She Would In the Future.

Those words, Zykan finally believed what Kristy had said.

The man doesn't understand why these ladies from rich families fell in to a poor man like him. He's sure his appearance is not that handsome to attract bees and butterflies; just a typical heroic three dimensional face.

Curious of the lady's reasons he ask;

*Why me? I'm just a poor man with no family background. You have no future with me.

Went to arrange her hair before;

*Rianne is rich and Kristy is even richer; maybe we have the same reason why we chose you. Yes, we're rich so there's no need to find a partner who's also rich but a man with good character. A woman is lucky if she could find a man who have both.

*Is that boy from our school named Allen Thomson has more than that?

*Hahaha. Yes he's rich, even richer than my family and handsome but did you ever wonder why no one among my fellow goddesses had said yes to any of his confessions; because he's a playboy in secret. A gentleman in the outside but a man who only know how to falk in the inside. He's not even an evolved and i'm sure an evolved loser in the future but already keeping ten wives at home. Only a beach sees him as a future husband. As for me, I see him as a trash and nothing compare to you. You should understand my feelings because even the young lady of the richest family in USA had chose you.

What the man had heard have sense and point but still many things are not clear for him saying;

*Then what do you expect being friends with me? Kristy and I had already confirmed our relationship; a long distance one. I don't want to make her overthink having a friend who has a feeling for me.

*Hahaha, you're really innocent about many things. Well, is not that I will stay beside you all the time. I only want for you to recognize me as a real friend and will stay away after this.

At least the important thing is clear for Zykan to;

*Well, I have a few friends and you became one of them. If help you need in the future, everything I have at that time will be used to aid you from anything and against anyone.

These words, made the lady to fall even deeper. If the mind was not stronger than the heart, she's already hugging the man at this moment. Knowing that with patience, she can hug the man as much as she want in the future but right now; it's already an achievement to become his true friend. Happy in the inside with a smile on the outside, she said;

*Now, I can finally graduate with a peace of mind. Let's exchange contact information and I will leave immediately while I still can control myself.

Curious of what the lady meant but didn't ask to end the conversation.

Took the initiative to give his contact information as he take hers.

Lyka was a woman of her word and really left.

As for Zykan, sent a message to Kristy about what just happened in order to clear his conscience.

The man waited for a reply but got nothing. Thinking that his wife who might asleep because of the long journey; didn't made a call to disturb.

Getting the rest he wanted, head to his new home.

Having multiple elevators, it didn't take long for Zykan to reach the fortieth floor and went straight to apartment eighty.

When he opened the door, surprised to see Rianne in her pajamas; so relaxed in front of the TV.

*Girl, what are doing here?

*Huh, what's that expression on your face. Of course I will live with you in here from now on. Kristy allowed it so don't try to drive me away. Anyways, what do you want for dinner? Why don't we eat outside? I already miss Kristy that made me sad and going out to relax will help me recover.

Even if the girl is not sad, Zykan will accompany her wherever she want to go. Didn't talk nonsense and directly;

*Hurry up and prepare. I'll be ready after twenty minutes.

Happy like a little girl, was quick to move to prepare...