulder.

"Eric, it's your turn to speak first," Ilona announced. Eric nodded and then walked to the front of the room, which would be broadcast live and seen by the whole campus. Before that, Eric looked back, smiling faintly at Matthew.

"Pray for me."

Matthew nodded quickly, of course the man with the gray hair would do.