Wrong Person.

A group of people with high positions were so grand to come out just to congratulate someone. No one would look down on them because anyone would do the same if a legendary existence appeared in a normal day.

The people in the lobby will not miss this opportunity to meet a legendary figure in the making and went to gather around taking selfies and stuffs.

*Looks like that's the man you're looking for. Miss Ligaya, this is a rare opportunity so you should seige it not to regret in the end.

Zykan thought that he made a good advice for this lady to be in a hurry but just laugh it off again before whispering the words;

*Did you see how surprised the man just now. I'm sure someone made a mistake. Without this assessment, evolved humans should already know what are their classes; basing on what skill Heavens gave to them. Come on, I will bet my innocence that the machine assessed me as an Epic evolved human. If your a man, you should bet yours.

*Fool, how can you bet your most precious treasure on you. And what's the point of the bet if you'll lose even if you win.

*Hahaha, i'm just fooling around; but if you ask for it, I can give it to you.

*Girl, you speak even wilder than Rianne. I'm sure you will become best friends on the spot.

*Oh, is that one of your future wives? I suddenly want to meet the lucky girl who were able to touch that rip body of yours. Maybe we can touch it together.

The man didn't expect for this lady to bite his ear with her lips; too bold as a beautiful lady from a wealthy family.

Didn't wait for the situation to escalate on the spot and choose to distance himself.

*Hey wood, where are you going? Don't forget that I still have your ID.

Yes, he really forgot about it and has no choice but to stop.

*That's right, be a good boy and come back here.

With the reason to take back his ID, Zykan want's to make a move when the group of people with high position were ahead of him; but four women with long legs suddely appeared to block them before they could get near.

Embarrassed yet the leader of the group still managed to;

*It's an honor of our office to assess the young lady of the Constantine family in Greece. If she have time, she can celebrate with Mr. Herong for both being favored by Heavens; as our office be the host?

*Yes miss Ligaya, having epic skill is not easy to acquire so please celebrate with me. Maybe we have many things in common to talk about.

Someone who adopts quickly in any situation, a man named Herong really took the identity as a legendary evolved man and wants to pick up rich girls on the spot, but didn't expect for the beauty to;

*Well, I rather celebrate with an Uncommon evolved man. Now, can I have my ID,,, because I waited enough for you to finish your chit chat with this so called Legendary figure.

Feeling the annoyance in her tone, this leader quickly hand over the envelope saying;

*We're sorry for wasting the precious time of miss Constantine. Please have a pleasant meal with your companion.

Didn't even reach out to take the envelope and left directly; let one of her lady bodyguards take it.

Her group was already outside the building before Zykan remebered his ID. He was about to follow when;

*You don't need to follow her because I got your license. Next time, don't back out from that kind woman and get her pregnant on the spot. We are the only ones left in the family so try to plant your seed everywhere; because having many connections can help you a lot in your life as an evolved human. What!? That falking machine needs an upgrade to say that you're just an uncommon evolved being. But who cares about this assessment anyway; which will never be accurate. Let's go, we still have our own celebration to attend.

Gave the ID to Zykan and was about to take the lead in leaving when;

*This lady, we admit that the Class Assessing Machine is not accurate but do you have a proof that we made a mistake on that gentleman's assessment?...