Couple Skill Scroll.

An instructor worthy of her title to teach and guide, these students really taking notes to everything she says.

A student who's curious, got permission to speak and went to ask;

*Instructor, what kind of armor did you buy for yourself?

Heard the question and can't help to smile saying;

*Well, before I become an instructor, I was in the military doing beast huntings and got lucky to some of my raids. Was able to come up with enough system currency and directly bought a rare half body armor; saved my life a couple of times. That's why I ...

"Attention all instructors! Attention all instructors! Please go to the Conference Hall. Please go to the Conference Hall. To all the students! To all the students! The class is suspended for today so please go home! The class is suspended for today so please go home! Thank you".

An anouncement was made for everyone to comply.

Feeling that the matter is urgent;

*Did you heard that? Go home directly and read to gain more knowledge .

Said the words and left the room somewhat in a hurry.

*Damn it! What is it this time? The lecture today is getting exciting but interrupted by a falking school matters.

*Sheet! Are you serious right now? I'm sure you're overjoyed inside and was so excited to leave the room. Take your girlfriend to a secluded place and play with fire. I hope this time, no one will film it and become a blockbuster once again in the school's social media circle.

Two best friends who talked like that, made the room noisy with laughters.

Everyone laughed except two people who were the first to come out from the classroom.

Walking in the corridor;

*Hey Ruru, it's my mother's birthday today and there's a celebration to be held. I got her permission to invite you so let's go and buy gifts together before going home.

*How about your father, did you ask him?

The question was simple but Rianne is in trouble speaking; indirectly gave the answer.

*Let's buy your mother a gift but it's better for me not to attend the birthday celebration because I don't want to cause a scene.

*No! Your coming with me. It's not father's birthday so he doesn't have the right to forbid someone to attend. What's more, you already have a girlfriend so there's no reason for my father to worry about you becoming my husband. Why not take sister Kristy with us to be a proof and at the same time, introduce her to mother. After all, she acted as your mother for four years.

The words with point directly convinced Zykan and went to agree.

Rianne with a smile on her face was in a hurry to make a call when;

*Sister Riri, you don't have to make a call because i'm here. Let's go and buy some gifts for mother-in-law.

*Hehe, it's seems that sister Kristy is really serious about my brother and wants to meet her future mother-in- law.

*Well, not only that i'm dead serious but also want to have a covenant with him as the Heavens be the witness. Let's go, it's hard to explain so I better show you.

Said the words and pulled the two curious people to a female comfort room.

Zykan noticed it and didn't want to enter but couldn't escape from the hands of two ladies without hurting them so he was helplessly dragged inside a place sacred for women.

Coincidentally, there's no other people inside the ladies comfort room so Kristy directly took out a scroll from nowhere.

*Sheet! Sister Kristy, you have a storing device? Looks like your not just an ordinary member of the Walton family to have such a very rare accessory. Hey Ruru, do you know about this? It seems that you mysteriously know a lot about sister Kristy.

Zykan who's a little shock from the scene just now, awaken by the question and simply;

*What I know about Kristy is just a little information that I only saw in my dream last night. I think it's not just a coincidence for her to appear all of a sudden just after I dreamt about her. It's the main reason why I agree to become her boyfriend.

Both surprised and shocked, it was Khristy who went to;

*Really Ruru!? Are we really destined to be together. I thought it's because of those days watching you working out every morning at the park that gave me the feeling of liking you; but it seems that we're fated and will be together no matter what.

Heard the last sentence and the man directly went to review his memory but couldn't remember someone watching him trains. He want to clarify but;

*Well, I watched you every morning in my apartment located near the park using a modified binocular and never met even once so it's impossible for you to find me in your memory. It's only today that I really need to see you because of this scroll.

Curiousity glows in the eyes of the two as they keep quiet for the speaker to continue...