
The door of the room opens and instantly, destroyed the moment of the two lovers.

Both embarrassed and angry, Kristy is like a tigress slamming those soft fists to her mother's chest while;

*You old lady! Why are you even here!?

Managed to push her away and close the door.

She was about to lock it but stopped by Zykan.

*What are you doing?

*I should be the one asking the question. Do you want for us to lock ourselves in here and wait for your mother to leave? Let's go out and meet her. Even if she doesn't like me, I'm no coward to hide in this room.

Suddenly become proud of the man she chose to be her husband, went to hold his only hand and took the lead to go out.

*Well, that was quick.

A mother who have a very good relationship to this daughter, went to tease by saying the words.

Kristy who's already annoyed, heard it and was about to explode but stopped by Zykan for him to;

*There's no need for auntie to worry because I will never take Kristy's sacred thing until the right time comes. I know how foolish a poor man like me who want to be with a rich lady like Kristy but only time I need to prove that i'm worthy of her love.Time will come that with my own strength, I can protect her from anyone or anything so please, please give me a chance to prove myself.

*Yes mother,,, just let me go to be with Ruru. I'm tired of being the young lady of the Walton family. I want to live a normal life and have my own family someday. So please. mother, help me have my freedom.

The couple sing in different tone but still in harmony that made this mother show a faint smile.

Seeing this, the two lovers thought that they were able to convince when;

*Kristy my child, you're already big enough not to live in your fantasies. You should open your eyes and see if the world is normal for you to live a normal life. In the world we are living right now, strength is what keep everyone alive. The weak dies and the strong survives. Just like what happened a while ago. Without your uncle five protecting you, you will surely become someone's plaything; helpless and powerless. So having a powerful family, be thankful about it. As for you boy, I prefer you to be my son-in-law than those rich kid so here is the deal. Convince Kristy to come back home with me and I will make sure to keep her away from other men. If one day you're confident of your strength to protect her, come see us in USA and I will let you marry her officially for the whole world to know. But as for now, it's better for the two of you to separate and focus on your own life as an evolved humans. Someday, you will understand my intentions so make a wise choice today for the good future for both of you. As the man, your decision will be the final say.

*No! The woman has the final say and we will not be separated. Tell her Ruru, tell my mother that you don't want for us to be separated.

As a mother, it's her first time to see this youngest daughter shed tears aside from the times she was a baby.

The heart suddenly softens and want to call off the deal but Zykan was the first to speak asking;

*Kristy, do you trust me?

With a confuse expression, she went to nod as tears still coming out from those eyes.

Like a gentleman, wipes the tears as he say;

*Kristy, what your mother had said are all true and the reality. I want you to know that being with you gives me a wonderful feeling; maybe that's the thing they call love. I love you that's why i'm going to let you go today; but believe me, even Heavens can never separate us when we meet again.

Both happy and sad for tears to flow over that beautiful smile.

She didn't speak but expressed her emotions through a warm hug.

It takes some time but this mother didn't disturb and waited for the two to settle down; hug each other to their contentment...