110. "Legendary Assassin Yoruka Kirihime"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



"Now, let's find that mastermind," Kosei said with determination, his gaze shifting to the next target.

Kosei had picked a same messed up energy signature as Abyss, and was waiting for them to come out on their own but seeing they had no such thought made him take action.


He moved from his position to next to mastermind.

"There you are...!" His words spooked the hell out them as they reacted with sudden half ass attack.


Yet another poor piller got destroyed.

"Slash...!" "Rip...!"

Kosei unintentionally attacked and the mastermind's hoody cloth got cut in pieces from the wind pressure.

"Wow...!" Kosei stopped his fist from inch away from the now revealed attacker face.

"How dare you, try harming this noble person!" An arrogant young master like girly words came out from the flat chest and assed girl.

"Ohh, flatboard. Ptttt...!" Kosei offhanded comment was heard by Krulcifer and other ladies who just caught up to him and almost laughed out.

"What did you say?!" The attacker became even angrier, her finger pointing at Kosei turning red along with her face.

"Oh, nothing at all...yes, nothing at all!" Kosei hurriedly denied, feeling like he had hit a nerve with this lady who was already unstable.

"How dare you make fun of this noble person, you damn commoner!" The fuming lady shouted at them.

"Whoa, you're a little feisty for someone who's as flat as a board!" Kosei remarked, noting her fiery attitude.

"Kill him...just finish this damn commoner!" The lady shouted again, hysterically.

"Whoosh...!!" A dagger sliced through the air towards the back of Kosei's neck.

"Swish...!!" Kosei was on guard and immediately dodged the dagger.

"Bam...whoosh...!!" At the same time, he counterattacked, but stopped at the last second in front of her face, blowing a large gust of wind.

"Oh, what the hell are you doing here?!" Kosei exclaimed, seeing the legendary assassin standing in front of him.

"What do you mean, and from your tone, it sounds like you know me!" Yoruka Kirihime looked intrigued hearing Kosei's words. She had no idea that even after her absence for so many years, she was still recognized by someone.

"Well, who wouldn't know you, Yoruka Kirihime!" Kosei looked at her playfully and addressed her by her real name.

Yoruka was a slim girl with waist-length black hair, and her most interesting trait was her heterochromatic eyes: her right eye was blue, and her left eye was purple. She wore a black yukata tied by a red obi around her waist.

"Hehe! I'm pleased to hear that a handsome lad like you knows me!" Yoruka played with her dagger in hand while giving him a playful smile.

"Hey, I didn't bring you here to flirt with your opponent, so do your work. You slave!" The fuming lady saw that the sneak attack was useless, and even her ally seemed to be getting chummy with her opponent. She shouted with anger.

"Bam...boom...thud...!!" Kosei appeared behind the annoying woman and gave her a bitch slap on her face, making her fly a distance away from them and collide with the wall, then slide down becoming motionless.

"Oops, my bad! Your employer seems to have gone out cold!" Kosei commented, looking back at a surprised Yoruka Kirihime.

"Poke...poke...!" Krulcifer went near the woman and poked her from a distance. Seeing her not responding, she shook her head.

"By the way, who is this mad lady?" She asked Kosei, feeling curious about their enemy's identity.

"Oh, an unfortunate girl who became like this because of a crazy family. She is Hayes Vi Arcadia, the third imperial princess of the Holy Arcadia Empire." Kosei looked at the pitiful girl out cold, but he had no sympathy for her.

"What...!!" Celestia, Krulcifer, and the other girls were shocked to hear the identity of the person lying on the ground in a pitiful state.

"Anyway, are you going to continue fighting me?" Kosei asked, looking at Yoruka.

"No...I don't think it's necessary anymore since my employer is out cold, so let's meet again next time!" Yoruka looked at Hayes Vi Arcadia and the unharmed Kosei, then went to Hayes' side, picked her up, and retreated.

"Alright then, until next time!" Kosei also let them go, feeling that it was enough for today and wanting to relax in the lap of his lovers.

"Are you sure it's alright to let them get away?" Celestia asked, looking at the retreating duo.

"It's fine, really. That girl won't do anything unnecessary!" Kosei replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, girls, let's get out of here!" After that, they all decided to leave the ruins.

"Wait, what about me?" But before that, an ignored person or automaton spoke up, pointing at herself.

"La Krusche, ohh! You're still here!" Krulcifer looked at her with surprise, not expecting her to still be present.

"So, what's your problem?" Celestia asked, still not understanding why she stopped them.

"Umm, didn't I say that I need to recover my memory, and for that, I need to go to the main control room?" La Krusche said while pointing at the large door at the end of the broken hall.

"Kosei-san, can't we visit the control room once? I'm also a little curious!" Airi commented, wearing a curious expression on her face.

"Okay...okay, let's just get this over with!" Kosei felt annoyed and shook his head, agreeing that they should at least visit the main control room after coming this far.

"What's with this huge door?" Philuffy commented, seeing the door up close.

As they approached the door, they saw an altar nearby.

Krulcifer stood over it, and it glowed as mechanical sounds echoed before the door shattered open like a glass marble.

"Whoa...it opened!" After the door opened, the girls eagerly went inside, and Kosei followed behind them.


"By the way, Lisha-chan! When are you officially confessing to Kosei!" Principal Relie said playfully.

Lisesharte Atismata stuttered in surprise at the unexpected words from Principal Relie. "Wha...what are you talking about!"

"Oh, come on! Don't bother trying to play it off. Almost everyone in the academy knows about it, and only you seem to be convincing yourself that nobody knows!" Principal Relie looked at her like she was an idiot for believing that nobody would know when she acted like a love-struck maiden every time Kosei was around.

"Ahhg...! Seriously...!!" Lisesharte looked at Principal Relie with big round eyes, disbelief written all over her face, then turned crimson red with shyness.



