112. "Thrilling Battles and Poor Bait"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



"Boooomn....!" "Boooomn....!"

The resounding clash of metal filled the air as the two combatants faced off in the arena.

Lisha-chan, her eyes burning with determination, unleashed her true power, launching a devastating attack that left her opponent writhing in agony, unable to move a muscle.

"That's it...the fight has been decided...and Princess Lisesharte Wins....!" The announcer's voice boomed through the stadium, sending waves of excitement rippling through the crowd.


Cheers and applause erupted, a symphony of exhilaration.

Amidst the throng of spectators, Kosei sat alongside Lisha-chan's little sister, Alma-chan, Principal Relie, Tillfur Lilmit, and Noct Leaflet.

Airi, by Kosei's side, and of course, Judecca, sat next to him, their eyes fixed on the electrifying spectacle unfolding before them.

"Yeah, Onee-san, is amazing. So beautiful and powerful!" Alma-chan's voice rose above the clamor, her excitement palpable as she waved her hands in the air, caught up in the adrenaline of the moment.

"Yeah...yeah...your Onee-san is great!" Kosei gently patted the head of the exuberant girl, as if to anchor her enthusiasm.

He couldn't help but smile, knowing full well that if not restrained, Alma-chan might just leap into the arena herself, propelled by her sheer admiration for her older sister.

"So, who's up next? Has the team made a decision?" Principal Relie couldn't help but inquire, her expression beaming with satisfaction.

She was certain that her academy would emerge triumphant over the others, and she relished the opportunity to revel in her success before those insufferable nobles.

"Hmmn, it's already been decided. Next up is Shalice Baltshift!" Kosei nodded in affirmation, his gaze fixed upon the spot where the girls stood.

Lisha-chan waved enthusiastically from below, while Shalice Baltshift prepared herself for the upcoming challenge.

"Look at the teacher go; she's completely immersed in her role today!" remarked Tillfur Lilmit, his voice filled with awe.

The role of announcer and fight referee was bestowed upon none other than Raigree Balheart.

"Well, she's got the experience, and with her no-nonsense demeanor, nobody's going to dare argue with her!" Principal Relie exclaimed, her smile widening.

"Now, for the next match, contestants, please step forward!" Raigree Balheart's commanding voice reverberated through the grand arena, beckoning forth the next participants without a moment's delay.

The anticipation hung in the air as the crowd eagerly awaited the fierce display of power and skill. And the results, when they came, were nothing short of breathtaking.

One after another, the competitors unleashed a torrent of relentless attacks, showing no mercy to their opponents.

The spectators, caught in the thrill of the moment, couldn't help but be swept away by the electrifying atmosphere.

Their cheers echoed throughout the stadium, punctuating each strike and parry with an explosive chorus of support for the courageous girls who dared to face the dragons.

On this first day of the All Dragon Battle, it was the New Kingdom Atismata Team of Drag-Knights who emerged triumphant.

Their dominance over the competition was undeniable, leaving other teams in awe and fearful of what awaited them in the coming days.

With each passing moment, the excitement grew, building to a crescendo that promised an even more exhilarating showdown on the next day.

Two more teams took to the arena, their determination etched upon their faces as they prepared to clash in a battle of epic proportions. The winning team from the previous day could hardly contain their excitement, their spirits soaring high with anticipation.

But fate can be a fickle mistress, and when the moment arrived for them to face off against the reigning champions, their hopes were swiftly dashed.

The outcome mirrored that of the previous day, as the formidable might of the New Kingdom Atismata Team proved insurmountable once again.

The defeated team could only watch in disbelief as their dreams of victory shattered before their eyes.

A vivid tapestry of fierce combat and unwavering determination.

Each clash of sword against scale, every roar of the dragons, and the gasps and cheers of the audience created a symphony of sound and emotion.

As the days of the All Dragon Battle unfolded, the air crackled with excitement and the stakes grew higher with each passing match. The contestants fought not only for glory but for their own dreams and the hopes of their teams.


On the other hand, Lux Arcadia, the second disciple of Kosei, found himself embroiled in a crucial mission of utmost importance.

As he hurriedly dashed through the sprawling landscape, a group of relentless Drag-knights pursued him with unwavering determination.

The cacophony of their battle cries filled the air as Lux deftly maneuvered his normal Drag-Ride, purposefully evading their clutches.

His heart pounding with adrenaline, Lux raced through the dense forest and treacherous rocky terrain that marked the borders of the New Kingdom Atismata.

The relentless pursuit was unrelenting, with their numbers swelling to dozens as reinforcements poured in from all directions.

His mission was clear: to lure the enemy away from the Capital of New Kingdom Atismata, a diversionary tactic to prevent them from exploiting any vulnerabilities during the All Dragon Battle.

With his fake black Drag-Ride, a masterful deception, Lux had transformed himself into a skilled bait, drawing the enemy's attention away from their intended target.

Through the forest he soared, the sound of his Drag-Ride's thrusters reverberating amidst the rustling of leaves.

The chase intensified, the distance between Lux and his pursuers narrowing with each passing moment. Yet, he remained resolute, his eyes firmly fixed on the goal he had set for himself.

"Hey, he's over there! Don't let him escape!" one of the Drag-knights bellowed, his voice cutting through the air like a clarion call. The urgency in their words only spurred Lux further, his determination fueled by their relentless pursuit.

"Swooosh...!!" "Boooomn....!!"

As the enemy closed in, Lux's mind raced, calculating his next move. With a deft maneuver, he veered sharply to the left, narrowly avoiding a barrage of projectiles that whizzed past him.

The forest's canopy provided brief moments of respite, shielding him from their relentless assault. But Lux knew he couldn't afford to let up; his mission depended on his unwavering resolve.

Amidst the chaos, Lux's voice rang out, carrying a hint of determination and defiance. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to catch me!" he called out, his words infused with unwavering confidence.

With each passing moment, his skills as a Drag-Ride pilot shone through, pushing the boundaries of his capabilities to the limit.

The pursuit continued, the cacophony of clashing weapons and the whirring of engines drowning out all other sounds.

Lux's heart raced, his breath coming in short bursts, yet he refused to succumb to exhaustion. His movements were calculated, each maneuver a testament to his skill and resourcefulness.

"I just hope that Master Kosei would be here on time!"





Hey guys, please check out my WSA participating novel "Secrets Unveiled: The Love Story of Lucien and Vivienne".
