77. Akio's Heart knot




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



Kosei performed one of the trump cards or more like he wanted to witness, what would happen exactly when this technique is performed as he had no idea up till now.


Both of them collided in the next second and made huge shock waves which also flung the debris along with it and cleared the areas of hundreds of metres surrounding them.

Fortunately for the group of spectators, Illia's partial dimension barrier help them block the shock waves otherwise they would have flown like debris.

A while later, the dust settle down and Kosei was sitting on the ground having spent enormous energy on the attack he just performed.

On the other hand, Abyss Trinity was nowhere to be seen, only the red Imperial sword, caina was left in his place with cracks all over it.

"Hey, Kosei! Are you all right?"

"Ko... Ko'! Are you really fine!" "Ko-nii!"

Illia cancel the barrier and everyone came near him, asking Kosei with worry-filled expressions. Yui even checked all over Kosei's body for injuries and sighed in relief after not finding any sort of injuries.

Lisa shamelessly coup up the feel of Kosei's muscles as he was buck naked in his upper body. Lilith and Mira were too embarrassed to face his eyes so they only looked over him without uttering any words.

"*Chuckle* Akio along with Levi laughed seeing Mira's embarrassed expression which make her look cute.

As for bubbly girl Selina, once she confirmed that he was fine, she went back to clicking the photose of Kosei from a close-up distance.

Arata and Arin were also worried about his well-being but didn't get the chance to get close to him or to ask him about it. But they also felt relieved seeing him fine and all.

"Sorry to intrude in your love nest but where did the Abyss Trinity go." Lugh was observing the sword and contemplating if she can touch it or not but remembering Kosei's warning she didn't dare to touch it then she noticed that the owner of the sword is missing. So Lugh asked even though it felt rude to her for disturbing the touching atmosphere among them.

"Now that you mentioned it, where did that rude bastard go!" Akio cursed remembering that she still hasn't gotten the chance to pummel that guy's face.

"Yeah, where did that bastard go!" Lisa along with others was also confused.

"Ahem! It's right there!" Kosei coughed and pointed towards the sword near Lugh.

"Huh!" Everyone got even more confused.

"Well, didn't I explain before that the crimson demon lord doesn't have his body but has integrated himself with the sword completely so his body has become a sword body? My attack previously has left him In a state where his spirit got destroyed so his physical body crumbled and he most likely went into forced hibernation because he might have damaged his soul in my last attack!" Kosei explained to everyone what had happened with Abyss Trinity and got embarrassed inside as he didn't hold back in the last attack and almost killed his soon-to-be father-in-law.

Yui and Levi helped Kosei stand up properly and led him towards the sword Caina as he asked them to do so.

Kosei looked at the cracks which seem like if he pressed the sword with little force, it might shatter into pieces. So he directly stored it in the inventory.

Kosei suddenly remembered that he was still utterly bare so he took out a white and blue clouded checker shirt as he wasn't in good shape, Lisa took the chance and helped him wear the shirt, she also took advantage to touch everywhere in Kosei's upper body without shame.

Kosei thought he should have a heart-to-heart talk with this succubus alone before departing as it was necessary to resolve her matter.

"Before we go back academy I need to look into something!" Kosei said indicating that they have finished their business here and he had one last thing to check.

"Okay, but do you still have the energy to teleport us back to the academy!" Lilith asked hiding the worry in her heart and little discomfort seeing Yui, Levi, and Lisa being intimate with him.

"I should be able to recover a little by then so don't worry about it!" Kosei replied with a thoughtful expression as he is not sure how much time it would take for him to recover completely.

"Can I check the treasury if there are any powerful weapons in it or not!" Lugh asked with an eager expression and ready to get moving in search of powerful weapons.

"Hell no, don't you see how many traps the security system had prepared in advance for intruders!" Kosei bluntly shut her down with a reasonable response which left no room for her to argue about it.

After that, depressed Lugh worked as a flying vehicle and transported Selina, Mira and Arin. As for the Arata, Lisa had fun playing with him using her short-distance teleportation to get down the island into the ruined town.

Levi used her tornado spell and Lilith used her newly developed non-weapon category alchemy branch to create a large umbrella. Akio and Lilith held the umbrella with one hand and Kosei in the middle with another hand. Yui clung on his back and Levi in his front then they descended making the umbrella float with the tornado.

Kosei was having a hard time controlling himself with the feeling of heaven which he was getting from all sides as Lilith and Akio pressed themselves on his hand so is their marshmallow from each side. On the back, Yui was pressing her impressive size and in the front Levi also was sandwiching her boobs on his chest.

All the training they had done and the pills they had taken, made their bodies more mature and much more impressive so they have better curves and bigger bottoms and fronts than the cannon selves.

Kosei felt thankful that he was exhausted otherwise, he was sure that if not for that his inner animal might have come out by now.

A few minutes later all of them landed in Akio town, Lilith hurriedly got away from Kosei with a red face as she was also feeling shame from the weird feeling she was getting after hugging Kosei.

As for Yui and Levi, they again supported Kosei. Akio went over towards the town and pointed towards a broken water fountain.

"There was a beautiful fountain and a lot of space around it where children used to play with their parents. Mother usually brings me to this place to play with...!" Akio pointed out things and explained what she was like when she was a child with her mother.

Kosei felt that he need to free those innocent souls who still haven't passed away from the world of the living.

Kosei spent a thousand OH points and with Sys' help, he freed the souls from their duty of guarding the Sky Library.

"Wh....what!" Akio immediately noticed that the structures started to appear and formed a realistic illusion of how the original town looked.

"Wowww!" Girls and Arata exclaimed in amazement seeing the ruins change into a pristine town with hustle and bustle of people.


A phantom of a mature woman wearing nun attire appeared in front of Akio giving her an encouraging smile and caressing her head lovingly. Giving Akio the feeling to move forward with bravery in her life and not get entangled in guilt or responsibilities for which she doesn't have to do it.

A few tears dropped from her eyes, Akio smiled towards her mother and nodded reassuringly. Akio's mother smiled one last time before she turned into motes of light and scattered with the rest of the town.

"Thank you, Kosei!" Akio hugged Kosei feeling emotional and thanked Kosei for resolving her heart's knot.

"Hey... Hey, don't just hug alone, I want to!" Yui suddenly came from behind and hugged Kosei from the back.

"Hoho! How bold of you Akio, way to go!" Levi teased Akio for being so bold in front of them.

"Me too!" Lisa taking the chance also hugged him from the side.

Anyways, all the love drama aside. Kosei recovered enough to teleport everyone, back to the academy.






"I was thinking about writing an R-18 chapter for a while now so expect it shortly."
