Their Last Moments.


The meeting of the one time alliance to reclaim the land of Caba has ended for all the participants to disperse.

A woman who only looks young in appearance but already more than two hundred years old, many elite

people from around the world were so enthusiastic to introduce themselves but politely stopped by her entourage.

While on their way to the special parking lot for convertible flying cars;

*Where's my daughter right now?

It was the leader of the entourage who got updated and went to;

*Madam, they probably had arrived at her apartment.

*Is there something I need to know?

*There is madam. Just a while ago, the young lady was attacked by the top ninety seven most wanted in this country. Uncle five took it as an opportunity to test the character of the young lady's man and the result is shocking.

Curious of what happened, she even looked at her subordinate waiting for him to continue.

Afraid to make his madam wait;

*According to Uncle five, that boy moved by instinct to protect the young lady and took an all out punch from a level thirty evolved human on the process. Unexpectedly, didn't die and needed only a healing pill from the young lady to recover. The shocking part is, there's no any defensive item on that boy and absorbed the blow purely with his flesh.

Instead of being shock, this madam was worried to say;

*Is it too dangerous for uncle five to test him that way? Even if the majority in the family will surely against their relationship and there's no family background who would find fault if he dies, he's the man chose by Kristy for us to protect. With the character of my daughter, i'm sure she's angry with everyone in the family and won't listen to anyone.

Reminded of something, this subordinate had no choice but to;

*Well madam, uncle five has no intention to hurt the boy because he had a rare healing potion in him and willing to let the boy have it if his life is in danger. Not knowing this, the young lady really got angry and went too far to say that she's no longer part of the Walton family. That even if her father comes, she will never go back to USA.

Upon hearing the words, several lines appeared on her forehead.

In a somewhat annoyed tone;

*There's no one to blame on this matter,,, and at least we know what kind of a man my daughter had found; have the guts and willingness to sacrifice himself for the safety of my little girl.

*Yes madam. He not only has a good character but also has a fine bloodline. I checked his background and found out that he's the lone survivor of the Caba tragedy. This explains how he survived an all out punch of a level thirty evolved man; used the same trick on how he survived from the Extraterrestrial Beast that even the elite team of our family couldn't escape.

These information, were able to shock the lady of the Walton family. This mother finally understand why her daughter chose a poor man; because she saw something in him that those kid from wealthy families don't have.

For a long time, she never felt excited to meet someone; excited to know some important information.

At this moment, the group arrives at the parking lot for convertible flying cars, boarded their own and headed quickly to their destination.

AAA Building,,, a building with fourty floors that only rich and powerful people can affort to live.

Apartment number eighty, fortieth floor.

In a room...

*How is it? There are still many rooms but it's normal for a husband and wife to sleep on the same bed.

*No,,, we are still young so I better sleep in another room.

*Hehehe. What is Ruru thinking? I just want to cuddle with you before sleeping. But if you want, I can giv...

*Stop it. I will sleep here so you better behave. There are things that we can't do so don't go to far on your teasing; because it's hard to restrain the instinct of a male. Well, i'm going on my evening workout routine. I'll be after three hours or more.

Said the words and about to leave when a hand held his. Turned to look and saw Kristy with closed eyes waiting to be kissed.

Different from Rianne, Zykan want to kiss her on the lips. Slowly,,, four lips was about to wet each other when the door of the room opens...