Broken Legendary Weapon and Similar Stuffs.

Forty minutes later...

Coming out from the building, Kristy is like a clingy little sister,,, or a girl friend to hug Zykan's only arm saying;

*Now that you're richer than me, you will be paying everything tonight.

*Fool, I can buy you anything but not everything. Don't think of those useless things because our money is not unlimited.

*Huh! Do you think i'm a woman of that kind. Almost ten years of us being together, you should know me more than my father. Let's go! I just want to stroll, eat some good food before going home.

*Then let's stroll to the direction of a place. If my dream is right again this time, we'll definitely become richer.

The man took the lead but still, the two walk side by side.

Twenty minutes of strolling, arrives at a big store that sells things related to evolved beings.

*Hello Sir and Madam, Welcome to EVOSTORE. Is there anything specific that you want to buy in the store for me to give an assistance?

Now that someone offered to help;

*Well, can you take us where you display the raw stones in your store.

*Of course sir, please follow me.

Even if the guest were obviously too young to be a big client, this young saleswoman is still very professional to entertain the guest without thinking the commission she will get.

Leading the two to a room where more that a hundred raw stones are on display.

*Sir and Madam, please have a look and make your bet. Raw stones are cheap but it's a matter of luck for you to find something inside; than even an evolved human can't determine which one has it. I want to remind you that these raw stones are what those expert had left. There are new batches coming next week and you have a higher chance to pick a bargain if you come at the first day.

That's what the old ones in the industry of betting stones do; take the best raw stones and leaving the useless ones.

There's no need for this saleswoman to explain but chose to do it.

Rianne appreciates this and went to converse with her.

Zykan's only arm was finally released for him to be able to look around.

Guided by his memory of the dream he had last night, found ten familiar raw stones located in one place.

*Big sister, I want to buy these ten stones.

Hearing the words, excuse herself from Rianne to do her job.

Surprised to see that the ten stones this little brother want to buy are the most expensive stones in the room. As a confirmation, she went to;

*Excuse me sir, as you can see the price tags, it's the most expensive raw stones in the room. Despite being big, experts said that there's nothing in it so please think again sir. Even there's a discount to attract buyers, it's still too expensive for you to gamble; now that the expert label them as rubbishes.

Really a kindhearted one to warn for Zykan to acknowledge her by saying;

*Thank you big sister for your kind reminder. Please determine the total price and let's settle the bill.


*Sister Yuna, just listen to him and do it. Don't worry about this basturd losing money because he's a pretty boy of a rich sister from abroad. What's more, the commision on this purchase will be a big help to you. And now that we became friends, you can ask help if you needed it in the future.

This woman who just got evolved a month ago, it's her first time to meet a kind lady from a rich family and even willing to be friends with no background big sister like her. She really need this commission which is surely not low and finally went to sum up everything.

Looking at the seven digits in the device on her hand, couldn't find the way how to say it.

Zykan were able to guess the problem and decided to show his wealth,,, or should I say his wife's wealth.

*Please big sister, swipe this card.

Heard the words and went to look at the thing on the man's hand.

To her surprise, she can't help to;

*An American black card! With a diamond insignia. To have one, you should have at least ten digits in your account. That's even in dollar to be convert into peso. Such card, ordinary young couples shouldn't possess. Are you not afraid of being rob?...