95. Being Ambushed




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



The next day,

"Ko-nii, why is this extra lady with us!" Lisha-chan asked with displeased face looking at the lady on the other side of Kosei.

"Well, you see! She has been troubled by an asshole yesterday, which by the way, my intervention almost solved her problem so she decided to spend her time with me today and show her appreciation for the help." Kosei said with a wry smile on his face, feeling troubled by her jealous side of her but what can he do about it when she looks so adorable?

"Humph! Miss Krulcifer Einfolk, you should keep your distance from my Ko-nii!" Lisha-chan hugged his arm while glaring at the beauty beside Kosei who in turn gave a playful look.

"Miss Lisesharte-san, why are you being so defensive on me? It's not that I am going to eat your Ko-nii!" Krulcifer Einfolk said with a playful smile on her face while licking her lips in a teasing manner.

"You thieving cat, humph!" Lisha-chan made a pouting expression while showing she doesn't want to talk with her.

"Hahahaha! It's so much fun, being with you girls!" Kosei laughed seeing the interaction between the two.

After he was done with the date yesterday, Lisha-chan also got the wind of it, and then she pestered Kosei the whole evening when he went back to the dormitory so in the end to appease her, he agreed to take her out on a date of her own.

So here he was accompanying her, they came across Krulcifer Einfolk at the square so she also tagged along.

Just as they reached an alley in a corner of the city, a few suspicious individuals flew out and drew their sword devices at them all of sudden.

"Clanggg!" "Ahhh!"


Kosei didn't react much to their action but Lisha-chan and Krulcifer Einfolk immediately reacted, pouncing on them with their own sword devices.

Both of them didn't get the time to summon their Drag-Rides but both of them knocked the ten or so attackers before they even knew what hit them so the attacker went out cold.


Before Lisha-chan and Krulcifer can relax, multiple gun sounds came.

"Be careful!" Kosei hugged them both by their waist with each hand and sidestepped to hide behind the sturdy wall.


Their attacker didn't stop but kept on firing the guns at them.

"Thanks, Ko-nii/Kosei-san!" Both Lisha-chan and Krulcifer Einfolk expressed their gratitude in strange sync for the timely save.

"How dare you, try to point your trashy guns at us!" Lisha-chan shouted in anger and instantly summoned her Drag-Ride and charge over.

"Well, looks like I also have to go out for a little bit!" Feeling angry, Krulcifer Einfolk also summoned her Drag-Ride, Fafnir, and charged over to the other side of Lisha-chan.

"These two are seriously angry, not even holding back a little!" Kosei commented seeing both of them directly using their most useful and destructive abilities directly and vaporizing the opponent from their feet. (A/N: pun intended)


"You mongrels, don't ever show yourself in front of me ever again!" Lisha-chan inner chunni came out in the heat of the moment.

"This girl, hey!" Kosei shook his head and felt that he rubbed off badly on her when she was growing up.


"Leaving that aside, I need to catch a rat first!" Kosei looked at the other end of an alley and step on the ground, with a crack forming on the ground he instantly shot towards where he had seen a rat running out.


A screaming noise came a few seconds later and Kosei came out dragging a passed-out man with him.

By that time, Lisha-chan and Krulcifer Einfolk had already handled the attackers, pretty well. The aftermath left a damaged part in that area. Fortunately, no civilian was in the area so there are no casualties.

"Who is this guy, why do I feel like I have seen this guy somewhere!" Krulcifer said while having thoughtful look.

"Well, I think you should have seen him following around Balzeride Kreutzer. This guy here also is responsible for the attack just now!" Kosei's words made Krulcifer remember where she had seen the guy and also made a frown on the beautiful charming face.

"Doesn't that mean, this attack might have something to do with that Balzeride or something guy," Lisha-chan said more like voicing her doubt?

"Hmmm! It's not just related, I am fairly certain that it was indeed the work of Balzeride Kreutzer. He most certainly wanted us distracted or get into an accident so we mess up tomorrow dual and he can win it easily." Kosei expressed his opinion or more like an accurate guess.

"From the low lives, what can you expect other than an underhanded tactic!" Krulcifer Einfolk scoffed at Balzeride Kreutzer for doing something so low, even though he is a noble heir of four great houses in the empire.

"Don't worry about it and you two did a wonderful job in dealing with this farce. For now, let's go on our merry ways!" Kosei calm down the two and praised them for their action while suggesting they continue their leisure walk.

He didn't forget to inform Relie Airgram about the damage done to the city so she can take care of this mess.

Local cadet order has long since gotten the whiff of things so they arrived shortly after Kosei and others have left.

Kosei left the matter back in his mind like it didn't matter to him anymore.

He only paid attention to the beauties beside him and spend the whole afternoon with them, even the evening was spent with the three beauties as one more airhead beauty got added to the party.


Royal Officer Academy,

Principal office,

"What is Kosei-san doing, always causing trouble for me? Teacher Raigree, could you deal with this problem!" Relie Airgram massaged her head and asked teacher Raigree Balheart who has a sour expression like always, for help.

"Yes, Principal Relie! I would see what I can do about it. Excuse me then!" Raigree Balheart nodded her head in acknowledgment and bowing slightly she left the office.

"Ahhh! I want to rest, why can't they fuc*ing give me a damn moment of rest. These imbecile nobles do think that ruins are a walk in the park, bastards. How dare they suggest that my students help in the investigation of ruins!" Relie Airgram made a frustrated expression and looked at the letter on her table with four great noble houses' signatures on it, she felt that these nobles has lost their damn minds in front of great profit.

She wouldn't care less about their stupid action but now they are involving her students in the damn ruin investigation.

"Ahhh! Looks like I am no choice but to owe another favor to Kosei-san for this upcoming nuisance!" Reile again massaged her head and thought of the dependable back of a young man who always help her out in times like this, that's also the reason she takes care of his messes.





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