114. "The Walking Giant Ruin: Gigas"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 



"Hmm, what's this shit?" Kosei suddenly found himself a few miles away from Lux, and he couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

"Oh, so this Gigas thing, it's like a colossal armored giant, ohh...! That's why It's called walking disasters!" Kosei whispered to himself.

Gigas looked like a massive soldier in armor, but it was much bigger, even bigger than a huge Abyss creature like a Golem.

"It had two colossal legs, like mountains of steel, a waist bigger than Lordgalia's royal castle, a chest shaped like an upside-down triangle, massive shoulders armed with countless cannons, long slender arms with many lines, each ending in five fingers, and a head that looked like a beetle.

The shoulders were even larger than warship decks, big enough for battles to happen on them.

"But what's this energy I'm feeling, hmm...?" Kosei sensed the power surge and the immense energy emanating from it once again.

Despite its violent nature, he could tell it was more than enough to destroy the capital several times over.

"Master, I sense a familiar presence inside that giant!" Illia appeared and looked at the colossal figure, speaking in an unusual tone.

"Hmm, it might be that fool Hayes Vi Arcadia. Looks like my previous beating didn't teach her anything. I suppose I wasn't convincing enough," Kosei said with a gleam in his eyes.

Inside the Giant Ruin, 

"Why is this thing moving so slowly? Can it go faster?" Hayes yelled in frustration.

"No, Owner, it can go faster, but it would require an enormous amount of energy. If we use that energy to move this ruin faster, the rest of its functions won't work," the automaton El Fajura replied in her monotone voice.

"Warning...warning...! There's a huge presence ahead," El Fajura also noticed a surge of energy from Kosei and halted the Gigas while sounding alarm bells.

"Who...is that?" Another person in the control room asked, staring at the screen in the center.

"Ah, that commoner bastrad! How did he get here?" Hayes immediately recognized Kosei and felt annoyed that he had arrived when she received the report. 

He should have been busy watching the dragon battle happening at the moment in Lordgalia's Royal City.

"What should we do, Owner?" El Fajura inquired.

"What else? Activate all weapons and use them to take down that bastard!" Hayes replied with a venomous tone, still feeling the pain from the last beating she received from him.

"Activating heavy weapons, targeting the opponent in the air, target locked on," El Fajura followed her orders and locked onto Kosei.


A loud blast echoed as a large cannon-like shot was fired at high speed towards Kosei.

"Whoa, heavy firepower right from the start!" Kosei muttered as he swiftly moved his hands to deflect it.


Kosei swiftly deflected the incoming attack with a loud boom, causing an explosion on a nearby hill.

"You wanna fight heavy handed, you little brat!" Kosei muttered, disappearing and reappearing in front of Gigas.

"Bam! Boom...!"

The Gigas' head hit the ground a second later.

Hayes groaned, feeling confused as she stood up. "What just happened?"

Another person in the room groaned and remained stuck to the wall.

"Damage detected," El Fajura reported from the control room. "The side of Gigas is damaged inside, and its energy is lower from the earlier hit.

"Darn it! Come on, activate battle mode, give it everything we've got. I want to crush that bastard!" Hayes yelled in frustration.

"Hey, little Hayes. I bet you remember our last lesson, huh?" Kosei's voice echoed in the Gigas control room, causing Hayes to blush with embarrassment and humiliation.

"What's the holdup? Activate battle mode!" Hayes shouted at El Fajura, who was now standing ready.

"Activating battle mode...all weapons ready...channeling all available energy," El Fajura swiftly followed Hayes' orders.

The Gigas' weapons emerged from all over its body, and it briefly gleamed before rising to its feet.

"What now?" Kosei watched with curiosity.

[Host, you shouldn't destroy that thing. I can help you modify it a bit, and it might become a useful weapon for your little wife, Lisha-chan.]

'How do you plan to modify it, like a fancy robot or something?' Kosei inquired, intrigued by Sys' suggestion.

[Yes, Host. I can remove the bad parts and use the good ones to completely transform it. It might not be able to travel in space, but I can ensure it can fly on this planet and pack a good punch.]

'Oh, that sounds amazing! If you can also improve its looks and fix the issues with firepower and energy consumption, it would be fantastic,' Kosei said, pleasantly surprised by Sys' idea and in full agreement with her proposed changes.


"Oh, what's this? It looks even... uglier!" Kosei commented upon seeing the Gigas' new appearance.

It was now emitting energy waves, which seemed like a real waste, and its energy consumption had become even worse.

"Gathering energy to attack me? She should learn that she won't be able to touch me," Kosei said with a disappointed tone.

"Alright, that's enough. Gravity... 100 times!" Kosei mumbled and made a hand gesture.

Beneath the Gigas, a large magic circle covered it, creating a powerful force pulling it downward.


Before it could fully stand and stabilize itself, the Gigas crashed back onto the ground, wreaking havoc.

"Ahhh... What's... happening...!" Hayes shouted, feeling the intense pressure on her body as she lay on her stomach, in pain.

"Ignid, you worthless scum! Ahhh!" Hayes screamed in pain, her expression wild, as she watched the person she had brought along become unconscious, foaming at the mouth.

"Owner, we can't move due to the pressure. All functions are overloaded and not working!" El Fajura reported while lying flat in the control room.

"Ugh, darn it... Ahhhhh!" Hayes shouted with a crazed look and attempted to stand but ended up coughing up blood and collapsing again.

"Cough... cough...!"

"I won't let you get away with this, and I won't let you trample all over me!" Hayes had a furious expression on her face as she muttered through gritted teeth.

"Nidhogg, come forth...!" Hayes yelled with a mouth stained with blood.

A massive magical circle appeared, summoning a Drag-Ride.

It materialized and enveloped Hayes' body, allowing her to unleash her Drag-Ride's ultimate skill.

"Astral Line...!"


