94. Balzeride Kreutzer's Proposition




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



A tall and thin man with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a handsome appearance. He wore a red overcoat with golden embroidery and stood in front of Kosei and others with a gentlemanly demeanor while hiding his hostility which was directed at Kosei.

"Ahem, It's pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am noble from house Kreutzer of the Four Nobles of the New Kingdom and my name is Balzeride Kreutzer!" The young handsome man bowed slightly while showing a smug smile on his face after he was done introducing his name and his family background.

Kosei just showed his plain smile without feeling surprised as he already knew about him and the same goes for Krulcifer Einfolk who was now looking at him with an unimpressed expression while Philuffy didn't even look at him for her, he is not worth looking at and she kept gulping her tasty snacks which Kosei ordered again for her.

Only Celistia Ralgris showed a surprised expression and that's all, as she immediately understand her friend's earlier weird behavior with Instructor Ko.

The smug expression on Balzeride's face has long vanished after seeing the lack of reactions from their face except for Celistia which was only solace for him that at least someone recognise this young noble's greatness.

"I had business in the capital and was passing by from here so I thought to give my fiancé a visit!" When he said that he purposely spoke in that manner for getting a reaction out of Kosei and to his disappointment, Kosei didn't react at all.

Why would be any reaction toward soon to be dead man, Kosei had already predicted what's going to happen to this type of guy who doesn't last much than two chapters. (A/N; Oye, don't break the fourth wall.)

"So are you done, then you can leave us alone!" Krulcifer didn't forget to jab at him with her piercing arrow-like words which made his ass twitch ahem..wrong wording, his forehead twitched from the blatant disregard towards him but he held himself back while thinking of a cunning plan to humiliate his opponent and went his anger.

"Hahaha! My fiancé, I only wanted to see you!" Suppressing his anger, Balzeride laughed while he said to Krulcifer who felt discomfort by his tone.

"Please, can you stop calling me your fiancé as you can see I already have a boyfriend who is much better in everything!" Krulcifer said with a frowning expression while indicating toward Kosei.

"Ms. Krulcifer! Lord Balzeride is here to meet you on behalf of his family and tomorrow, your marriage is going to be announced and next week, they will proceed with your married ceremony!" Butler lady, said with plain words while hiding her worry for her miss as she knew very well that her miss doesn't like this marriage one bit and even the head of the family helped her daughter previously to run away from this sham political married.

"Alterize, unfortunately, that's not possible now as you can see, I have a boyfriend who is also the strongest instructor in the academy so I am sorry to disappoint you!" Krulcifer looked at her butler, not knowing why she was taking this scum of a human being's side and trying to press forward the marriage. She bluntly rejected Alterize with perfect reason while putting Kosei in the forefront to take the brunt and help her out.

"Hahaha! Ms. Alterize, you don't have to force the matter onto Ms. Einfolk. I don't want other noble houses to call us, Kreutzers as someone who are tyrant nobles or unfair towards others so I would like to propose a dual with Mr. Hesperia, If he won the dual then I promise that I will never talk about marriage with Ms. Einfolk." Balzeride laughed while keeping his anger in check and he proposed the dual with Kosei.

Except for Ms. Alterize who had no idea about Kosei, Krulcifer and others tried hard not to laugh at the Balzeride for proposing something so absurd.

They are very familiar with his strength and they had seen its demonstration not long ago. So they are pretty sure that he is not your average human being but something entirely different species.

But they won't say it out loud in front of Kosei because they don't want to be seen as rude people.

Balzeride had a smug smile on his face seeing no one is replying to him so he thought that they were afraid of him.

But Kosei was contemplating how to go about it if he should just do it now or later.

"So, are you going to back out, Mr. Hesperia?" Balzeride asked again showing clear disdain in his words but still having a smile on his face.

"Ohh, no...no! I never said that I wouldn't dual with you and I was just thinking that we should get this over with right now!" Kosei came back from his thoughts and shook his head towards Balzeride while he stated that he would dual with him if he wants and he also showed Balzeride unintentionally that he is not a big deal in front of Kosei.

Balzeride felt like he had taken the invisible damage to his poor heart, seeing such a nonchalant expression, while he screamed inside his mind that he is a great noble man so he won't become a petty person and would just ignore his insults for now.

"Now that you have agreed, the dual will be held the day after tomorrow in the academy arena!" Balzeride said with a hint of hurry in his tone and after bowing a little like an elegant noble, he left without listening to what Kosei had to say in the matter.

"Why did he seem that he didn't want to dual with you!" Celistia Ralgris said with a hint of doubt in her tone feeling amiss in Balzeride Kreutzer's behaviour.

"Exactly, he didn't really want to dual with me and just want to complete the engagement with Kru-chan so he can have the power of two families behind him," Kosei said after Balzeride Kreutzer was out of their sight.

"You mean, I am just a tool for him to gain political power in the empire!" Krulcifer voiced out with a weird expression on her face before she went to a cold expression.

Alterize has been listening to Kosei while standing at the side quietly, not knowing what to believe at the moment listening to words from Kosei's mouth.

"Ummn! Ms. Krulcifer, are you really believing in his words that easily!" Alterize asked feeling her Miss is too trusting in Kosei's words.

"Alterize, you don't know about instructor Ko but what he said most of the time has always proven true so if I were you, I would believe his words!" Krulcifer replied looking at Alterize and advising her with her kind words.

Alterize doesn't know how to react to her miss's advice or should be worried that some rascal got her Miss, in the palm of his hands.

She can see that her Miss has an interest-filled gaze whenever she looked at him.

"Well, how about we continue our triple date as we haven't visited other interesting places!" Kosei's words put the three girls in a happy mood, making them almost instantly forget about some random trash who disturb their date with their Instructor Ko.

Just like that, they went to other good spots or places to try the sceneries and foods. Alterize was the only gloomy person who followed them with a frustrated expression.





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