108. "Hooking the Fish: Unexpected Encounter with a Familiar Face"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



Kosei couldn't help but chuckle as he danced around the colossal kraken, Ragnarok, taunting it with each nimble dodge. "Hahaha, you're so sluggish, you pathetic squid!" he jeered, his sword slicing through the tentacles with surgical precision.

The sound of metal meeting flesh resonated through the air, followed by the sickening squelch of regenerating tentacles.



Ragnarok bellowed in frustration, its massive form quivering with anger. It lashed out from all directions, tentacles thrashing wildly in an attempt to ensnare Kosei in its deadly grasp.

But Kosei moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, evading the monstrous appendages with the fluidity of a slippery eel.


The percussive impact of Ragnarok's attacks echoed across the hall room, the force of its strikes sending shockwaves through the ruin.

Kosei's heart raced with adrenaline as he dodged and weaved, his senses heightened to their peak. He could feel the water currents swirling around him, the cold pressure pressing against his skin, and the pulsing rage of Ragnarok as it sought to devour him.

With each slice of his blade, Kosei felt a surge of satisfaction. He could see the frustration in Ragnarok's eyes, its once-confident movements now growing frantic and desperate.

But Kosei remained composed, his movements precise and calculated. He seized every opportunity to strike, exploiting the smallest openings in Ragnarok's defenses.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel against flesh mingling with the furious roars of Ragnarok. Kosei's movements were a dazzling display of skill and agility, as he flipped and spun through it's body, avoiding the kraken's relentless onslaught.

His sword danced like a whirlwind, leaving a trail of severed tentacles in its wake.


At the side,

Airi watched Kosei's masterful maneuvers with a mix of admiration and bewilderment.

It was clear to her that he wasn't taking the battle against Ragnarok seriously, easily cutting through the tentacles like they were mere paper, and nimbly dodging every attack that came his way. She couldn't understand why he was playing with his opponent instead of finishing it off swiftly.

"How long does Kosei-san plan on playing with this stupid Ragnarok," Airi muttered to herself, her frustration mounting as she witnessed Kosei's seemingly carefree approach to the battle.

She knew firsthand just how formidable Kosei could be, and she couldn't help but feel that he was wasting his time by toying with his opponent.

Beside her, Philuffy grinned as she watched Kosei's performance. "Ko-chan is playing around!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration.

Philuffy had fought alongside Kosei before and knew just how powerful he could be. She was confident that even she could take down Ragnarok with minimal effort, given the chance.

Krulcifer nodded in agreement, her keen observation skills picking up on Kosei's strategy. "Wait and just watch. Kosei is trying to bait the real fish to come out of its hiding so he can hook it," she remarked, her voice laced with understanding.

She could sense that something wasn't quite right with Ragnarok. Her previous encounter with the last Ragnarok had left a different impression on her, and she suspected that there might be external interference at play.

As the battle continued to unfold, Kosei's calculated moves became more apparent. He danced around Ragnarok with finesse, intentionally leaving openings and goading the creature to attack.

He was baiting the person who was controlling the Ragnarok into revealing its true intentions, and it was clear that he had a plan in mind.

The tension in the air was palpable as Kosei continued his calculated dance with Ragnarok. His movements were precise and deliberate, showcasing his skill and strategy.

He was a master of his craft, and it was evident in every swing of his sword and every evasive maneuver he made.

Ragnarok, for its part, grew increasingly desperate. Its attacks became more frenzied, but Kosei remained calm and composed, effortlessly avoiding every strike.

It was as if he was in complete control of the battlefield, manipulating Ragnarok like a puppet on strings.

Airi, Philuffy, and Krulcifer watched in awe as Kosei's plan began to unfold. They could see that Ragnarok was indeed behaving strangely, its movements erratic and its attacks lacking in coordination.

It was clear that something was off, and Kosei is sure that the mastermind is watching his every move.


Just then suddenly a sneak attack came from backside of Kosei.


With a swift and agile movement, Kosei evaded the surprise attack, flipping over and landing on his feet in a defensive stance. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the mysterious person who had attempted to strike him from behind.

"Hahahaha, My ohh...my...!!" The attacker emerged from the shadows, revealing herself to be a woman with a hoarse laughter that echoed through the air.

Her appearance was striking, with a confident smirk on her lips and a glint of mischief in her eyes. She exuded an air of danger, but also a sense of familiarity that caught Kosei off guard.

"Who are you, and why are you sneak attacking me?" Kosei demanded, anger etched on his face, though he also concealed his surprise at identifying the mysterious attacker.

"What do you mean why?" she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "Isn't it obvious that you're the man of that bitch princess!" Her words were like venom, laced with bitterness and resentment.

"As for who I am, you should be very familiar with this face!" After saying that, she revealed her face, confirming Kosei's suspicions.

"How... how did you end up like this, Saniya Lemiste?" Celistia Ralgris exclaimed, seeing her with a maddening expression as if she were a completely different person.





Hey, everyone! Don't forget to check out my new novel, "Secrets Unveiled: The Love Story of Lucien and Vivienne".


