Same Destination.

A powerful aunt was questioned but didn't get angry or anything; just smiled before saying;

*I'm sure you heard about the Aliguyon family who never had a descendant with skills below the rare classification. This boy is the best among them all and an old machine says he's just an uncommon evolved one. I bet with my life than this nephew of mine will be the protector of Earth in the future. Let's go.

Only a fool can have the face to stay after such a glorious praise.

On the way, Zykan can't help to say;

*As far as I can remember, aunt Maria hate people who praise others too much?

*So you're saying that I praised you too much just now? Do you have no confidence in yourself? Having no goal and not believing to oneself are the main reasons why a person can never achieve something in his/her life. So I hope that you have that two things and achieve something in your life; because you're not ordinary and will accomplish great things in the future.

How come this aunt speaks like she knows about his powerful useless skills. He want to try and ask if something comes out accidentally when;

*You, how did you do it!? Why is that your ID is in your possession when i'm holding it just now?

As soon as he heard the words, quickly send the ID to his System Storage.

*You,,, give it back or else I will not let you go!

*Girl, why do you need to behave like that? Just tell him directly to impregnate you. If not, leave my nephew alone.

Those words, even a man like Zykan felt embarrassed and went to pull his aunt to leave.

*Wait,,, can I at least have your contact information.

The man stopped, took out his phone and went to show his contact information for the lady to take a picture.

*Why only give her your contact information if you can give your seed too. Come on, let's find a room for the two of you to procreate.

Still, those words were heard before Zykan finally dragged his aunt out from the building.

*My lady, is it okay for that woman to talk to you like that? And about that young man,,, he's too low to be the partner of our talented young lady. What's more, i'm sure your father who's on par in strength with those legendary evolved human will not agree.

*Why, you're not blind but didn't recognize that woman. Our family have a list of most dangerous criminals and so as evolved humans that should never be offended; and i'm sure of it that that woman is on the list. About the young man, class is not the basis of one's strength and my father is a proof. He's only an Epic evolved human but as time passed by, can fight head on to those legendary ones. This is because the Evolved Assessing Machine only determine one's class by his/her skill classification and not the talents and potentials of the person. Did you not notice the kind of physique the young man have? I have seen many men flexing their body on social media, including those who are evolved but never seen a shape like him. Don't forget that he's still wearing clothes at that state. Do you think i'm that easy to be attracted by a man for just his physique? It's only because that man named Zykan is unique. As for my father's approval, my mother's is enough. By the way, is there a grand wedding that the Royal Family will host. I'm sure my mother will attend the wedding. Then I will attend too and talk about my own marriage. But for now, let's go outside the city walls and hunt evolved animals for me to level up.

Uttered the last word and directly took the lead in leaving.

Five beauties had just left the lobby when many people in groups have enter the building and went straight to congratulate the man named Herong who already become famous for officially becoming a legendary evolved human.

Even if the country was lucky to have the Trial Tower and got many benefits, the country will get what theirs if there's a legendary figure that can act as a protector; mediator between the country and strong forces that want to take all the treasures and resources on the planet.

Now that a legendary evolved being had appear, even the president of the land is on his way to congratulate in person the man who will help the country stand up...