76. Berserk Abyss Trinity




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking




"Ohhh! Speak of the demon lord, there he is!" Kosei and others clearly heard the demonic roar with a menacing aura coming along with it, making them shiver a little except for Kosei.

"Huh! This is... This dense foul aura! Something is not right with him!" Mira said looking over her Grimoire flashing with black lights.


"Why it looked like some monster is on the loose?" Arata commented listening to roaring sounds.

"How about we go see ourselves what's exactly going on!" Kosei said and strived outside the hall and went to an open place outside into the structures of the ruins.

Kosei previously left him alone so he can see what Abyss Trinity would do without the crystal which he has long taken from Lilith's body with the help of System and kept inside the inventory.

"Craaaack!!" "Booooommn!!"

Just as they came near the area where Abyss Trinity was destroying everything in his sight like he has lost all his reasons. His eyes were completely black with white pupils on them, and on his head, there are two black horns visible. His body has a cracked skin-like surface, he was excluding a crimson aura with the sword in one hand and a black globe of darkness in another hand.

Looking over his whole vibe and wild appearance, Arata and Girls understood that previously what he showed, wouldn't even be compared to this in front of them. Just the aura is enough to make them feel a little stifle and mental heavy pressure on them.

"Hey, did you notice the sword in his hand looked similar to the sword Kosei got back then!" Levi commented noticing something similar in Abyss Trinity's hand.

"I also noticed it. But not sure as the appearance doesn't match with each other and the aura is completely different from that sword Kosei took from the library!" Mira commented after Levi mentioned what she also took notice of but didn't find anything else about it.

"That's the same type of weapon as Black Imperial Sword, Judecca. The Red Imperial Sword, Caina is a weapon from the same universe as Abyss Trinity. Like Judecca, Only demon king can wield Caina and Caina has fused with Abyss Trinity, thus it became a true body for Abyss Trinity." Kosei opened his mouth and explained about the Caina.

"Ohhh! That's why I felt that I might have seen it somewhere!" Lugh exclaimed out loud tilting her head like she finally remembered what it is.

Lisa also has a glimmer passed her eyes like she was enlightened by his words and finally understood something but what that is Kosei had no idea about it.



Suddenly a few stone pieces came flying and hit on the head of Lugh and Selina.

"It's not safe here, Mmnn! Illia!!" Kosei commented seeing the dust and debris flying around so he called his Grimoire who manifested in her physical form.

Illia's understanding of Kosei's intention formed an enclosed partial dimensional barrier around everyone.

"Woah! This barrier is great!" Selina exclaimed looking at the intricate barrier even Arin looked a little surprised even though she can also make a strong barrier at this but the way the magic is utilised is intriguing.

Leaving this matter aside, Kosei teleported himself outside of the barrier and approached the berserk-looking Crimson Demon Lord.

"Hey, hello there! Hmmn! Yeah, he can't hear a thing so he can only talk with my fists!" Kosei approached and tried talking to Abyss Trinity who upon noticing his presence threw over a dark ball on him.


Kosei dodged Abyss Trinity Magic and moved in fast speed towards him to punch him in the face which started to annoy him a little.


This time Kosei didn't have any advantage over Abyss Trinity as his move was repelled by the Abyss Trinity. Even though Abyss Trinity is not conscious but his fighting extinct took over and moved very fluidly like an experienced warrior.

"Hahahahaha! Damn... This is fun! Oryaaaa... Common!" Kosei laughed feeling exhilaration from his fist when they connect with Abyss Trinity's fists.

"Bammn!" "Boomn!"

Kosei dodged the sword strike aimed at his abdomen and kicked in a counterattack which Abyss Trinity blocked with his sword.

Kosei has no idea what happened with Abyss Trinity to become this strong and berserk but he has a hunch that it has something to do with Sky Library Security system.


Abyss Trinity used his magic and covered the sword in it and charge at him with a very fast speed, making Kosei go into a defensive stance and kept dodging the attacks with slight movements.

Kosei was trying to develop movements that he can dodge with only a slight movement of his body.

"Ahhh! Fuck... That's fucking hurt!" Kosei tried to dodge very carefully but he got hacked by Abyss Trinity's sword which was covered in his darkness devour magic. Kosei's upper clothes got devoured and if not for his careful movements the kosei might have to go commando.

On the other hand, girls were admiring the upper naked body of Kosei. Arata has jealousy and envy written on his face looking at perfect sculpt muscles, biceps, packs etc. Overall making Lugh and Lisa drool looking at him.

Levi was having a nosebleed looking at the hot scene in front of her and running her imagination wild. Lilith was muttering shamelessly... Shameless or pervert and blushing furiously along with Mira. Akio was admiring him without any shame with a grinning smile and Selina was taking photos from every angle she can find.

Leaving these weirdos aside, Kosei was thrilled and having blast fighting with berserk Abyss Trinity with his full power, the fight went on for a whole hour making Kosei start to sweat a little but the smile on his face didn't lessen one bit, it even got more genuine the more he fought with Abyss Trinity.


"Hahaha! Thanks for the help Mr Abyss Trinity, because of you I can control my strength very well and also got to know my limit!" Kosei laughed after punching Abyss Trinity in the face and making him slide a few metres. Kosei felt good to have control of his body and full strength. This was also one of the reasons Kosei left Abyss Trinity to recover previously and now after fighting with him, Kosei not only can control his strength but also got to know what his limit is.

With the System description of his realm, Kosei wasn't clear about his strength but now that he had fought with berserk Abyss Trinity so he can tell that his strength is equal to a mid-rank Paladin on Trinity Seven world basis.


The roar of Berserk Abyss Trinity brought Kosei from his contemplation, the roar was powerful enough to cause shock waves in the air making Kosei's hair flutter in the wind.

"Okay, now that I have got what I wanted from him so I should wrap this up!" Kosei muttered under his breath and looked at Abyss Trinity like discarded goods.


Like Berserk Abyss Trinity sensed his thoughts so he roared and made a stance like he was about to move at him. Kosei also got into the position to unleash his attack to put an end to this charade.

" Rooooaaarrrrr!!" "Swooooosh!"


" Technique: Yin & Yang's Stability In Chaos; Serious Mode!" Kosei pronounce slowly but with heavy pressure, his hands moved like a blur and became a semblance of tai-chi forming a large image of white and black fish moving in the opposite direction and then chasing one another.

Girls and Arata watching this fell into a trance where they witnessed the chaos happening then at the next second chaos became stable.

Kosei performed one of the trump cards or more like he wanted to witness, what would happen exactly when this technique is performed as he had no idea up till now.


Both of them collided at the next second and made huge shock waves which also flung the debris along with it and cleared the areas of hundreds of metres surrounding them.

Fortunately for the group of spectators, Illia's partial dimension barrier help them block the shock waves otherwise they would have flown like debris.



Technique: Yin & Yang's Stability In Chaos; Serious Mode: It's for beings who have a regenerator factor and are like literal immortals. In this mode, you have to be in full concentration to not lose control of the technique as it uses both strand energy and soul energy. If by chance it causes backlash you will be hurt not just physically but your soul will be injured.

But Once this technique is performed there's no stopping it, your opponent will be disintegrated with both soul and body.

(After using this technique your energy will become empty or you may fall unconscious state. Use it only in states where you have no option).






"Hello, Dear readers.

I forgot to complete this volume so here's a chapter and there is one more chapter after that I will start writing the next volume so watch the anime before that.

Like always, thank you for the support."

