85. Time Skip-5 Years




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



New Kingdom Atismata,

Fort City of Cross Feed,

Royal Officer Academy's Dormitories,

"Wake up, Big brother!" A beautiful young woman with a beautiful face, white skin, and crimson eyes tried to wake a handsome young man who was sleeping in the bed with his upper body naked.

The young lady shook the handsome man for a while, finding that he wasn't waking up any time soon. The smile on the young lady's face became mischievous and she climbed on the bed and then sat on the young man's stomach just above those tightly packed muscles.

"If you are not going to wake up then I will help myself a little!" Saying that young lady bend down almost touching her little nose with his and slowly she kissed his smiling lips while caressing his hard chest muscles.

"Ahh! Bad big Sis! Don't steal big brother's first-morning kiss by yourself!" Suddenly, a young blonde girl with a shirt ponytail shouted seeing her sister doing something to Big brother which she often felt envious about.

"Hmmn!" The young man slowly opened his eyes getting disturbed by all the ruckus happening around him.

His eyes stopped on the young lady sitting above him and staring at him with an unnatural blush on her face before she got down and stood up as if nothing had happened.

"Ahhh! Good morning, Lisha-chan and Alma-chan!" The young man greeted them while ignoring the weird thing that he just witnessed like it was the usual thing.

"Good morning, brother Kosei! It's almost time for us to go to the Academy!" Girls greeted back while Lisha-chan reminded him that it was time to get up already.

The young handsome man is Kosei Hesperia and the two young ladies are princesses, Lisesharte Atismata and Almatea Atismata.

Kosei got up with both sisters hurrying him, he freshened up fast and got ready in just ten minutes without wasting too much time.

"By the way girls, where is Judecca!" Kosei asked as he hasn't seen her anywhere in the hallways.

"Well, Big sis Judecca! Today, She personally went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for us!" Alma-chan replied with an excited expression while drooling remembering how tasty it felt last she ate big sis Judecca's handmade food.

"Ohhh! Is that so, I just hope this time she won't overdo it!" Kosei said with a wry smile, remembering how much Judecca made last time, making them eat so much that Kosei had trouble walking for a while.


It's been five years since Kosei came to this world and he still remembered that day like it happened yesterday. He saved Lisha-chan then because of her request, he went to save her sister, Alma-chan. He also ended up saving ten more kids with Alma-chan and because of those kids, he had to visit Phi-chan (Philuffy) family, The Aingram Family.

He gave the kids the option to work for the Aingram family and 6 kids among them accepted the offer. Among them, the four brave girls rejected that offer but they surprisingly wanted to follow him which he denied upfront, making the girls sad. Lisha-chan seeing their sad faces made a decision to accept them in their group and Kosei had to helplessly accept her demand seeing her cute pleading face.

Kosei first contacted Relie Aingram, before he made the deal with her that he would help her in curing her sister while she would ensure that the six kids can safely grow up under their family and she would be also helping them in the future if they ever needed help from her.

Shortly after that, the destruction of the old Arcadia Empire and the establishment of the New Kingdom Atismata were announced.

Just like in the canon, Raffi Atismata became the Queen with an iron grip and the opposition was crushed utterly by her.

Once she found out that not just Lisesharte Atismata but also Almatea Atismata are fine and well. She immediately contacted them and the next day, she announced that Lisesharte Atismata would be the eldest princess and Almatea Atismata would be the youngest or second princess of the New Kingdom Atismata.

In that same year, Queen Raffi had Lisha-chan go through a baptism, which Kosei tweaked a little with Sys's help and made her reborn new, her body went massive under the change that day. The scars or brushed and the slave mark on her belly above her private, everything vanished like they never existed on her body.

After knowing her change was somehow related to Kosei that much she guessed seeing the surprised expression on her aunt, Queen Raffi's face. Lisha-chan became more open with him and started to have genuine expressions whenever Kosei praised her or showed care for her.

Her sister, Almatea Atismata also later understood why nobody helped her when she was kidnapped by those trash soldiers. Kosei has forced the sisters to talk it out with each other without worry and tell everything without hiding from each other. The sisters became close like they should have after the discussion or heart-to-heart talk.

Just like Lisha-chan, Alma-chan also stooped putting up a brave front and started being herself like she always wanted to be.

Kosei also helped out the Arcadia siblings, when they were almost branded as slaves and put into prison for being related to the Old Arcadia Royal family.

Kosei pulled some strings like Lisha-chan's aunt, Queen Raffi, he asked her to let them have freedom but in exchange have Queen put a debt on them for getting the freedom that way, the opposing parties would be appeased.

Kosei didn't know how the Aingram family helped out the Arcadia siblings, but he helped them out on his way. He didn't do all that shit for good in heart nonsense, but he made the deal with Lux Arcadia because the guy provided him the sword device which he was looking for, The Tiamat, the Divine Drag-Rid sword device.

A year after the establishment of New Kingdom Atismata, Relie Aingram invited him to join her Royal Officer Academy as an Instructor which he happily accepted, and next year along with princess Lisha-chan, he joined the academy.

Kosei also made sure to train Lisha-chan well and because of her rebirth in body and mind, she progressed at insane speed so much so that in just a year, she became known as Scarlet War Princess moniker and also the strongest fighter as a Drag-knight or even without it.

Her body also developed insanely, compared to her canon self, she has an impressive bust and bottoms. Her height is also much better than canon's shelf, she is above 6.5 feet and just below Kosei's height of 6.9 feet.

Kosei also had used his rewards and made an upgrade on his Myr'. Judecca has now a physical body so she permanently started to live with him, Kosei called her Judecca in her human form and Myr' in her weapon form so as to not get confused with two names when they are the same entity.

He also upgraded his Grimoire, Illia who developed into a buxom young lady with the same body type as Judecca so just after meeting they quickly hit it off with each other.


