Good Times Before Bad Times.

Determined and stubborn like his father, this lady named Khristy went to look straight into the eyes of the man in front of her and said;

*What if i'm willing to go against the family and ready to accept the worse outcome? You may be curious on why I keep on insisting for you to be my partner when there are many others out there,,, it's because of some pure feelings. Love is still not included but these feelings are enough for me to say that you are the right man.

Then you may also be curious on how I got those feelings. It seems that you know a lot about me so why don't you tell it yourself.

The man heard the words and suddenly remembered the dream he had this morning. Come to a realization that a mere dream had stated some facts of reality. He then remembers the other scenes in his dream and decided to comfirm it after class.

The man is in contemplation and sudden pulled back to reality by a pain in his waist. Pinched by Rianne who got impatient saying;

*Why are you thinking so deep when you can just say yes. As your sister, I will make the decision for you. Do you think there are other women out there who are silly enough to like you? Of course sister Kristy and myself were not silly but just honest. That's it,,, it's settled. You and sister Khristy are now officially in a relationship.

The words were never meant to be told in a low voice for everyone to hear; immediately updated it to the school's social media circle.

Zykan was about to gently scold this playful sister but saved by the students entering the canteen.

The ordered food are also being serve for the man to forget the scolding as a repect to the food that gives them the energy to live every day.

But how come his favorite Special Mami Noodle Soup is being taken away and was sent in front of the lady who suddenly became his lover.

*Sister Khristy, you can have this bowl of noodles and let Ruru order another one for himself. After all, he's the man and should sacrifice a little for his woman.

Once again, the man's righ eyebrow rose slightly when he heard the words. But wasn't against of this kind of woman's privilege and agreed to give his favorite Mami Noodle Soup.

Was about to move to buy some ready made snacks when;

*Why don't we share this bowl of noodles instead. It's big anyway, enough to feed two people.

*Well, sister Kristy is right. Now that the two of you are couples, sharing things is normal. Maybe tonight, you can also shar...

But before she could finish the sentence, her mouth was covered not to utter the words that shouldn't be said.

The voice is always serious but in a more serious tone, he said;

*You can embarrass me and yourself but you shouldn't include others. Do you understand?

Rianne realized that she made a mistake and was about to say she understood when;

*Ruru, just let Riri say whatever she want to say and do whatever she want to do because I don't mind at all. We are family now so treat me like one.

Upon hearing the words, Rianne quickly remove the hand covering her mouth and said;

*Did you here that? Congratulation on finding a new family member. At least there are now five people or I should say five women in your life that accepted your flaws and insecurities.

Someone spoke to him but Zykan ignored the speaker and went to look at Kristy saying;

*Miss Walton, are you sure that you won't regret your decision today. I have nothing to lose but as for you,,, you might lose everything. And of course if your family really kicks you out, I will definitely take respossibility and try my best to give you a good life.

Felt the sincereness in the words, Kristy is sure never she will regret her decision today. Didn't hesitate at all to say;

*I'm sure of my decision today and will never regret it. If my family kicks me out, I should feel happy; finally free from a very controlling family. Well, they can kick me anytime and I don't care. Anyway, I got three bank accounts in my own name with ten digits each. With this savings, we can use as a starting capital until we can stand on our own. I'm confident that we as a couple would get more than one skill. This is not the right place so let's talk about it later after class. Right now, we should start eating because the time for our break is passing.

Two people are curious but didn't ask knowing that the matter should not be brought up in public.

Rianne got her own bowl while Kristy took the initiative to sit beside Zykan for the convinience of the two to share one bowl of Mami Noodle Soup. Even the spoon is being shared,so sweet in plain view; hurting the eyes of those single cats and dogs who are present in the canteen...