A Little Help To One Of His Own.

Only when Zykan heard the last sentence before he realize his mistake.

On the other hand, Rianne only heard the word "couple" and so excited to;

*Hahaha. Thank you sister Yuna for shipping us and I hope that it would sail soon. And for the matter that someone might rob us, I dare them. But they should be more than level forty evolved humans to be able to succeed. Big sister, the main branch of the Cojuangco family is in the Capital and known in the country as a giant family. I'm sure a few would risk their lives to rob us. So no matter who they are, let them come to ro...

But suddenly, a black card came to block the mouth preventing her to finish the words.

It was Zykan who did it and with a more serious tone, he said;

*Girl, don't think highly of your family because they are not gods nor have the power of the Heavens. What makes you safe is your own strength; the strength than you can be called the strongest. Right now, I don't have that strength to protect you so listen to me and try to be a lowkey. Do you understand?

Pouting but Rianne still nods. She's a playful lady but not stubbornly stupid.

Seeing this, went to pat her head before handing again the black card saying;

*Please swipe it sister Yuna. It's getting late and we still have class to attend tomorrow.

This time, the big sister didn't waste any sheet and went to swipe it. After entering the password, there's a beep sound as a signal that the transaction was successful.

*Sir, madam, thank you for your purchase in Evostore. There's a free delivery if within the city. Where do you want to send it and I will help you process the transportation.

*Geesh sister, you can drop the formal address because it sounds weird. And don't bother to call for transportation because we have our way.

As soon as she uttered the last word, ten big raw stones suddenly disappeared.

Zykan already trust the big sister in front of him and didn't hide the fact that there's a rare manmade treasure in his possession which is;

*"Storing Device"! Is that a storing accessory?

*Hehehe. Don't admire him so much because he just got it from his very wealthy wife. Come on sister, let's find something for you and let this pretty boy pay it as a gift.


But she couldn't finish the words because Rianne gently pulled her to a direction.

Coming to a room where processed stones were displayed.

*This is the one. Ruru, sister Yuna is a good beauty; buy this one as a gift.

Looking at the price tag with eight digits written on it, a young lady from an ordinary family can't help to;

*No sister Rianne. It's even six times more expensive than what he had bought to himself.

*Hahaha. What is thirty million to him. He has bi...

Once again, the mouth was blocked but this time, it was a hand.

*Sister Yuna, I will buy this gem and give it to you as a gift. I hope that with this stone full of aura, you can level up for at least two or three.

This kind of opportunity, it will never come again for this newly evolved woman named Yuna to stop being stupid and accepted the help given by a sincere man.

Because he has one hand, let go of Rianne and pretended to reach out the black card from his pocket to pay the bill

Now that it was paid, Yuna send it to her inventory and directly went to say thank you to Zykan so many times.

Those saleswomen who wear a lot of makeups, they thought that a rich young man is looking for beaches like them and quickly went to approach as they reveal half of their mountain peaks.

Rianne saw this, she quickly gave her contact information to Yuna and directly drags Zykan out from the store before those soft melons touch him; because only Kristy and hers have the rights.

Coming out from the store...

*You perverted basturd! Do you like those kinds,,, big and bouncy?

He was asked and unexpectedly;

*No, I prefer those average size: shaped and firm.

*Hehehe. It seems that you're talking about the kind that Kristy and I have.

This girl is very proud to emphasize her breast, but totally got destroyed when;

*Why are you suddenly turning your back at me...