Knowledge Is Power.

Enthusiastic and honest with her feelings, Zykan is a serious man but not heartless to snub and went to return the treatment; at least he's trying to express too.

Minutes later, the foods were eaten as the break was about to end.

After exchanging contact informations, went back to their own classrooms.

The bell rang for the student to settle down and for the class to continue.

Coming back on the podium with the image of an instructor but didn't spare someone from;

*Okay class, i'm sure you enjoy your break even if it's short; especially to the one who spent the time with his newly found lover.

It's obvious whom the words were meant to for everyone to look at the person

As always, Zykan didn't care and no reaction at all.

Seeing that her joke had no effect, made a faint smile before;

*Alright everyone, now that your cells had been recharged, let's continue to fill those empty brains of yours. Before anything else, you should know the eight classifications that used by the system to classify everything in the world of the Evolved. These are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythic which was adopted by humans to classify those stuffs from Earth. For example in skills, there's the common skills, uncommon skills, rare skills, epic skills, legendary skills and mythic skills. Like I said, my skill is classified as Rare and i'm already lucky to have such skill. You can say that it's still low but don't forget that on planet Earth, only more than a thousand were blessed with Epic skills while less than twenty for legendary. Maybe it will take a long time for Earth to produce another group of Legendary Evolved Human Beings. And maybe our country can finally have it's own Legendary figure. As for Mythical level, don't ever dream about it because according to those experts, there's a very little chance for a small planet like Earth to produce one. They said that it's related to our race being inferior to acquire Mythical skills. But it was also said that Heavens favors no one and it's up to one's luck that defines his/her future.

Well, there are many skills that had appeared on Earth but there's no need to discuss them on by one. If you want to learn, there's a book where skills were compiled.

We better talk about treasures and resources that can help rookies grow faster.

Planet Earth has many treasures and resources, you just need to find it. That's why many Evolved humans had chose to hunt treasures and resources than to hunt beast.

Like I said, not only humans had undergone evolution but everything on Earth. Even an ordinary stone can possess energies to be useful in many ways.

Most evolved humans use it to level up; what a newly evolved human needs. So I advice everyone that after acquiring your skill and become an evolved human, you should try to level up as much as possible before hunting beasts. There are many ways to gain experience and you should avoid the dangerous ones: killing beasts. Yes, it's the fastest way to level up with many other benefits but you should always think of your safety. Imagine a level one or let say level ten evolved human who went to hunt beasts with some higher level seniors and unexpectedly met a strong beast that the party can't defeat. In desperate times where everyone's life is in danger and the only thing to do is to run away; do you think a low level evolved human with a weak body can escape. At a worse scenario, most of them will become sacrifice for the high level Evolved humans to be able to escape. It's a sad truth but I witness more than one scene myself.

Always remember that never entrust your life to no one but only to yourself. This may not be apply to everyone but you should know that even a loved ones of yours will abandon you in the face of death.

It's not a coward move to avoid fighting beasts but simply a smart move trying to survive at the beginning; because everything will be useless when your dead.

Well, it's just an advice from a coward Evolved human like me and everyone is free to try their luck; to gamble their lives for quick success.

Alright, let's better move on to the next topic which is about equipments. There are two kinds: the ones bought at the system shop while the other one are the products by earth's craftsmen.

So once against, I want to advice everyone on this matter.

If one day you were able to save up enough system currency, the first equipment an Evolved human buys should be a durable armor. Others says that a powerful weapon should be prioritize for you to kill a beast with one blow but what if you meet a beast that can also kill an Evolved human with one blow? And what's more, having a powerful weapon doesn't guarantee that you can kill a beast in a single blow. A powerful attack is useless if you can't hit the target and when the enemy counters, a defenseless Evolved human will surely die from the sharp claws of a beast...