A Strong Aunt From the Aliguyon Clan.

Zykan lost consciousness for loosing too much blood and fell directly to the ground.

Rianne and Lyka saw this and rushed towards their man screaming;



The man didn't even heard the words and went into a deep sleep.

Zykan is asleep but seems like he's awake because different kinds of dream keeps rolling in black and white.

No one knows how long he's been sleeping until;


A dream woke him up screaming...

When his sight become clear, realized that he's in a hospital room.

The first thing he noticed is than his left whole left arm was gone; became an armless man.

You can't see the sadness on the man's face but deep inside, he's hurt of losing the remaining arm. Yet never had the idea of giving up and will find other ways to cope up with his flaws.

Slowly, the man managed to adopt in his situation and start to observe.

The room is spacious and you can mistook it as an apartment if there are no medical equipments around. He wondered if all private rooms in the hospital are like this; even have kitchen area.

Because the storage belt is nowhere to be found where he put his phone, the man wants to turn on the TV and there he can gain updates and information that he missed when the door opens and a woman excluding a familiar feeling enters the room.


*You're awake,,, ahead of what the doctors had predicted. It seems that you have recovered both in physical and mental. I'm sure you have many things you want to know after being in a coma for more than two weeks; sixteen day and a half to be exact. Tell me, what do you want to know first?

Really have many things he want to know but prioritize the matter;

*What happened to Rianne and Lyka after I passed out?

Can't help to smile when she heard the choice the man made before;

*They're both fine; locked by their own families right now to level up. After you passed out, the situation at that time was quickly controlled by the military, guilds and other private organizations. A lot had died but many were saved especially when the military was able to kill the most powerful beast that attacked the city. I met the one you calls aunt Amihan. Tell me, who's your favorite aunt between the two of us?

From everything that he heard, the last sentence got him thinking; especially the words "favorite aunt" and finally remembered someone.

*Aunt Maria?

*Well, it seems that you still remembers me. I'm surprised because you're just five years old at that time when I left home. But now that i'm here, I will never leave your side ever again. After all, you're the only family I have from the Aliguyon clan. I'm sorry for not being there at the time you needed me the most; because coincidentally, your aunt had encounter something for her to missed the tragic fate of our family. With the two of us, we can avenge everyone someday; but for now, you should focus on levelling up: become stronger. Losing both of your arms is not a hindrance because your woman named Rianne had made bionic ones for you. I will inform her later and i'm sure that she would rush here to see you. By the way, she's a good girl so treat her right. Among all the women that came to visit you, she's definitely my favorite.

As usual, absorbs the words with a straight face but got curious on those women who came to visit and went to say;

*Who are those women would be? I only have Kristy, Rianne and Lyka. And two aunts: aunt Amihan and the mother of Rianne.

*Well, do you want me to name them one by one? Then let your aunt say all the names of her future nieces-in- law...

In one breath, ten familiar names were told that made Zykan to wonder.

The man is wondering when his aunt continue to say;

*By the way nephew, who's Kristy? I tried to remember but no lady with that name had come to see you.

He always has no expression on his face but right now, the man is obviously angry; reminded of his bad dream.

If he has hands, it will be clenched into fists...