109. "Calming a Frenzied Saniya and Finishing the Stupid Squid"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



"How... how did you end up like this, Saniya Lemiste?" Celistia Ralgris and the other ladies present were taken aback by the transformation of Saniya Lemiste.

Her expression was twisted and maddening, as if she were a completely different person. She emitted a different vibe than her previous self, leaving everyone astonished.

"Enough talk, get ready for some pain!" Saniya Lemiste shouted, summoning her Drag-Ride and changing over with a frenzied Squid.


The giant squid had recovered its severed tentacles and attacked with a frenzied manner, accompanied by Saniya's maddened appearance.

"Woah... there. Calm down a little. I'm sure we can talk things out!" Kosei who was facing Saniya, blocked her attacks with ease, trying to give her a warm expression and calm her down, but she wasn't listening to him.


Her attack pattern was one that Kosei was familiar with, as he had taught her some variations himself.

He had left her in a position that might make it easier for the mastermind behind all this to take control of her. For Kosei, she was a bait, and it seemed to be working well.

Kosei had an idea that the mastermind wouldn't be far away, so he kept Saniya entertained for a while without hurting her too much, hoping to draw out the mastermind and confront them.

The clash of weapons echoed in the air as the battle between Kosei and Saniya intensified, with the frenzied squid joining in with its relentless attacks.


Kosei's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan to subdue Saniya and find the mastermind behind all this chaos.

He knew he couldn't harm Saniya too much, as she was being controlled by external forces, but he had to keep her occupied long enough to locate the source of the manipulation.

As the battle raged on, the tension in the air was palpable. The other ladies watched in awe and concern as Saniya's once familiar face was contorted with rage, and Kosei fought with all his skill to keep her at bay without causing her any serious harm.

The sound of clashing weapons mixed with the thundering booms of the frenzied squid's attacks, creating a chaotic symphony on the battlefield.

Kosei's eyes darted around, searching for any signs of the mastermind's presence. He knew they wouldn't be far, as Saniya was being used as a pawn in their plan. He had to find them and put an end to their schemes once and for all.

With a sudden burst of speed, Kosei dodged one of Saniya's fierce attacks and maneuvered himself behind her, grabbing her arm in a swift, calculated move. He spoke urgently, trying to get through to her.

"Saniya, please forgive me for leaving you like this. I will take whatever punishment you want to give me later!" But Saniya's eyes were blank, devoid of recognition. She continued to thrash and struggle, trying to break free from Kosei's grip.

The frenzied squid, sensing an opportunity, launched another onslaught of attacks, its tentacles thrashing wildly and adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

Kosei, with his keen senses, swiftly reacted, moving with speed and precision.


Kosei's movements were like a blur as he threw a powerful punch at the squid's giant form, sending it flying away from him.

He then turned his attention to Saniya, who was in his custody, her body still under the influence of the mastermind's control.

"Looks like you won't be showing yourself, so I'll have to force you myself!" Kosei muttered, sensing no movement from the mastermind as if they had no intention of making a move on him.

"Celistia, and you girls, can you take care of her while I put her in a dreamy state for now?" Kosei's fingers moved with lightning speed as he used acupuncture to immobilize Saniya and gently handed her over to the girls who were at the side of the battlefield, away from the ongoing fight.

"Alright, we'll look after her so you can focus on that squid," Krulcifer said with a warm smile, cradling Saniya's head on her lap like a protective sister.

"Now then, you stupid squid, let me turn you into sushi...on second thought, maybe not," Kosei muttered, looking at the giant squid with a determined glint in his eyes. He pondered the idea of turning it into sushi with a smirk, but quickly realized that the creature's composition made it inedible.


With his sword slashing through the air with precision, Kosei engaged in a fierce duel with Poseidon.


The battle was intense, with the squid's tentacles thrashing wildly and Kosei's movements calculated and swift. He dodged and parried, delivering powerful blows to the squid's vulnerable spots.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Kosei decided it was time to end the fight and focus on catching the mastermind behind the chaos.

He muttered to himself as he unleashed his magical prowess. "Domain Slip!" he exclaimed, casting a spell that immobilized the squid, making its tentacles freeze in mid-air. He followed up with "Reverse Gravity," causing the squid to flip upside down, exposing its soft underbelly.

"Now, Intermediate magic... Hurricane Slash!" Kosei called out, summoning a massive swirling tornado of energy that slashed through the squid's tentacles, cutting them to shreds.

But he didn't stop there, he cast another spell, "Multiple Wind Slash," unleashing a barrage of razor-sharp wind slashes that sliced the squid into smaller pieces.


In just a few minutes, the once formidable giant squid was reduced to thousands of small cubes. Kosei's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation.

He knew it wasn't over yet, so he cast another spell, "Intermediate Fiery Flame." A blaze of blue flames engulfed the squid's remains, reducing them to fine dust that scattered into the Ark Ruin, as if they were never there.

He glanced around to check on his allies, making sure they were safe. The girls were taking care of Saniya, who was now in a dreamy state after his acupuncture technique. Kosei smiled at them, grateful for their support.

"Now, let's find that mastermind," Kosei said with determination, his gaze shifting to the next target.


