100. "Unfortunate Miserable Soul and Next Raid"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



As they left the Garden Ruin, Kosei mumbled to himself, "Did we forget something?" Lisha-chan shouted with a hint of worry, searching her mind for something they might have forgotten.

"No, Lisha-sama, everyone is here and no one is missing," the girls replied, looking around to make sure.

Kosei still seemed unconvinced, creasing his brow in confusion. "But why do I feel like we forgot someone?"

"Ko-san," Krulcifer chimed in, "Can we leave from here? I'm starting to feel tired and a bit hungry after all that energy consumption." Kosei nodded with a shrug and swept the two girls off their feet, cradling them close as he led the group away. The girls from the chivalry order cast envious glances at Lisesharte and Krulcifer, riding in their instructor's arms as they followed close behind in their own drag-rides.


When everyone had left, a flash of light shone and out of it came a man, bleeding from head to toe, tattered, and looking like a miserable beggar on the roadside.

"F*ck...f*ck...damn it! You lowlife abyss! If I wasn't in such a depleted state of energy, I would have destroyed you all, you pieces of lowly forms, for ganging up around me." The miserable man roared curses, looking back at the Garden Ruin while standing with shaky legs.

This man was Balzeride Kreutzer, the young master of the Kreutzer family. When everyone had entered the Gracen Ruin after it had activated, Kosei had completely forgotten about him and had only asked Ilia to protect the girls, so he ended up separated from them and on the other side of the Garden Ruin.

Balzeride Kreutzer was in for the fight of his life. He was up against an army of the low-level abyss, gargoyles. For a while, he was able to hold his own against their relentless barrage, but eventually, his strength began to dwindle and his movements become sluggish. Taking advantage of the situation, the gargoyles began to pummel him mercilessly, leaving him battered and bruised. He knew he was doomed unless something changed soon.

Then, suddenly, his luck have it that Kosei had destroyed the Ragnarok, causing Balzeride to be thrown from the Garden Ruin, saving him from a certain death at the hands of the low-level abyss.

Though Balzeride was thankful for his narrow escape, he was perplexed. He had no idea why he was almost beaten to a pulp by such a weak opponent, and he wondered if his luck would hold out again if he had to face them again.

Balzeride Kreutzer had no idea what he was walking into when he entered the Garden Ruin. Little did he know that Krulcifer and Lisha-chan had already defeated the two Diablos that guarded the interior, leaving a swarm of gargoyles in a frenzied, hyper-state. A swarm that now had its sights set on him.

He was suddenly thrust into a situation too big for him to handle, and he was forced to flee, his broken drag ride struggling to carry him away from the enraged monsters.

"Ouch...ouch...damn it, it fucking hurts!" he cried as he flew away from the Garden Ruin, his face contorted with pain. "I'm going to complain to the council about this. How dare those bitches and that brat leave me behind!" Kreutzer cursed Kosei and the ladies from the Chivalric Order, the ones who had abandoned him in his moment of need.

Though he still thought of himself as a major player in the empire, he had no idea that Kosei had already exposed him to Principal Reile, thanks to the help of a certain spy who had unexpectedly aided him in gathering evidence. When he will reach the empire's capital city, he will be greeted with a surprise.


"Woah, this is so delicious!" Lisha-chan exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she tasted the food. She eagerly held out a spoonful for Kosie. "Come on, Ko-nii! You have to try this!"

"I can feed myself, Lisha-chan," Kosei said with a helpless smile, blushing at the attention he was receiving from the other people in the room.

Before he could get another word out, Philuffy stood up and exclaimed, "Hmmm! It's good, Ko-nii! Here, have a bite of my favorite cake!" She extended the spoon towards him, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"Fufufu! Aren't you quite popular with the ladies!" Principal Relie came over and teased mischievously, a twinkle in her eye.

"Umm! Gulp...hmmm, It's really good!" Relie exclaimed, taking a bite from the same spoon meant for Kosei, while sitting beside Phillufy.

"No...no...no, bad onee-san! That was for Ko-nii!" Philuffy looked accusingly at her sister with her cheeks puffed up.

"Your words make this poor onee-san feel so hurt!" Relie said with a fake pained expression on her face.

"Humph, bad onee-san!" Philuffy said, turning away from her with an adorable humph.

"So cuteeeee, come here and give me a hug!" Relie said, filled with joy, as she saw her sister being so playful. She pulled Phillufy into a tight embrace, nuzzling her cheeks.

Kosei smiled and finally gave in to Lisha-chan, taking a bite of the food she had presented to him. She blushed, suddenly realizing that they had both taken a bite from the same spoon. This was an indirect kiss!

Krulcifer smiled with delighted playfulness, seeing Lisesharte's bold and aggressive move to take his indirect kiss. "Hehehe! You are really bold and aggressive in your approach, Lisha-san!"

"What...it's not like that. I...It just happened!" Lisesharte exclaimed with embarrassment, but the knowing smile on Krulcifer's face indicated that she didn't believe her.

Kosei then noticed that Celistia Ralgris had not touched anything on the table and wondered if she was feeling unwell. "Celi-chan, what's wrong with you today? Don't have much of an appetite!"

"How can she have an appetite when she was invited by Lisha-san's little sister into Kosei-san's dormitory!" Airi Arcadia interjected with a mischievous gleam in her eye, causing the whole room to be filled with embarrassed chuckles.

Everyone present had once or twice tasted the food in Kosei's dormitory, and they could empathize with Celistia, who had probably overindulged and had no appetite left for anything else.

"Common, Miss Relie out with it! What do you want from us this time? As I don't think you would hold a large banquet just for congratulating us on a successful raid, right!" Kosei's words made everyone at the table look at Relie inquisitively, as they felt the lavishness of the meal was a bit too much.

"Why are you looking at me like that, do you all think I'm some kind of miser?" Principal Relie asked in a defensive tone, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she felt their stares.

"Alright, alright. I want you to lead the Chivalry Order girls on another raid, along with these four girls. But as compensation, I'll accompany you and take you to a famous beach before the raid, so you can enjoy yourselves. How does that sound?" Principal Relie said in a defeated manner, her pretense of goodwill having been seen through by everyone.

Kosei wanted to take Relie by the scruff of her neck, bend her over his knee, and give her a few hard slaps on her bubbly ass for all of this nuisance work, for now, he wouldn't be able to do it in front of everyone but he will make sure to give her a good punishment later.

"Fine, I'll do it. But you're paying for all the expenses. Oh, and don't forget about Balzeride Kreutzer, and deal with him properly!" Kosei begrudgingly agreed to her request, while also reminding her to handle another nuisance they had left in the Garden Ruin.

After everyone had their fill, Principal Relie sent them to their respective dormitories so they could relax their bodies and digest the food properly.

Before they had to set off for another raid on another Ruin, the group had a feeling of anticipation- what kind of adventure is waiting for them this time?






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