Heavenly Skills.

Seeing the sudden change in her nephew's face;

*Son, is there something I need to know?

The anger didn't last long for Zykan to calm down.

With a more serious facial expression and tone, he ask;

*Aunt Maria, what do you know about the Walton family in USA?

Confused on why this nephew asked but still went to say;

*The number one family in USA and can be considered as one of the best force in the world. Why, did someone in that family bullied you? Son, tell me what they did to you and I will go knocking on their door to ask for an explanation right now.

Upon hearing the words, the man was not worried about anything and finally;

*Aunt Maria, you asked who's Kristy. She's your first niece-in-law from the Walton family. Her mother had already agreed to our relationship but her father, the head of the family doesn't want a poor son-in-law like me and betroth Kristy to the Royal Family of England. The marriage will be held a month from now and I ask my Aunt to help me to take Kristy away.

*Hahaha, you really are from the Aliguyon family; will do everything to get what's his. Well,you have enough time to fully recover and level up. With your aunt's help, you can rush up to level ten. Then I should call Rianne now and bring your arms. By the way, let me give back your storage belt. And you should check out your system and see if Heavens had favored an armless poor boy like you.

Said those words and went out to make some phone calls.

Zykan was left alone in the room and can't deny his excited to what the Heavens gave to him.

Remembered what he learned in school and he went to say;


As soon as the word was said, a screen only him has the ability to see had appeared.

<Congratulation on your Evolution>


Thanks to the fact that you control the sytem with your mind because if not, the man has no choice but to use his foot.

Clicking the continue button with his mind;

<With luck and favors by Heavens, you got four current skills>



<First skill: 'Heavenly Fist'>

Upon reading the first skill, the man can't help to say "Are you serious" in his thought.

<Second skill: 'Heavenly Seed'>

Just by the name itself, the man can tell that it's a useless skill and want to massage his forehead but can't do it.

The man has no idea what kind of skill it was and will read the description later.

Finally, a skill got his attention and can wait to read what it can do.

Went to skip the three skills and clicked the last one.

"Level two hundred? The recognized strongest evolved human on Earth didn't even reached level one hundred so when will I reach the level two hundred? What is the difference of this from a useless skill? And is this suppose to be a teleporting skill so where did the name come from?"

Disappointed, went back to the third skill.

Short and simple but still explained everything; it's the gift he got before evolving.

Having a useful skill, felt better as he go back to the second one.

Even if the skill was useless to him, didn't feel bad because it's for his future child; the only problem is to whom he will give the seed.

Putting the matter aside, finally clicked he's most useless skill.

Knowing how powerful this skill is but cannot use it, the man can't describe what he's feeling right now. There's no doubt that the Heavens had favored him but fate played him like a fool...