113. "Descend, you mongrels!"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



On the third day of the All Dragon Battle, an unexpected encounter startled Yoruka as Kosei materialized behind her with a mischievous smile.

"What are you searching for, my adorable little assassin?" Kosei's sudden appearance caught Yoruka off guard, and her response came out with a hint of unease.

"Oh, um... nothing. I was merely observing the fierce battles," she replied, her tone betraying her surprise.

"Hmm, I find that hard to believe," Kosei said, his impassive gaze fixed upon her.

"Really, I promise! I'm just here to watch," Yoruka forced a smile, but her guard was up, vividly recalling the pressure she had felt from Kosei in their previous encounter.

"Relax, I'm not here to fight. I just wanted to make sure you're not up to any mischief," Kosei teased, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"No way, why would I do something like that?" Yoruka chuckled, though her strained expression suggested otherwise.

"Alright, if you say so. Anyway, I have to step away for a while, but I've assigned someone to keep an eye on you. So, make sure you behave yourself and avoid any suspicious actions, or you might find yourself facing a direct strike from that person," Kosei warned, pointing towards Alma-chan, Relie-san, and the others who were seated nearby.

"Oh, but I had no intention of doing anything!" Yoruka protested, wearing a face of innocence.

"Hahaha! See you later, my cute little assassin," Kosei laughed, thoroughly enjoying her reaction, and swiftly vanished from sight.

Yoruka stared at the spot where Kosei had disappeared, her lips forming a pout as she muttered to herself, "Who does he think he is, calling me his cute little assassin... Humph!"


At the outskirts of the Capital, an urgent cry echoed through the air.

"Catch this slippery bastard!" bellowed one of the pursuing soldiers, his voice thick with frustration.

"Stop, you vile creature!" shouted another, as they raced after Lux Arcadia like hounds on the hunt.

Lux skillfully maneuvered his black Drag-Ride, a formidable mechanical suit that granted him unparalleled speed and protection.

With each agile dodge and swift turn, he eluded the soldiers' grasping hands, slipping through their desperate attempts to capture him.

His relentless pursuit had a purpose, a noble cause that drove him forward.

He sought to rid the Capital of the insidious pests that swarmed like persistent flies, waiting for their chance to strike the New Kingdom Atismata.

As he continued to outmaneuver his pursuers, Lux could feel the energy output of his Drag-Ride gradually waning. The strain of maintaining his breakneck pace for an extended period was taking its toll.

Gasping for breath, he muttered under his breath, "Master Kosei, when will you come to my aid? My reserves are dwindling, and I can't keep this up much longer!"

Aware of the dwindling power in his Drag-Ride, Lux pushed himself to the limit, his determination unwavering.

The soldiers grew increasingly frustrated, their attempts to capture him becoming more desperate as time wore on.

But Lux, ever resourceful, relied on his wit and the cutting-edge technology of his Drag-Ride to maintain his advantage.

The clash between Lux and his pursuers raged on, the sounds of metal clashing and the soldiers' frustrated shouts filling the air. In this high-stakes game of cat and mouse, Lux knew that he had to persevere.

The fate of the New Kingdom Atismata rested on his shoulders, and he would not allow himself to be caught, not until his mission was complete.

As the last remnants of energy coursed through his Drag-Ride, Lux found himself facing an overwhelming number of enemies.

He was on the brink of exhaustion when suddenly, a figure appeared not far from him. Kosei, with a look of anger etched across his face, surveyed the sea of foes surrounding Lux.

"Goodness gracious... I had no idea there were so many fools yearning for their own demise!" Kosei muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and annoyance.

Overwhelmed by relief upon spotting Kosei, Lux swiftly flew towards him, urgently pleading for assistance. "Master, please, help me!" he called out, desperation evident in his voice.

The appearance of Kosei puzzled the enemy forces. They couldn't comprehend how he was able to stand in mid-air without the aid of a Drag-Ride.

Speculations abounded among their ranks, with whispers suggesting that it might be some form of new technology. The unexpected sight of Kosei defying gravity left them both astonished and intrigued.

Amidst their whispers and confusion, Kosei couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for his adversaries. "Alright, alright," he conceded, understanding Lux's dire situation. "I will lend you my aid, but first, position yourself behind me!" he ordered, his voice resonating with authority.

Lux wasted no time, swiftly taking cover behind Kosei, finding solace in the shield of protection offered by his newfound ally.

Gratefulness welled up within him, and he expressed his thanks as he settled himself on Kosei's back.

"As for you wretched scoundrels," Kosei turned his gaze towards the enemy groups, a cold grin playing on his lips.

"Annihilate that wretched cur!"

"Charge at him!"

The adversaries, driven by their collective hatred, lunged forward, their weapons raised and ready to unleash a barrage upon Kosei.

"Descend, you mongrels!" Kosei's voice rang out, devoid of emotion, as he increased the gravitational force in their vicinity.

In an instant, as if the strings controlling marionettes had been abruptly severed, their bodies plummeted helplessly towards the unforgiving ground.

"Boomn... boomn!"

The impact reverberated through the air as they crashed into the earth, their Drag-Rides shattered, blood staining the ground, and some left unconscious under the weight of Kosei's overwhelming power.

"So pitifully feeble!" Kosei uttered with a hint of disdain, his eyes fixed upon the fallen foes.

"Oh, how anticlimactic," Lux remarked, his gaze shifting from the defeated enemy forces to the aftermath of the brief confrontation.

Lux had struggled to evade them, expending a significant portion of his energy merely to maintain a safe distance.

He realized that if he had engaged them head-on from the outset, he could have easily vanquished them. However, his primary objective had been to gather them together, and that strategic maneuver had come at a cost.

"Nevertheless, you may return, Lux. I have one more matter to attend to," Kosei declared, his attention now drawn to another direction, where a surge of potent energy emanated.

With a swift motion, he vanished from Lux's sight, leaving him to survey the pitiful group of imbeciles before him.

Pondering his next course of action, Lux contemplated how best to deal with the defeated adversaries.

But before he could reach a decision, a group of Drag-Knights adorned with the emblem of the New Kingdom of Atismata soared towards him.

"Oh, how fortuitous!" Lux's lips curled into a smile, a sense of relief washing over him as he realized he no longer needed to concern himself with these foolish miscreants.





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